Yes it is the most strangest language.. Where I am we are considered horse capital of the world. We have a huge horse show that runs October to March that brings in several billion dollars to our local economy. People transport horses from over seas to here...
Lol you do what are the fake horses for
Decorations.. they are everywhere.. people paint them.. they get moved around every so often to different spots lol
That’s real cool I like that idea
I have more from around town on my external drive
you should do a post on it.....that's really interesting!!! Toronto used to have painted moose (meese?) all over town too. I love things like this.
Lol I should make a post about it. I am going to assume there were a lot of meese in your town???
There were a few years ago, but I haven't been downtown in a long time so I don't know. They were interesting and artfully decorated.
I don't know why multiples of moose aren't meese....makes no sense. But English is a very difficult language.
Yes it is the most strangest language.. Where I am we are considered horse capital of the world. We have a huge horse show that runs October to March that brings in several billion dollars to our local economy. People transport horses from over seas to here...
Thats a beautiful one, you should do a post about these