Happy new year + @steemmonsters

I took part in my first @steemmonsters tournament yesterday and did OK. A little on how I fared and the game in general...

More than one account has come to me saying they earn more STEEM in card value by playing @steemmonsters each day than they do creating content.

While this could be taken negatively, I actually think this is how things will progress as we move forward - content will need to be niche (utopian) or considered totally awesome for Steem (@soyrosa's recent work behind getting Steem listed on state of the dapps), you'll need to find a whale-buddy, or you can try to earn your STEEM/SMT doing something - like gaming.

Considering that's what I've been doing during this recent hiatus, I am bang up for this!

I've been playing video games since 86, starting with a rubber keyed 48k Spectrum. Upgrading to the 128k was nice, the Amiga 500 and 1200, even better. Then a flirt with a SuperNES, before moving (quickly!) onto PC gaming. University, women, children, etc, took away my game-time for a while, and when I looked in again around 2008, MMO's were around. Second Life, Silkroad, and Battlefield 2.

After another break, and having realised I should have been using my, pretty sweet at the time, rig for other things (sigh), I returned to gaming to see needs getting payed to play - I was too early/too late, again :P

Anyway, right now is all that matters, and right now we have a game here on Steem. Luckily, I bought a fair amount of cards over the summer when STEEM was 2/3$, and so I have a reasonable deck, and haven't spent thousands of dollars in the process.

You can battle constantly, and will earn cards at the end of each 'season', which lasts somewhere between 2/3 weeks. There are also daily challenges for cards, and these seem like a good option for those steadily building their deck. Yesterday though, Bernie sponsored a tournament with 2500 STEEM in prizes available - that got my interest for sure!

There were limits set on the ranks of the cards and so this gave folks (like me) without a maxed out deck to still be in with some sort of chance. And the above image (you'll need to start from the bottom) are the battles that I played during the tournament yesterday. After a crap start, and a lesson from @clayboyn, things started to pick up. I won four ' best of three's ' in a row, before finally losing 2-1 to @toocurious. @clayboyn finished 4th, @toocurious in a tie of 7th, and I finished in a tied 25th. Not bad, but just out of the prizes. Ah well!

The game is getting slicker, the tournament was easy to join, and I was thoroughly entertained for an hour or so. The SM community looks strong, and right now I think @steemmonsters is one of Steems best assets.

There, I posted!

Happy New Year all, I'm not a huge fan of Christmas at all, but do feel a change in mood for the better once the new year begins.

I'm still on the hunt for work and think that might get a little more serious this next week as people return to their desks.

If you use me as witness proxy, @yabapmatt has been swapped in for @fulltimegeek as he's sadly taken his kit offline.

Cheers, and all the best for 2019. We gonna have some SMT this year?



There, I posted!

You're off to a good start in 2019! I have been trying to find time to post in....oh..a month, but still no post. I'm still here though, but it seems what spare time I have in the day is spent with Steem Monsters. :)

Glad you joined the tournament and enjoyed it. It was my first time joining the tournament and of course, got my butt kicked but I'm OK with that. The beauty of SM is there is no grudge and animosity, simply fun and games.

If you use me as witness proxy, @yabapmatt has been swapped in for @fulltimegeek as he's sadly taken his kit offline.

I found out the other day about FTG. I do hope he realize he is appreciated by many for all he has done for the Steem community.

Awesome news about voting for Matt!! You both are great individuals and I truly am ecstatic that my top two witnesses are both aligned.

Happy New Year Asher!

Come on @beeyou, just copy some SM battles in a give us a few tips - that'll do, have you seen the standards of posts lately? :) There, that's my encouragement done - I totally understand.

I found out the other day about FTG. I do hope he realize he is appreciated by many for all he has done for the Steem community.

Same. I thing he's aware of the respect earned by the stewards and the community around that enterprise, but reading in the comments of his last post I think he feels (and perhaps rightly so), that he didn't see the support due to all the good deeds from larger accounts in relation to votes for his witness. It's not hard to see he has the best interests of the chain at heart, but I guess that counts for less than backhanders here...

I have 'ummed and ahhed' about it for a while, cause as you know Matt owns a 'trending disruptor bot', but if he didn't, that page would still look the same and he does offer out plenty of the profits - including to @steemcommunity as prize money for the Power-up league.

Then there is the Steem key chain, and of course, @steemmonsters, which could really help progress Steem in the coming months and years.

Happy New Year!

