Testing Post - Please Ignore
Working on the @tippy project a bit today.. Please don't waste your voting power voting this post up or anything like that. Need to get this bot ready to go... Then implement SMT tipping when we get the update here in the future. Pretty damn excited for SMT's honestly.
Pong @klye!
( click reply & type @tippy help for commands )
@tippy help
( click reply & type @tippy help for commands )
@tippy vote
@tippy tip KLYE 0.001 STEEM
@tippy tip @klye 0.001 SBD
@tippy balance
( click reply & type @tippy help for commands )
@tippy help
( click reply & type @tippy help for commands )
@tippy balance
( click reply & type @tippy help for commands )
@tippy tip @klye 0.500 STEEM
seems exciting, good luck!
Been working on it for months now. Would be nice to get a bug-free / finalized version launched here in the near future.
You say ignore post and you get $54.56 / 42 votes" (until now)
@tippy fee 1.00%
So effin hard not to upvote when it says not to. Humans are pretty defiant you know..... Would have been better off saying upvote this lol
lol, true that sir.
@tippy balance
I'll have to fix the account creation function to include a reply.. Sorry about that!
@tippy balance
@tippy balance
@tippy tip klye 0.100 steem
@tippy -b
( click reply & type @tippy help for commands )
@tippy tip klye 0.100 steem
@tippy tip klye 0.100 steem
@tippy tip klye 0.1 steem "Memo test shit"
@tippy tip klye 0.1 steem
@tippy tip klye 0.1 steem
@tippy tip klye 0.1 steem
@tippy tip klye 0.1 steem
@tippy tip klye 0.1 steem
@tippy tip klye 0.1 steem
@tippy tip klye 0.1 steem
@tippy tip klye 0.1 steem
@tippy -b
( click reply & type @tippy help for commands )
@tippy tip klye 0.1 steem
@tippy -b
@tippy balance
( click reply & type @tippy help for commands )
@tippy vote
@tippy vote
@tippy vote
It's about time!
Was having a hell of a time getting the damn thing to boot up.. Might need a reworking of some of the functions.
Good posting you