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RE: ครั้งแรกที่ได้รู้จักกับ หลวงตา มหาบัว (ตอนที่ 3)

in #thai6 years ago

You are being too kind! We also have many silly habits and unreasonable aspects of our beliefs!
I would like to see Thai people actually practicing what the Buddha taught, so that lots of superstitions could disappear.


I also know a little about the silly habits, and many seem to believe that make merits to the temple is enough to get sins away, but things do not work that way it is an inner work. Superstitions are big here and crazy stories also, mostly result of the movie industry, but there are many things to this world that can't be seen or explained.

Quite true, your observations!
It is not our culture to be able to accept truth or facts being put to us openly! So, Thai people get offended when someone speaks the truth which causes the person to lose 'face'.
The 'face saving' behaviour has become a real obstacles in getting rid of corruption at every level. This reflects our inner ego which is weak and has no strength to accept truth and statements of facts objectively.

This makes conferences, brain storming and discussion with Thai people very difficult. People cannot accept that they have limitations, they can be stupid on some subjects, they can be confused and they can be wrong on many things. So, there is no real progress or reform in Thai society.

If they are real practicing Buddhists, reading the texts and doing meditation, their mind and intellect would have become progressive with the respect for truth and honesty! Then corruption at all levels (lies, cheating, stealing, etc.) would gradually disappear. Everyone will find peace and happiness.

Thai society, especially in the modern age, has already forgotten about their roots, things go too fast and people see their practicing of Buddhism change as the social change. Most of them have no time to go in the wild or even in a good Temple (rare) and take the time to understand things out of the modern age realm just as a human being. The losing or saving face is a very big problem of Thai society making deads every year, many are too proud of their appearance but in the end, if something will ever survive it is not the appearance. I think it comes to their roots education and not trying to follow the mainstream education which is only lies and real education not come out from schools but from a personal search. Learning how to be a human is not taught in school but instead, they tell you how to be a good sheep that will stay in the group and follow the ideology. I think there is a lot to be taught about, many will not agree because they still follow the mainstream ideology even if thinking they are rebels, others will agree and mostly it will be people with a good life experience. It takes a lot to accept the truth.

People have been brain-washed by education system and televisions and main stream media.

Have a good week!

The mass manipulation had taken a big turn after สงครามโลกครั้งที่ 2 and since then it just keeps be bigger and dangerous for people. Thank You @kaminchan always a pleasure to talk with you :)

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