Sunday Fishing Post - Wintertime Edition -Share your fishing stories & pics

in #thealliance6 years ago (edited)


Hi everyone! It's cold and snowy outside of the Jbcoin homestead, so I thought it would be fun to make a fishing post, to share some of last summer's memories!


I am hoping that @enginewitty and maybe some other #thealliance members may do the same!

Here in Ohio, April means one thing for me....Crappie Fishing!! We camp on a nearby lake full time, so I am usually the first one on the water in March or Early April.



It's still awfully cold and windy then, and the water temps are still low. You might fish for hours without even a single bite, then a school of large crappie move in to feed and you can't keep up with getting them on the stringer, before the next fish is on! This is my favorite time to crappie fish, as the fish are generally larger "slabs" from 16" to 21".



When the water temps start climbing higher at this lake, the large crappie move to deeper, colder water. You still catch plenty of 8" to 12" crappies, but the big guys are gone until next year 😐

Fortunately for me, that's when I begin to fish for the big channel catfish and largemouth bass.

This little guy...pfft 😂

I don't have many pics of large bass from last summer, as I generally "catch and release" the bass, and I fish at night, so pictures are difficult. I generally like to bass fish this lake later....2am to 3am is prime-time!

While everyone else is tucked away in their campers, jbcoin is floating lighted bobbers, with some of the meanest chub minnows known to man, dragging that light all over the lake in crazy circles. Until, when you least expect it, a lunker bass moves in like Jaws, and the fight is on!!

(nice shorts lol)

I did catch a lot of great catfish this year though, some made it to picture day and some were just "invited" to my yearly fish fry at the campground. I save up all of my filets, and then do it all in one big day!



This fish fry started out about 10 years ago with just my immediate family at our campsite, but has now grown to the entire campground attending and everyone bringing a covered dish!!



We camp with a lot of really great friends, and it has sort of grown into one big community of seasonal campers!

I love to cook and the more people that I am cooking for, the more that I enjoy it. So I don't mind hosting the biggest fish fry in town!


We mix it up with some grilled chicken, and corn on the cob, for the (I hate to say it out loud) "non-fish eaters".

I hope that you have enjoyed the post! It won't be long until the weather improves and I can finally get back to my second favorite pastime!

Right now, I'm off to clean my tackle box and put new line on my fishing reels!!

For those who don't know me, I am part of the #syndicates and #steemsilvergold and #thealliance communities. I appreciate all of the support and knowledge that I gain from these groups!

My main interests are silver stacking, coin collecting and metal detecting.

I also enjoy fishing, cooking, and spending quality time with the family camping.


Please upvote, Resteem, comment, and take a kid Fishing!



Awesome catches there!! My family are all avid fishing people. My husband's grandfather had a fishing camp on the Winnipeg river. It got sold a few years ago and my youngest daughter has made it her lifes ambition to own one one day. She's really hoping that silver reaches it's true value😉

That sounds like it would be an awesome place to run, a fishing camp! I don't think that I would mind going to work so much each morning Haha! Thanks for commenting @mimaroo 😊

I'm sorry to admit I'm not much of a fish eater...try not to hold that against me!

Aleays great to think ahead to warmer weather! Very much looking forward to spring. Fun post!

Haha thats ok @randomness! That's why we have the grilled chicken and hamburgers too! Yes, like most everyone else, I can't wait for summer and outdoor life!

What a great way to remember the warmth. I have never been fishing but I did see some ice fishers out the other day! Great post!

Thanks @skye1, I've been ice fishing a few times, it's fun! I'm the resident "teach a kid to fish" at the campground it seems. I like it though, I think that's what guys are supposed to do, as they grow old..I mean grow up. 😁

There is nothing better then deep-fried panfish. My boys are three and five so we love the Crappie, Sunfish, and perch fry’s! And we will freeze about 50 bags of corn off the cob for the winter to go with our dinners and Fish fry’s. I don’t get out as much as I used to before the boys were born. But I get a free weekend I will spend it on the ice fishing or skating!! You inspired me to make a post about my most recent fishing expedition!! 👍🏼🍺🥓

Haha..nice! I'd like to read some more fishing posts! It's a good thing to go fishing with a kid. I fish with other people's kids too sometimes, teaching them. It's a good way to remember your own good times growing up.

Oh man I'm hungry now. Taken up mostly bass down here now. There's a few walleye spots which is what I grew up fishing for but bass seems to be the southern thing. Awesome post man. Thanks for sharing :)

Thanks @enginewitty! I would really love to do some walleye fishing next year. We go up to Lake Erie every so often for perch, but I haven't had a chance to walleye fish much!

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