Is the reason gravity as electromagnetism is rejected because the USA hid Nazi German flying saucer technology, invented by Nikola Tesla, and then forgot about it?

in #tesla6 years ago (edited)

Did the USA conquer flying saucer technology from Nazi Germany, then bury it under the CIA that no one really controlled, and then... forget about it? An alternative to the grandiose "secret space program": a too-secret organisation that is so secret that no one really knows what they are even doing, as in, no one, which is the definition of being dumb, everyone just imitating one another pretending like there is some plan, now ruled by Donald "art-of-the-deal" Trump.

The Coriolis force, electromagnetic gravity, and memetics

Newton is proto-science, look at the Coriolis effect, those are electrical currents, and, "anti-gravity" is electromagnetic repulsion.

Exactly why Newtons memes still dominate, I do not know. This post will look at one possibility.

Edgar Mitchell of Apollo 14, Nikola Tesla, and Prescott Bush

There are rumours that Nazi Germany managed to develop Nikola Teslas flying saucer technology. Edgar Mitchell of Apollo 14 has given public talks on multiple occasions about the Roswell event in 1947, that it was a UFO, and that it has been covered up.

If you then had the Manhattan project, focus shifted to Einstein who alerted Roosevelt to the possibility that Germany might develop nuclear weapons, and then if statism is a religion that explains the iconic status of Einstein whereas it took an Elon Musk to remind the people of Nikola Tesla (people tend to focus on violence and threats, and Einstein is associated with nuclear weapons), and also reflects how Nikola Teslas ideas that gravity is electromagnetic have been rejected, memetically, via the process of meme manipulation, incoming signals being compared to resident memes that involve the executive function in the frontal lobe as well as the limbic system, where people have been caught up, for whatever reasons, with ideas that cannot integrate with Teslas vision.

If the US then captured this technology from Germany after the D-day invasion, followed by the Hiroshima and Nagasaki event in 1945 that put the entire world in a state of terror from the new nuclear weapons, as well as having powerful people in the US like Prescott Bush (funded Richard Nixons vice presidency in 1947, as well as the Bush dynasty up until the present) who had reasons to cover their tracks in how they had supported Nazi Germany and Hitlers rise to power, and the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), a war-time intelligence agency, staying operational even after the war ended under the new name Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), founded 2 months and 10 days after Roswell on September 18 1947, then perhaps there is a case that this "anti-gravity" technology was "hidden away" and then remained hidden under the growing corruption, the coup against John F Kennedy in 1963 followed by the Bush dynasty who had built their fortune on the Nazi economy, and who were in power back and forth since 1944 and up to present day.

The "aliens" story, is also a good cover-up, and the tendency to master-slave mentality means that people tend to prefer to not question the master head-on, an instinct that correlates with submissive behaviour, so a false trail and disinformation that it was an alien UFO fits with the scenario as well.

That scenario could explain why, in 2018, people still believe Newton's ideas, that pre-date wide-spread use of electricity as well as knowledge of electromagnetism, to be the state-of-the-art, more than 100 years after Nikola Tesla was thinking about flying saucer technology because he knew gravity was electromagnetic and that there was electromagnetic repulsion as well as electromagnetic attraction.

Possibility number two, violence as a genetic imperative steals all the attention

What other reason is there that 100+ year old ideas are broadly rejected? The other possibility is that people just tend to focus on threats and violence, so you had Nikola Tesla in the early 20th century, then his work was largely destroyed in world war 1, then in world war 2 Einstein came and warned Roosevelt about the possibility of atomic bombs, and nuclear weapons were developed, and those captured a lot of attention, taking attention away from the bigger picture. It could be that people are just so prone to focusing on threats that they reject too big ideas, like they rejected heliocentrism in the Roman empire, etc.

That second possibility does not explain why Dr. Edgar Mitchell, employee at NASA and astronaut on Apollo 14 in 1971, is testifying over and over again in public talks to that there was a UFO crash in Roswell on July 8 in 1947, and that it has been actively covered up by the government of the United States of America.


I love your work, especially how you tie in things like expanding earth and keep pressing the issue most likely to liberate man, or anti-gravity/ electromagnetic repulsion.

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Very doubtful

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you are absolutely right. love to know it

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