Shoutout Saturdays ~ A Snook Version

in #thealliance7 years ago (edited)


Happy Saturday Everyone!!

While sitting in The Alliance's Saturday 'Pow Wow' voice meeting I was told about the new tag made by @crazybgadventure called #shoutoutsaturdays.

This perked my ears up because I was looking for something fun to post about. I have a lot of half-finished posts in the works but nothing that was making me excited to really talk about today. Yes, even when writing posts I'm moody......hmmm ...... I have to be in the mood to write even about the game Sims 4!

With this new tag in mind, off to the trending page, I went. It's a dangerous job to go to trending but sometimes life calls for deep sacrifices. Sacrifices of the possibility, while wading through the trending page searching for answers to lifelong questions or just what the heck was this new #shoutoutsaturdays tag all about, I might lose a few brain cells.

Trending being the scary place that it is these days it wasn't a task for the faint of heart but I was willing to go to find answers.

I read a few of the #shoutoutsaturdays posts already done to see what they are all about. Most people decided to put their own spin on it and make it their's but in the end, the running theme was to give a Shoutout to some people that impacted your week on Steemit.

My next stop, after surviving the 'Trending page', was to my own feed to see who had posted so far today. Sometimes it helps to see someone's name to remember who you really interacted with over the last seven days.

Going through my feed I ran across a post from @enginewitty called Admiration & Appreciation III. I knew this was a curation post so I was very excited to see who Enginewitty (En gi new it ty) picked to be in it.

While reading his post, I started to tear up. I could feel the love he had for the people he was posting about. You see, I was lucky enough to still be in the 'Pow Wow' when he was writing up this post. I heard him going through The Alliance members list and he knew everyone personally by name. Knew all about them. Knew if they had been gone, sick, on vacation or just had a child.

To say I was surprised he knew every member of his family he calls The Alliance names, what they stood for, what they were doing and how they were doing, would be a lie. This man, that made The Alliance, is not that kind of leader.

The next thing I read was a comment by @c0ff33a and it went something like this.

"You are by far and away the best poster that never gets the appreciation he deserves.........

This is how I read @c0ff33a's comment he left on Enginewitty's post. Those that know me well, know anything of importance I really should read at least two times.

I will leave that there for you to figure out why I should.

I was so happy to see @enginewitty's dedication to his family, The Alliance, acknowledged for all to see. He does so much for all of us and never asks for anything in return but to have us take care of each other. Never him, just each other.

He is always a discord chat away. He will drop what he is doing to listen to and offer advice if you take the time to ask him. He is the most approachable person in charge of a large group of people that I have ever had the chance to run into.

He is a man who cares so much about everyone and not just those in his family. He goes out of his way to make everyone feel like they are heard and have a say in things like, should The Alliance support @tarc? Once again showing he truly cares what each member thinks and cares about.

He also takes advice very well too, even when not asking for any........

I have no idea who would do that......but I hear some do. Not naming names or anything.

Now some might be wondering why I'm writing a shout out for a Witness. They have tons of power. Steem flowing out of their pockets right? Wrong!

He is a gold fish. Just the same as most of us are here. Though if you ask him, he will say,

He is 'The Golden Wishing Fish of Legend'

If you read @enginewitty's post called Witness Update - My Delegations you will see that he gives his support to so many different groups and causes that he doesn't leave a whole lot for himself.

I think sometimes it's good to stop and realize that people in charge of large groups need shoutouts too!!

He does what he does because he believes it is the right way of doing things. Helping all and any he can. If you are on discord for any length of time you can see him all over the place pitching in, helping and always ready to answer a question when asked.

He is not a whale or a dolphin but to him, it doesn't matter when it comes to helping where needed. He gives where and when he can. I think someone that lives every day with that kind of giving attitude should be thanked for the great and wonderful job they are doing for all of us.

While this might be a strange kind of a shoutout to some, I'm hoping it is a reminder to all that no matter how big or small a person is a "Thank you for caring and doing the great job you do every day!" is something all of us should do more often.

Thank you for being YOU Enginewitty!



Please follow @simgirlandsnook. This is the page where we will be posting the Sim Your Life show from and also the Bad Karaoke Contest!!!! Win SBD!! contest plus anything else @simgirl and I dream up and she makes me do! 😬

Please take the time to vote for @enginewitty as a Witness.
He is a man that believes we all should be just who we are.
He goes out of his way to support others that stay true to themselves.
That kind of man I will stand behind any day of the week.


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wipes away a few happy tears

Wow sis...just wow. I feel like I just won an award and am on TV trying to fumble through an acceptance speech. Humbled on so many levels.


The Golden Wishing Fish of Legend
LMAO! Was wondering what you were asking me about what kind of fish I was!


You are very welcome. It's easy to write when what you are writing is all true. hugs

Now you are going to have to add 'The Golden Wishing Fish of Legend' to your banner LOLLLLLLLLLLL

You know it's dangerous to answer my random questions!

Hope you are having a wonderful day in the sun?

