
I didn't mean that the community efforts solved the problems of the platform. Most of them didn't have enough power to do that, but the actual work and the spirit in which it was done was good. Did you ever participate in any of it?

I will always listen to other people's opinion, but arguments and experience is more important to me than how long you have been on the network.

Yes I did, but I never went on Discord. To me this is like any country, you can discuss things, come up with ideas, shout, threaten, strike or whatever and in the end what is done is what the rich and powerful want. The community is worth zero.

Well, I participated long time before there was anyone who used Discord (which I hate using). There was something called Steemit chat back then integrated in the website.

I agree that this never was any better than what you see elsewhere, but I think you are just being bitter. Yes, this place was corrupted from the start, but maybe not that surprising. Proof of stake mean that the rich decide. This place had a lot of design errors for sure, and I don't think Steemit can be saved, but that doesn't mean I will give up on the community. I live in a country were democracy works pretty well, but only because people do not not say that community is worth zero, and because corruption is not accepted.

Which country are you from? Bitter, no, you see only people who think they owned the place can be bitter, I just saw it as a place where I could write something and if possible make a few bucks out of it, it is nothing personal to me.
I just looked, you are from Denmark, I am from Honduras which is supposedly democratic, it isn't.
But you know reminiscing my Dad's best friend was Danish, he settled here and he went back to Denmark once and that was in the seventies, he came back disappointed and said he'd never go back. So you see it all depends on your view, by the way just so you know I am not lying his name was Sven Ole Olsen.

I just saw it as a place where I could write something and if possible make a few bucks out of it, it is nothing personal to me.

Yes, fair enough.

I have no reason to think you are lying, but Svend Ole Olsen is a pretty Danish name. Wonder what his reason was for being disappointed... probably the women.

I once had a discussion with a man on the federated network Diaspora (decentralised, but without any monetary aspect) - I didn't know where he was from and visa versa. At last I asked and he was from Bulgaria and hated socialism, and I was obviously from Denmark. So he said a thing that was interesting. Something like this: "Oh, so you are like a Swede? I have discussed with Swedes and they are happy to pay taxes. We will never understand each other." At least the discussion mellowed out a bit when he had me framed as a Scandinavian idiot.

Well actually he liked Honduras more, my father also wasn't from here and he liked it. People are strange like that I would think I would much prefer Denmark to Honduras. I have never been to Denmark so I actually don't know for sure. Well, Honduras is actually quite a beautiful country, beaches, more mountains than you can think of, colonial towns, Mayan ruins, people are friendly. But it has been very badly run and I think it was much better in the seventies. As for the women part I really like blonde women which would be a plus for Denmark, not that there are not beautiful women here.

I haven't been to Honduras. I do know quite a few South and Latin American expatriates who live here in Copenhagen (mostly from South America though) so I hear about life under the South cross. They all agree that things work well here, but I have also heard from A Chilean woman who worked in my daughters school that she missed some political and societal chaos sometimes. I would love to go to Latin America, but as of now no one is travelling because of the coronavirus, so I will probably just have a bike vacation with the family here in Denmark.

We do have blonde women in abundance here that is for sure, even so many that the red blonde hair that is most common is called liver-spread colour after a popular sandwichtopping. But I like then in all varieties of women.

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