Happy new years, and keep building your deck :D

Thank you kindly, I will do that steadily with the season rewards :)

Wishing you all you want and need in 2019, Asher.
When the tourney started, I thought I has seen your name somewhere, but I lost track afterwards. When I looked up my ranking, I noticed your name not far above mine. You did well!

Wishing you a lot of luck on your job-hunt.

And apparently I"ve been missing quite a lot... :0( I didn't know about FTG...

Thank you :)

Yeah not a bad effort, having lost the first match I didn't expect to get so far - turns out clayboyn is a bit of a master!

A big shame about FTG's witness, he missed 0 blocks and I'm pretty sure had an excellent set-up, and all the skills (Server/Dev/Community) to make a great witness.

I've seen your SM post, will make my way over with some names soon :)

I've yet to jump in on any of these tournaments. Going wait for them to be more fleshed out more run on the SM website. I know there a few waiting like me so right now is a great time for those that want work it and use third party sites to sigh up.

I don't really care to much about SMTs. You have bitcoin > alt coins > shitcoins > Shitcoins of altcoins aka SMT? I don't really know. I know most of us already have pocket or what ever that was one was called. I picked up some short thing from using Steem Hunt once just for making a post using them. At least if have the voting power behind them or something some might be worth something. I just don't see it as this big amazing thing.

Have a great new year!

Actually, the challonge site worked well - what a stupid name though!

That was the trickiest part, and that, and the SM games ran without any hitches at all.

At least if have the voting power behind them or something some might be worth something

Yes, and I think they will. It's not the additional tokens I'm waiting for, ETH and Bitshares have these already, it's the plug-in ability of the rewards mechanism to other websites that I see as a having huge potential - although I'm not sure that will be released in the 'lite' version in a few months (ahem) time.


AHA! So you're not posting because you're playing Steemmonsters? :P Tell us what you've learned!

I'm playing too but keeping my cards around level 4, which is fine, I can do most daily tasks and win some cards at the end of the tournament. I bought all cards with the spare crypto I had back then, and so it was a nice alternative way to invest in a little more STEEM(monsters)... :-)

I once won a Selenia Sky and since it was a Beta card (I have Selenia as an alpha as well) I sold it for almost 25 STEEM - it can really make you some money!

Good luck job hunting though, I believe I need to get a bit more serious in that department myself as wel...

Happy 2019! And wishing you lots Battle Wins except if we ever meet on Steemmonsters of course!

Well actually, a bit on Monsters but mostly Cities: Skylines. Yes I love sim/strategy games, and this one has me hooked - for the time-being :) I'm hoping SM will develop that way, I've heard a rumor it is the case.

Selenia Sky is my favourite summoner, I play almost exclusively with this card, and get annoyed when this and/or the water splinter are unavailable for a battle!

ughh, Job hunting. Has to be done, and the bright side is I can start buying STEEM again :) Are you running out of BTC money? You'll have to join me in hunting then! :P

Happy New Year!

Best wishes of the new year buddy. Glad you stepped into the new year with positive energy.

Thank you. Yes, going to try and build some posting / employment momentum before this positive energy fades. All the best!

The community was so great on that Discord channel yesterday! To see that amount of engagement was encouraging. I also didn’t do as bad than I thought but ultimately lost as some of these players have some awesome strategies. The potential of automated tournaments is the next big thing that may happen here so looking forward to it.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Agreed! Discord really helped with regards to registering and setting up the battles, there were 100's of punters around.

I have a strategy, Selenia Sky + water. If i cant play those then I'm knackered!

Happy New Year :)

I played as well but got destroyed in it. Unfortunatly my deck just wasn't strong enough to compete at that level. I'll get there though. Just need to keep building it. 25th is a good result as there were a lot of strong players in it. We'll done and happy new year.

Posted using Partiko Android

I hear you. My deck lacks depth in other spinsters, and that's what found me out in the end. The limits did help include more people, but that's still a reasonable investment to reach.

Cheers, same to you!

Not easy to get them all up to strength but all you can do is keep winning the challenges.

Posted using Partiko Android

Congrats and best wishes for 2019 mate.

Thank you Smashy, and the same to you. I see you have almost as much SP as me now, nicely vested - bring on the moon!

Been meaning to get in on Steemmonsters. Hopefully, by the end of this week. Don't go too far without me, Ash.
Happy new year!

Thank you!

Only takes a few mins to get started, what are you waiting for! :D

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