Sometimes I wonder @snook if you have some sort of surveillance on me. Here I was, sat in my pants and t-shirt, as I have all day while typing up my vlog. It takes a day, because I type slowly and forget to leave space breaks @sircork says. It's also quite funny because sitting all day typing away in your underpants get's very complicated when the neighbours keep calling around the house to chat with my partner - and she has to say "Don't go into the kitchen Rob is sat in his pants typing his crypto blog thing up" So instead I have to answer the now usual question "Lovely warm house but Bitcoin has dropped in value again" through the door while hoping I don't need to pee before they leave. Anyway I was sat here, in my underpants, thinking @enginewitty really does so much for so many people and asks for nothing back...and then you do a post about it! I missed the Pow Wow again because I was VLOGGING here - I can't multitask - in fact single task is a push for my brain cell. But it is amazing how great minds think alike, I was sat here mulling over the exact same thing you posted. The quote from me was entirely directed at @hangin - he really does post some amazing content and get's so little views it hurts. But you are spot on here as well, @enginewitty does so much for so many - but never even makes it clear he does. Selfless caring and support - Steemit needs more like him and like you that share your own support.



I have 2 things to say to you @c0ff33a that has been running through my brain since I hit "post"

  1. You are my next week Saturday shoutout as what you do humbles me in so many ways. Why in my Chatreeday Video I did I called you The Master and told people they could learn so much from you.

  2. Yes, I agree with all views on @hangin too!! I'm just trying to let my voting power get above 70% to go visit him. I didn't want to take away from how great your comment was......because it WAS and I love that also about YOU and @enginewitty that you go out of your way to spotlight people that write great content and to get more people to read it.........I just sometimes read ...........uhmmm what's NOT there LOLL or maybe what's in your head :D now I'm not sure LOLL

  3. someday when YOU can find the time to put a pair of pants on..........YOU call me on Skype or Discord Camera/chatty thingy and I will help you for however long it takes to get you your white spaces. or anything thing else you want when it comes to formatting.

So, Pants being really the biggest hurdle we will have to get your Vlog, which by the way I LOVE non-white spaces and all hugs into shape....... and I give you until next Saturday to get a hold of me and set something up young man or your Saturday shout out by me might be more shouting and outing then you might want LOLLLLLLLLLL

  1. THANK YOU ALWAYS for being YOU and your comments bring so much JOY to so many people you really don't know!!!

  2. Breath and go have a beer, wine, cocktail, grab your wife and dance with her around the house. YOU deserve it!!! and she will love it........and she might like it if you keep your pants off LOLLLLLL

I make that 5 things actually - but I might just take you up on the formatting guidance just to get @sircork off my back!

Enjoy your #sublimeSunday and you and @sircork crack me up in how the two of you go back and forth with each other!!

Thanks for being You!!!

PLEASE DO!!!!!!!!!! I MEANT what I said.... and I can do it anytime you CAN....and yes, did you really think I, Snook, was only going to say 2 tiny things? LOLLLLLLLLLLL

JUST let me know WHEN!!! so I'm not in my Jammies LOLLLLLLLL

I died at this.

It's also quite funny because sitting all day typing away in your underpants get's very complicated when the neighbours keep calling around the house to chat with my partner - and she has to say "Don't go into the kitchen Rob is sat in his pants typing his crypto blog thing up"

Summer is coming....more pants time.

Pants? What are they?

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Wonderful post sis, there are a few people on Steemit that everyone needs to follow and get to know, @enginewitty is one of those people.

I so agree @deaconlee and thank you hugs

Great choices for your shoutout!

Thank you so much for reading and stopping!!! It really means so much to me that this post is read!!

Wonderful! Wonderful!

Excellent read, and yeah big props to @enginewitty! :-D Have a great night.

Thanks @inthenow for stopping and reading!!! I hope you too have a wonderful night and your Mini me and you have a ball later leaving comments everywhere!

@snook I don't know how I could have missed this one out sweetie but thank you so much for hopping on board this initiative also it means a lot. I echo what you say and wish now that someone would take on board a similar initiative for witnesses and call it witness wednesdays I would but My stack of hats is toppling.

Hi!!! Thank you for stopping to read my shoutout!! You started a great thing with this format that I know I didn't really follow to a 'T' but I am never good at following all the rules as you can see.

I agree that the word needs to get out about Witness's. Who they are, what they do. The ones that are as active in the community need to be brought to the forefront.

Plus there are so many votes not being used or used wrong(dead witness's).

I will think on what you said but my hat and health are a bit overflowing too right now......but let me 'chew' on your idea of witness wednesdays a bit because it IS a great idea!!! but thinking someone better then I .........well , would be better to lead that charge....... but it's Sunday and I'm not really awake so ......yeah........I'm out of words for now LOLL

Hope your day is going GREAT!! and once again thank you for stopping by!!

@enginewitty is an amazing guy without a doubt and great to see such a well written post about him, how he finds the time to do all he does and support so many is simply amazing

Thank you @tattoodjay!! Coming from you that means more then you know!

I hope you are enjoying your weekend!!! Thank you for stopping to read and as always your great comments!

Thanks yes I am having a good weekend I hope you are as well

We second, third, forth this shoutout!!! :)


One more thing about @enginewitty. If you want someone to get in trouble with, or to get you in trouble, he is definitely your man.

Trust me, I'm a doctor.


Feeling frisky?

As my mother used to say to my stepfather, "Where did we go last night and who did we insult?"

Trust me, I'm a doctor.



Hope your day is filled with fun and maybe, maybe a .......................laugh?

:D Thank you so much for stopping and leaving such a great comment!!

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