Where to buy Cardano (ADA) - 3 Best exchanges to buy Cardano ADA

in #thai7 years ago

If you've been searching Coinmarketcap.com recently, you may have noticed a relative newcomer occasionally sneaking its way into the top 10. That's Cardano ADA, and although it has only been live for a few months now, it already No. 7 and has a market cap of nearly $12 billion.


Cardano has been called an Ethereum killer & it's hard to deny the connections between the two block-chains. Like Ethereum, Cardano ADA is a blockchain project that allows for the execution of smart contracts, and that also includes a cryptocurrency component (the token ADA). & Charles Hoskinson, one of the project's founders, previously served as the CEO of Ethereum.

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But there are quite a few things that set the Cardano(ADA) blockchain apart from Ethereum (ETH) & other smart contract blockchains. First, it claims to be the first blockchain project that's built on peer-reviewed academic research. In addition to the white paper, Cardano (ADA) and the developers behind it (Input Output HK) have also published five peer-reviewed scientific papers on the blockchain's underlying technology, all available for public perusal.

The reason for all the academic scrutiny is that Cardano (ADA) aims to bridge the gap between regulators (who want platforms that aren't a total black box) & users (who want security and privacy). It's being built with a layered, modular system that will allow applications on its platform to customize for the levels of security and privacy or transparency they need. Users will be able to choose whether or not they want to enter these regulated subdomains of the network.


Cardano (ADA) is now the #7 cryptocurrency in the world——with a market cap of $11,088,800,653 USD Cardano (ADA) is $0.427692 USD


Where to buy Cardano (ADA) - 3 Best exchanges to buy Cardano ADA

  1. Bittrex.com is a US trading platform. ADA/BTC Volume $47,486,700

  2. Binance.com is one of the top 3 crypto exchanges ADA/BTC Volume $27,416,400

  3. Coinnest.kr is a Korean trading platform. Volume ADA/KRW $1,205,620

What is Cardano ADA ? Should You Invest? ADA Review

For more information about Cardano ADA visit : https://www.cardanohub.org/en/home/

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