My Official The Alliance Application #thealliance

in #thealliance6 years ago (edited)

Hi Everyone!!

This is my official application for The Alliance. ( #thealliance)

I was told about the Alliance by my friend @MarianneWest in the form of a question. It went something like this:

"Why are you not in The Alliance?"

The question is true, but I have seen #thealliance posts and banners on many of the people that I follow and read posts from.

I liked what I did read about The Alliance group. How family values where something you were going to be making sure will always be a part of your group.

Now, this is where I have a problem when talking about myself and thinking I can bring something to a group. I'm not saying I don't think I'm a nice person or don't have confidence in myself because I do. Some might say too much.

When you were forming your group, I was just starting on Steemit and seeing what was what.

I'm more of a sit back and see how it goes type of person.

I jump, reaching out, to help where I think it's needed and wanted. I think one of the worst things you can do is offer advice to someone not really looking for it, but I have a pretty good radar when it comes to seeing if people really are looking for help and advice.

So I guess you can say I'm more of a cheerleader type of person. I'm more used to people coming to me and asking advice than the other way around.

Here is a link: The magic of Steemit that I wrote just the other day and I think it explains exactly how I feel about Steemit and what it means to me.

I think I have answered two of the three questions that you are asking for.

As to the last question, Why do you want to be in The Alliance? I still need to answer.

I'm homebound most days. Spend most of those days on Steemit because it makes me happy, for those that did not read the link I, well linked.........

If there is a place that I can be me and feel helpful, I think The Alliance is it.

Your rules, for me, are easy to follow as most are things I already do on Steemit and in my life every day. If I can get an invite to your group, I see it as a way to help more people, but still keep my values that make up who I am.

I'm still unclear of the whole "finding the egg" business but as I am not afraid to ask questions I'm sure I will soon know the answer. 😇

I'm open and honest to a fault so that might scare you away. Some people like that about me I'm told and others? I don't really know as they just seem to go away.

I don't hold grudges as I think they are a waste of time so I put that in the positive category.

So I think I have rambled on as much as I can tooting my own horn for today.

If you think I would be a good fit then I would love to be in your group. I would try and be a good member and help where I can.

Steemit to me has brought happiness back into my life. If I can pass that on to some other people, from reading your rules that have the same values as me, that would just be more happiness added to my life.

I would be honored to join The Alliance if you will have me.

Oh, but one last thing I need to say. Zombies might come up in conversations when talking to me once and a while just so you are aware of that too. 😁

Thank you for your time in reading this.



You have my Vote!!! If you ask me why I have not joined the Alliance yet... I will say, "For the Horde!!!" ha ha just kidding, but not really. Think they could change the name to The Horde??? Any group would be blessed to have you a part of it!!!

Woohoo, a fellow WoW player. I love playing both side even though I have neglected the game for about a month now.

Me too, but I played Horde for so long, I had to go to a different server to start an alliance toon because mine were filled with Horde :D Have you seen the new trailer for the next expansion.

Another expansion? Holy monkeys. I still have to get through the last one. Hate that we can't fly in there. Nothing more annoying than being grounded, lol.

Especially after finally going through what they want us to do to get the flying. :(

No doubt. I did notice that Mages can fly a little. How are they so lucky?

<3 YOU crack me up and I Love you!! <3

Ok this was a great application, and I know how nervous you were about this, but you did great.
I know how you feel about the rather help someone else than ask for help yourself. I'm still learning that... Lol
You are such a humble spirit. Good luck 👍

Thank You <3

Anytime 😊

Love your bright and breezy post @snook and your outlook on life. I haven't joined the alliance group yet but your review here brings me that much closer to coming on board. Have a great day. (Following)

Thank You @trudeehunter!! for the wonderful comment and your support!! It really means a lot to me!!

I agree with @simgirl. I bet pretty much any group would want you. The zombie part cracked me up. If they don't like zombie talk, then they will be missing out on an adventure. :-)

awwwwwww Thank You so much @pixiehunter!!!! :D

and let me know when you finished your story too please!

Oh nuts, I have not even done my freewrites today. Guess I best get cracking on them.

I have not had time to do mine either :(

I think you would be a wonderful addition to thealliance family!!
❤️ 😘

Than you sweet Lady!! <3

awwwwwwww thanks!! :D

I'm trying to loll I'm in the 'playground' :D

Lol. That's right. The restructuring that happened a couple weeks back. :)

yes, and it's lonely there................. no one to play kickball or kick the can with LOLLLLLLL

Hi @snook!
You sound like a genuine and positive person and I enjoyed reading about you! I am sure youll fit in with the fam:) Good luck!😁🤗

Thank You @cooknbake!! for the great welcoming nonscary comment :D

and now from your name I have to go and see what kind of recipes I can find loll

Hello @snook, I too have applied to #thealliance. Just wanted to say hi and let you know I am checking out your blog. Hope to see you soon.😀

awwwww Thanks :D I hope you find a smile or 2 while you are here but, to be honest, don't read the one about the church.

it needed to be written but it's very sad, well more than sad..........

Hey, I can do sad. LOL Just keep on writing whatever you feel.

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