Challenge Accepted: Ten Facts and One Lie

I was tagged to play along in this crazyfun game by the magnificent @traciyork (if you don't follow her be sure to go check out her blog!) As the title states I have included 10 facts about myself and dropped a little white lie in the midst!

I like @traciyork's prize determination so much I'm going to gratefully bite her style:

First one to guess the lie will win $0.5 sbd :-D

Yeah, I know it's not much, but I figured this should be more for fun and getting to know one another, than for profit. If more than one person guesses right, I'll come up with some kind of consolation/second place prize

Oh, the Possibilities...

  1. I write random thank you letters to people I've never met.. and never send them.
  2. I cured myself of lifelong migraines, seizures and body pain.
  3. My husband and I were high school sweethearts.
  4. I had an "unofficial" gymnastics scholarship to UCLA when I was in the 9th grade - which I blew because I had a vicious drinking/drug problem.
  5. I have a picture of Jimi Hendrix's gravestone, where my parents "smoked a bone with him" and left the roach laying there.
  6. I'm the reigning karaoke champion at the local bar.
  7. Over the last 4 years I've owned 8 different cars.
  8. I once died my hair jet black, on accident, and everyone called me Snow White for an entire school year.
  9. I had never eaten red meat before I was pregnant with my first son - and never had chinese food before my second one started growing inside. Pregnancy cravings are NOT normal!
  10. I've donated my hair 4 different times for wings for women.
  11. I have a completely irrational and unprovoked fear of dogs.

Chose wisely! Enter which number you believe to be the fallacy into the comments section.

In keeping the spirit of the game going I am tagging a few lovely Steemians who's LIE I'd like to guess!


If you should choose to accept this mission:

  • Post 10 facts and 1 lie about yourself
  • Invite people to guess (one per person)
  • Offer a prize (SBD, an upvote, comment, or resteem, or your undying devotion)
  • Wait until the post payout to reveal the correct answer
  • Use the tag #tenfactsonelie as one of your five
  • Tag your friends to do their own!

Thanks again to @traciyork for tagging me in this silly game where we can all get to know each other just a bit more! I hope you'll all play along!


This is difficult. Wild guess #11 :D

thanks for playing along @wanderlass! I was going to tag you to play along but I thought you have enough on your hands already ! BUT... if you've got a spare moment you should play along too!! I'd love to sort through your truths! lol

It was fun to sort through your truths haha looking forward to the right answer. I have thought of playing but can't think of truths to present atm. I will tag you if I come up with one. Thanks! :)

okay @wanderlass ! it took much much longer than I thought it would to come up with all those truths lol the lie took me five seconds though hahah

I can relate!! I just did mine and just finished it now. The truths were more challenging :D

Hmmm. I think number 11 is the lie! I accept your challenge and will post it in the am!!! Thank you!! Looking forward to the answer! I love this "game" it definitely will encourage us to learn a bit more about one another!

thanks for taking on the challenge@charisma777!! I can't wait to see what you come up with! :-D

I guess number 4. I think I will decline the challenge however. My memory is not what it used to be. ;-}, and I would end up caught in more than one lie.

@bashadow nice guess! and no worries about declining the mission ;-) thanks for playing along!

I guess #11 is a lie, fun game...I'll check it and thank you for the tag, now I have something to post lol😊

@sweetcha it is a pretty fun game! Can't wait to see your choices :) you and @charisma guessed the same ! lol

haha we both winners lol....challenge accepted and done😊

:) I was just over there making my guess !

I guess no. 2. I know you do meditation and that helps to offset migraines but I don’t think it can be a healing element.

@beeyou ;-) we'll have to wait and see lol I hope you'll take up the challenge!

I'll say #7. What fun answers and am eager to find out the TRUTH!

@peggyhazelwood thanks for playing along - great guess! 6 days til the LIE unravels! lol

Number 6? I have no clue, but the others seem so specific....hmmm

nice reasoning ;-) only time will tell lol thanks for playing along @jumpmaster

Hmm, I had considered this one too, although I'm sure AS has no inhibitions about taking the stage :D...I also considered that perhaps, the number 6 might represent the 'lie' 😱 ....however, since you'd already claimed it, I went for something else which I actually think is even more unlikely although one of us is obviously wrong 😌

Haha very true! Looking forward to finding out which one was the lie

Ooo, so many awesome little tidbits! So wicked psyched you decided to do this, @amariespeaks!

I'm going to guess #3 - not exactly sure why, but maybe because it's the simplest and easiest to believe (and no one's guessed it yet - LOL). Can't wait for the big reveal!

Thanks for tagging me @traciyork - this is a blast! It took me longer than I thought to put it together but it was so much fun. The lie is between 1-11 ;-) hahah

#9 for me @amariespeaks ...don't really think you'd never eaten red meat or Chinese food until then......although, going by the other stuff (most of which must be true), you've done some pretty far-out things :D

@barge lol! I love your reasoning :-D we'll have to wait and see!

Yeah, we will indeed won't we - although I'm sure you know ;D

I'm inspired to play just putting it together now, it's great fun! Thanks @amariespeaks!!!

yay! I'd love to sift through your truths ! I'll be keeping an eye out for it 😊

I'm gonna go with #8 :)

hey @lil-mich thanks for playing along! :) 8 is great guess - definitely would be mortifying if true ;-)

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