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RE: U.S. Funding Terrorism Again, This Time in Western China

in #terrorism5 years ago (edited)

While a party that provides funding and materiel for terrorists is clearly a bad actor, that does not make their opponents virtuous. I have not ignored China in recent decades, and I doubt you have either. They do plenty of their own fomenting of terrorism, and may perhaps be the regime most oppressive on Earth today in sheer numbers of hapless civilians harmed.

Do not neglect the Falun Gong, as well as the Uighurs. Just like Tibet, Xinshiang was long independent of China, and it's Uighur peoples have never just acquiesced to be conquered. There have been separatists in Xinshiang as long as China has projected power there, and native revolutionaries/terrorists have acted to discourage China's occupation.

Therefore it is disingenuous to claim that the West is fabricating tales of human rights abuses against the Uighurs. You know as well as I that China doesn't ask politely for such groups to just give up and play nice. The conflict that simmers there is endemic, and that doesn't mean the enemedia is making it up. If anything they've long ignored it.

I can well believe the US is stepping up their provision of training and materiel to radicalized Muslim Uighurs, for the reasons you state, as well as to fertilize the field of terror in the Middle East, where no few Uighurs have appeared and taken hand, as you note in Idlib.

All I'm trying to say here is that dirty deeds by one party do not clean the hands of their opponents. If there are any good guys in this story, it is the hapless Uighurs, whose homeland has been annexed by China and is being turned into a turnpike for globalism. The Uighurs are fiercely independent, of similar stock to the Mongols whose imperial forays across Asia have left some parts yet with lower population today than prior to the Mongol horde's invasion.

Neither China nor the US is playing nice, and no one has to make up any stories of atrocities there against the Uighurs.



Certainly, China isn't. But the U.S. is still backing terrorisms anyways :P China is scary, blueprint for one world control grid if you ask me ;)

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