Test Post Schgwang - Please Ignore - Do Not Upvote

in #test7 years ago (edited)

@tippy status: Alpha as F**K!

Messing about implementing and testing features on @tippy. Feel free to call the bot in this post but be aware its still being worked on and may not function as expected!

Balances, stats and functionality may change or be lost during development. Everything will be reset once the service is launched.

Bug Hunting List:

  • Look into rounding errors and decimal place enforcement (found)
  • Fix Unruly deposit system
  • ???

(Ah crap.. I forgot to decline payout. )

Thanks @nextgencrypto for helping me lower the payout I'd fatfingered on declining!


Tippy or Tipsy? Or both?

@tippy tip sebastianjago 0.1 steem

I can confirm this tip worked and is in my wallet. Thank you tipsy tippy tipper! :) 0.099

Right on man. Just messing around trying to get a few features finished

@tippy powerup klye 0.001 steem

@tippy powerup sebastianjago 0.1 steem

@tippy powerup klye 0.011 steem

@tippy powerup klye 1 steem

Woot. It works!

Both probably.

@tippy - Balance - Steemit Tip Bot


STEEM: 0.100
SBD: 0.000

( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

@tippy - Balance - Steemit Tip Bot


STEEM: 0.300
SBD: 0.000

( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

@tippy tip steemitqa 0.1 steem

@tippy - Balance - Steemit Tip Bot


STEEM: 0.200
SBD: 0.000

( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

@tippy tip dantheman 0.01 steem

@tippy - Tip Error - Steemit Tip Bot

@tippy Error!

Not enought STEEM in your account!
Send STEEM or SBD to @tippy to top up account!
( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

@tippy - Balance - Steemit Tip Bot


STEEM: 1.200
SBD: 0.000

( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

at this point both ?

And this is exactly what's wrong with Steemit.

91 votes for 'Do not upvote'

Not your fault @klye.

Autovoters gonna vote

@tippy ping

@tippy - Balance - Steemit Tip Bot


STEEM: 0.790
SBD: 0.010

( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

@tippy - Balance - Steemit Tip Bot


STEEM: 0.790
SBD: 0.010

( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

@tippy - Help - Steemit Tip Bot

Need Help @klye?


( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

@tippy uptimeinfo off

@tippy stats

@tippy - Stats - Steemit Tip Bot

@tippy Statistics

User accounts: 11
Pings recieved: 8
Helps extended: 13
Infos served: 14
Balances checked: 55
( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

@tippy - Balance - Steemit Tip Bot


STEEM: 1.362
SBD: 0.231

( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

@tippy tip klye 0.362 STEEM

@tippy - Balance - Steemit Tip Bot


SBD: 0.231

( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

Hmmm. I'd rather that be to 3 decimal places.

@tippy balance

@tippy - Balance - Steemit Tip Bot


STEEM: 2.001
SBD: 0.231

( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

@tippy tip klye 0.001 steem

@tippy - Balance - Steemit Tip Bot


STEEM: 2.000
SBD: 0.231

( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

@tippy - Balance - Steemit Tip Bot


STEEM: 0.362
SBD: 0.231

( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

@tippy tip tippy 0.001 STEEM

@tippy - Balance - Steemit Tip Bot


STEEM: 0.361
SBD: 0.231

( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

@tippy - Balance - Steemit Tip Bot


STEEM: 0.362
SBD: 0.231

( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

@tippy - Balance - Steemit Tip Bot


STEEM: 1.001
SBD: 0.231

( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

@tippy - Ping - Steemit Tip Bot

Pong @klye!

Ping returned at 2017-05-12 02:15:09
( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

@tippy - Help - Steemit Tip Bot

Need Help @klye?


( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

@tippy - Stats - Steemit Tip Bot

@tippy Statistics

User accounts: 10
Pings recieved: 8
Helps extended: 13
Infos served: 14
Balances checked: 54
( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

@tippy - Balance - Steemit Tip Bot


STEEM: 0.362
SBD: 0.231

( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

Hmm. It missed this one by the look of it.. Odd

@tippy - Balance - Steemit Tip Bot


STEEM: 0.3640000000000003
SBD: 0.231

( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

@tippy tip steemitqa 0.001 STEEM

@tippy - Balance - Steemit Tip Bot


STEEM: 0.3630000000000003
SBD: 0.231

( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

@tippy - Balance - Steemit Tip Bot


STEEM: 0.3640000000000003
SBD: 0.231

( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

Ah. Found a bug. Decimal places out that far isn't intended.


That was the guts of the original Tippy.. This version actually started as Asshunter.js engine and was me testing a theory in a file called tippytest.js..

As to what version it is... Make up a number and we will use that.

LOL, the names in this:

btw: HOLY FUCK I got my FIRST TIP! did that really work ? I don't see where it did ?

edit: #69 ?

@tippy tip steemitqa 0.001 STEEM

Was expecting something like "insufficient permissions"...

I haven't added catch-alls yet.. Given the 20 second posting limit need to make sure it can handle and convey all messages.

That 20 sec limit is a pain for a bot like this.
I tried putting all transactions in a cue.
Then I started to just retry the transaction with random delays until it finally works.
The bruteforce method was the most succesful.

It is a challenge that has to be overcome... Or the rule needs to be somehow circumvented for services on the Blockchain.

Maybe in v.0.2?

@tippy - Help - Steemit Tip Bot

Need Help @taskmanager?


( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

@tippy - Info - Steemit Tip Bot

@tippy Information

This STEEM network text tipping service created by @steemtqa & @klye
More information to come!
( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

@tippy put the tip into @klye and give him a ping

Ahh. I might have borked it.. Had to delete some things and restart the thing

@tippy - Balance - Steemit Tip Bot


SBD: 0

Oops! You didn't have an account so we made you one!
( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

ok.. Account creation works.. Now to see if I can get deposits to run properly again,,

Deposting 0.001 STEEM to see

@tippy - Balance - Steemit Tip Bot


STEEM: 0.001
SBD: 0

( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

What's the bet this will end up on trending because of the 'Please Ignore'? Well, I'm cashing in on that bet and voting XD

And while we're at it, why not?
@tippy ping

@tippy - Ping - Steemit Tip Bot

Pong @junu944!

Ping returned at 2017-05-12 02:15:09
( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

@tippy - Ping - Steemit Tip Bot

Pong @steemitqa!

Ping returned at 2017-05-12 02:15:09
( @tippy is currently being developed, please don't deposit at this time! )

I mean, I don't mind seeing a 20 dollar post of Tippy being a sassy girl.

I'll get a whale to nuke the post a bit if it starts making the millions

Make it rain moose knuckles on tippy. SHE'S DANCIN, SHE'S DANCIN!

someone upvoted!!!!

get the pitch forks out!!!

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STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63525.26
ETH 2583.76
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.80