I'd like to use this space to thank all the parties involved

in #thankyou6 years ago (edited)

Thank you googlyeyes and googlyprize.
You made my day and I will never let you forget it!

For that I am always grateful to Kiwhatno, who sacrificed everything so that I could prosper and flourish. Kiwhatno, I promise you this: if I get to keep my Netflix account, I will behave and do no harm to others. I will also continue posting all my brilliant ideas here FOR FREE! No extra charge. Absolutely, totally free. Except delivering costs, tax, bribes to customs and politicians, cutlery sett, nose hair trimming, the labor costs to 8 construction workers although only one does the actual working, lubrication of different things, gathering of stardust, hundred million tons of oranges, new tires to my friends car, new gun for Predator, mineral water for whales, new quilts to the Parliament house in Finland, UV light bulbs for all the people living above arctic circle, a big wooden Kay Bojesen design toy called monkey to all the poor children in the world, a design log, holy grail and a cherry on the top.

So for the next week or so I have extra SP and I'd like to use it as well as I can. As well as any insane person can. "UU-UU, I see there's a My Little pony sale and I could get a one of a kind My Little Pony with Steem logo for only 188SP... This is a tough choice."

So I try to post more than once a day and I try to increase the amount of comments to other peoples posts and of course I'll upvote till I drop. My upvote unfortunately isn't that much even if it was at 100%, so if you get my upvotes to your comments, but only mine, better make sure that you get that small amount payed to you what I'm giving. I've said this before and I say it again: use @dustsweeper or something similar to gather my dust. UPDATE: @dustbunny is here!
My Voting Power Equals Shit - Use Dustsweeper

My mana and I are forever grateful!

I would also like to thank all the weird people in the world, all the people that have some kind of an idea what humor should be, all the people who are always serious, all the things that could and will go wrong in the world and chameleons and owls. The mothers of all googlyeyes. Without you, I wouldn't get any ideas, wouldn't post those ideas here and the world would be clearer, smoother and uncomplicated place. So you can thank me for all your headaches and wrinkles.

You are welcome!


If someone wants to get a stalker like me or just one upvote, you better use that reply button and comment something. Off-topic conversation is always appreciated! Now I think I have to go and recover a bit.


HAHAHA... well, 1st of all I must recommend you try to stop wasting resources on excessive spending for things like "mineral water for whales", because trust me, the whales here drink champagne all day and they can even afford that all by themselves... chuckles

oh an... you might not have noticed yet, but I've put you on @dustbunny's watchlist, so while it lasts it'll try to fill up your teensy vote and your teensy rewards... oh and... it has #GooglyEyes, too!!

Oh, thank you very much! I did notice @dustbunny, thought that I'd get back to it and completely forgot it! Thank you for reminding me and what an awesome thing to do to small accounts. I will definitely delegate some SP to dustbunny some time later, but first get to know dustbunny a bit better. :)

stop wasting resources on excessive spending for things like "mineral water for whales"

But I like whales and their singing and their language that I've just learned to speak. They send me old time voice messages. They said they want mineral water. Or a weekend holiday in London. The words are really long and just half a note differently can be something entirely else. Maybe they said they want krill. Or plankton. OMG! Run for your life!!!!!!!