Thanksgiving Challenge (Day 1)

Dear Steemians,

"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." - Oprah Winfrey

Life is full of challenges. We come across so many things in our day to day life which directly or indirectly helps us make our life easy. It's always nice to appreciate the things we love to show that we are grateful for what we got.

Here is another challenge I have been nominated and the challenge is related to Thanksgiving and I have been nominated to this challenge by @carey-page in her blog and here is my day 1.


The rules says, every day for seven days, we need to list atleast 3 things we are thankful and we need to nominate 3 people about whom we would love to know about what they are thankful of.

Here goes my thanksgiving on my day 1:

  1. No matter what the biggest thing we got from others, family is rated above all and my first gratitude will always be to my family, who are always there whether it's a joyful moment or there is some crisis.
    Special mention has to go to my son all of 5 years old and always keeps me busy with his innocent questions and this is special day as we got his LKG results and he stood first in the class. Although it's just LKG, but it feels good that he is doing good in whatever he does.

  2. I am thankful to the nature which is part our daily life and teaches us a lot through it's different seasons.

  3. I am thankful to farmers who are the backbone of any country with their sacrifice and provides us the ingredients for our daily food and soldiers who protects us with their 24/7 vigilance whether at borders or during the crisis time inside the country. Big salute to both.


Now, here are my nominations about 3 persons I would like to see what they are thankful to. I would like to nominate @mihail.tsvetkov, @minimalpris and @goldendawne. I hope this will be an interesting challenge to these wonderful people I am in touch with.

Thanks everyone, I will be back with some more wonderful things tomorrow. Until then, keep steeming and keep enjoying.


These are all good things to be thankful for. I though you mentioned having a son in an earlier post. You mention him here and that he is 5. What a blessing. This is such a wonderful age. They are so curious and are like a sponge. They want to know as much as possible. I am so glad you have the joy of having a child.

Yeah, kids are the future for any parents and their innocent words and the way they ask questions is a joy to watch and answer.

Kids nowadays are so advanced that, they know how to operate mobiles, iPods and all where our parents still struggle to use the same.

It's always nice when kids achieve something and the parents will be proud of their kids.

Thank you and have a good day :)

You are right they say the greatest things and do some hilarious things as well. When my boys were young I spent loads of time laughing at what they did and said. What a joy for you and your wife.

Kids are so advanced, wow they seem to catch on so fast. It is amazing how they can operate all the techy things. I think it is great when the older adults can do some things on computers and other technology. My mom is just getting on steemit. I think it is cool. My sons teach her how to use her computer. All very good.

I am sure there are going to be many times for you to be proud of your son. Enjoy :)

Yeah, awesome feeling. Thanks to kids, we will not know how the time moves when they are with us.

Teaching old parents is something they will always cherish, my father recently started using a smart phone and he always comes out with so many questions on how to operate the mobile how to move from one folder to other and all, these things are so easy for kids, but parents needs a guidance on this and I feel very happy to teach him those things.

I am sure those small small steps guidance will be of great help as parents keep sacrificing everything for kids and when we get a chance to make them a little bit happy, it's a nice feeling.

Thanks and I hope you are having a nice Monday :)

I also think that it helps our elders stay young because they are engaging and learning different skills. I think it is so fun to watch them. Good for your father for learning how to use a smart phone.

Our parent have done so much for us. It is wonderful to be able to give some back.

Yes I am having a great Monday, I am with family this weekend. We haven't seen them since the fall last year. Hope you are having a fabulous day.

Nice to know you are with your family, I hope the weather is clear and you had memorable moments with your family as you met them after an year. :)

Thanks so much. Yes they were memorable. Have a wonderful day.

Nice to know that my friend.

These holidays to kids gives us also an opportunity to have short trips to visit our relatives living nearby.

Good day to you as well. :)

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Yea both three mentioned are worth thankful

Thank you my friend, these are the basis things I always appreciate.

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