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RE: Self Prescribing Medicines for Underactive Thyroid

in #thealliance6 years ago

well i have a little issue with my red blood cells - and that is taxing my body and causing some t3 reverse issues? is that what it is? I think that mostly - the doctors only test t1-t4.... but apparently there is an infrequently tested reverse t3 or t3 reuptake that can indicate more that is going on in the body! anyway - not important

what IS important is that i have a fabulous functional medicine MD now who is on the case. I really hope you get a good doctor soon!!!!!!!! :)


ah yes, reverse T3 is an even more complicated issue! I feel your pain! :/ t3 only meds can also help with that issue though so you might want to do some research into it? Thank you so much for your support :)

yeah... i'm not sure if i'm saying it right... is it the reverse T3??? or the T3 reuptake? (they're two different things right?)

so that's the weird thing that she was saying! if she had just tested my T1-4 - they appear fine.

but when you see that other thing (whichever is right - i forget) it's actually more hidden. and reveals that something else is going on underneath the surface.

but she said it's most likely related to the fact that my body is under such stress with my RBC - its being taxed, and so the body is trying to .... kinda slow things down so that I don't burn so much energy

which is hilarious - because if you knew me - you would know i am a BALL OF ENERGY (well - for most of the year hahaha)

it's all so interesting!!!! the body - isn't it??? a marvel! truly!

and when you find an excellent doctor that is willing to walk through it all with you and play "detective" instead of just putting you on some medicine to deal with the symptoms only!!! gah!

i want the comprehensive approach - you know? i hope you do find that yourself!!!! truly!!

but - she seems to think that if we support my body with all of the underlying things - the rest will begin to self-correct.

I have already seen just a bit of improvement. i saw more last year when i was in treatment - and i'll return to that - and also be very vigilant about treating my body as a whole picture.

I just started some goals on September 1 - and I'm doing well in keeping on track. (mostly hehehe)

every week - i just hope to get better and better

I hope the same for you!!!

It sounds like you have a positive mindset to it all too which is great! 😁😁 hopefully we can get sorted and we will feel on top of the world! 🥀🌷⚘

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