100 DAYS OF STEEM : Day 60 - Monday Challenge - My Local Health Service

in #the100daysofsteem4 years ago
I have lived in Venezuela my entire life, and according to what I remember, all my life the issue of health services has been a point of improvement in my nation.

Health services are mixed, there is a public sector and a private sector. The public sector is totally free, and the only requirement to enter a hospital is to be sick. The problem is that the service is deficient in terms of medical supplies, medicines and infrastructure.

The private sector is expensive (expensive for the average Venezuelan people). A simple consultation is around 10 to 20$, and an operation depending on the urgency between 1000 to 3000$ and plus. Perhaps in other countries it is affordable but for us it is often a challenge. In addition to the cost, the problem is that, like the public sector, there are deficiencies in medical supplies and medicines, which makes the costs increase even more.

In short, we try to stay healthy (Lol). I live in a kind of suburban area of my city, so I have access to 4 or 5 private clinics in less than 10 minutes. (In my city there is a general hospital and many clinics).

The health sector does not escape from the crisis that my nation is going through, even so I want to highlight the work of the heroes in white coats: The Doctors.

My country has always been characterized by having excellent health professionals, intelligent, dedicated, with human warmth, who love what they do.

As a curious fact, the creator of the cure for leprosy is the Venezuelan doctor Jacinto Convit. In addition he was nominated in 1988 for the Nobel Prize in Medicine, (he almost won).

Even in the worst working conditions, Venezuelan doctors continue to treat their patients every day, and I think that is what I have to highlight about Venezuela's health services. Just imagine having the responsibility to save lives without the supplies, without the medicines, without the minimum of surgery or consultation implements needed to do a good job. The doctors in this country are truly heroes.

I want to make a special mention to my daughter's pediatrician, Maria Auxiliadora Cardozo M.D., you can follow her here on her account (https://www.instagram.com/hablaelpediatra/?hl=es-la). This dedicated professional loves each child as her own, is aware of their evolution, advises parents, and cries with them. She motivates us to give our all for the growth and happiness of her little patients.


In short, when it comes to infrastructure and technology I think we are at the bottom of the list, but when it comes to professionalism and human warmth we are in the top 10. Belive me!


Mi servicio de Salud Local

He vivido en Venezuela toda mi vida, y según lo que recuerdo, toda la vida el tema de los servicios de salud han sido un punto a mejorar en mi nación.

Los servicios de salud son mixtos, hay un sector público y un sector privado. El sector público es totalmente gratuito, y el único requisito para ingresar a un hospital o ambulatorio es estar enfermo. El problema es que el servicio es deficiente en cuanto insumos medico, medicamentos e infraestructura.

El sector privado es costoso (costoso para el venezolano promedio). Una consulta sencilla está alrededor de 10 a 20$, y una operación dependiendo de la urgencia entre 1000 a 3000$ y mas. Quizás en otros países es costeable pero para nosotros muchas veces es un reto. Ademas del costo el problema es que al igual que el sector publico hay deficiencia en los insumos médicos y medicinas, lo que hace que los costos aumenten mas.

En resumen, intentamos mantenernos sanos (jejeje). Yo vivo en una especie de suburbios de mi ciudad, por lo cual tengo acceso a 4 o 5 clínicas en menos de 10 minutos. (En mi ciudad hay un hospital general y muchas clínicas). El sector salud no escapa de la crisis que vive mi nación, aun así quiero resaltar la labor de los héroes de bata blanca: Los Doctores.

Mi país siempre se ha caracterizado por tener excelentes profesionales de la salud, inteligentes, dedicados, con calor humano, que aman lo que hacen.

De hecho, como dato curioso, el creador de la cura para la lepra es el médico venezolano Jacinto Convit. Además fue postulado en 1988 para el Premio Nobel de Medicina, (casi gana).

Aun en las perores condiciones de trabajo los doctores venezolanos siguen atendiendo sus pacientes día a día, y eso creo yo que es lo que tengo que destacar de los servicios de salud de Venezuela.

Solo imagina tener la responsabilidad de salvar vidas sin los insumos, sin las medicinas, sin los insumos de quirófanos o consultorios mínimos necesarios para hacer un buen trabajo. De verdad los Doctores de este país son héroes.

Quiero hacer una mención especial a la pediatra de mi hija, La Doctora María Auxiliadora Cardozo, pueden seguirla acá en su cuenta (https://www.instagram.com/hablaelpediatra/?hl=es-la). Esta dedicada profesional ama a cada niño como suyo, esta al tanto de su evolución, aconseja a los padres, los regaña cuando lo merecen, llora con ellos. Nos motiva a dar el todo por el crecimiento y la felicidad de sus pequeños pacientes.


En resumen, en lo que se refiere a infraestructura y tecnología creo que estamos de ultimo en la lista, pero en lo que se refiere a profesionalismo y calor humano estamos en el top 10.

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Hi @allbert hope you and your family is doing fine. Healthcare is important and should be freely accessible to all and should be complete with all the equipment needed too. Back in my homecountry in Malaysia, sometimes there are lack equipment and human resource as all of them decide to go work at private healthcare. The situation getting improve and the elected government getting better at taking care the healthcare. Hopefully the same goes to your country too. Keep steeming !

Thanks, we hope our situatio can get better. Today I listen to a news that Made me upset. I police man attacked a Doctor because a inmate's death under police custody. Now the Police is accusing the Doctor, but that man was already dead when he was send ti hospital

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