Result Announcement! mini game: 10 facts and 1 lie 10真1假挑戰結果公佈!

in #tenfactsonelie6 years ago (edited)

Hi Guys! I was invited by @prch to join an interesting mini game: 10 facts and 1 lie about yourself” last week! So, it’s now time to announce the result!

各位!上星期@prch 邀請我參加了這個小遊戲:10真1假挑戰!是時候公佈答案了!

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Rules 規則

The rules are copied from Prch’s post
以下是從@prch 文章內的遊戲規則

  • Post 10 facts and 1 lie about yourself
  • Invite people to guess (one per person)
  • Offer a prize (SBD, an upvote, comment, or resteem, or your undying devotion)
  • Wait until the post payout to reveal the correct answer
  • Use the tag tenfactsonelie as one of your five
  • Tag your friends to do their own!*

So I have written 11 statements about myself. 10 are facts and 1 is a lie. Steemians have to guess which is the not correct one. Here is my post link:


Result Announcement 公佈答案

1 I don’t know swimming – it’s truth!
我不懂游泳 – 這是真的

Yeah I don’t know swimming. When I was small, my dad taught me swimming. He brought me to the sea and just dropped me into the water. It made me scare of water haha.

2 I only have 2 ex-girlfriends – it’s truth
我只拍過兩次拖 – 這是真的

I only have 2 ex-girlfriends. Actually, I am serious to a relationship. I don’t think it’s good to date someone when I don’t really like her. I think I am cheating and going to hurt the girl.

3 I became a granduncle when I was 10 – it’s truth
我在10歲的時候已是表舅公了– 這是真的

My dad has 12 brothers and sisters. He is the smallest one. My biggest cousin is even older than my mum. Actually, my aunt introduced my mum to my biggest cousin but she fell in love with my dad. I am also the youngest in my generation of my family. So it’s really possible to be a granduncle when I was 10!

4 I cried every day when I was 10 – it’s truth
10歲的時候,我每天都哭– 這是真的

Haha it’s true. I just easily cried when I was 10. I was famous of that in school. I tried to recall the reason. I believe I was just drawing attention.

5 In one of my birthdays, my ex-girlfriend dated me and was discovered by her fiancé.Their wedding was almost stopped because of me – it’s truth
曾經的一個生日,我一位前女友約會我,結果被她未婚夫發現了,婚事差點告吹 – 這是真的

Haha…it’s really an exciting experience…Actually I sent her home and I did something that was seen by her fiancé…

6 My GPA (Grade Point Average) was below 1 when I was in University– it’s truth
我大學時曾試過GPA(成績平均積點,4是滿分)低過1– 這是真的

I studied electronic engineering and I found I hated it. So I spent all the time on school activities. In the 2nd semester of my year 2, my GPA was below 1. My professor just ask me “have you think of switching to other major?”.

7 I was invited to a TV advertisement shooting when I was 4 – it’s false
我4歲的時候,曾受邀拍攝一個電視廣告 – 這是假的

Although I was cute when I was small, I was not invited to any shooting haha.

8 During the ​holiday, I like to go out alone - it's truth
假期的時候,我喜歡一個人外出 - 這是真的

My job involves a lot of communication works. I may have over thousand message a day. Most of them are related to work. I am tired facing people and like to go out alone during holiday.

9 I am the only male full-time staff in my company – it’s truth
我是公司裡唯一的男性全職員工 – 這是真的

Jealous? Haha 妒忌嗎?

10 I am 176cm tall, same as @prch – it’s truth
我身高176cm, 與@prch一樣 – 這是真的

I am 176cm tall. But after posting it, I found that @prch was 181cm….
我真的是176cm, 但發文後,我才發現,原來@prch是181...

11 I never took selfie before I joined steemit – it’s truth
在加入steemit之前,我從未試過selfie自拍 – 這是真的

Yeah! I don’t like selfie before joining steemit. I just think it’s something to draw attention. And steemit let me know that selfie is a way to let me get closer to others.

Only @perlia get the correct answer! So all the 3 SBD will be distributed to her! And here I would like to nominate @krischy, @moneybaby, @hannahwu, @itchyfeetdonica, @nosttalgic1212 to join the fun game!
最後竟然只有@perlia答對了!她將得到所有3 SBD的獎賞!最後我提名 @krischy, @moneybaby, @hannahwu, @nostalgic1212@itchyfeetdonica 參與這個有趣遊戲!

Thanks for spending your time to read my articles. I like to share stories of Hong Kong. I wish you may support me and I will keep going!




我點名 @hannahwu 玩這個遊戲!

nice game

Yeah really nice~



你好请接受cn区点赞机器人 @cnbuddy 对你作为cn区一员的感谢。如果不想再收到我的留言,请回复“取消”。

“我真的是176cm, 但發文後,我才發現,原來@prch是181...” - 等阵,所以你起初认为@prch系176,然后先知知道唔系176?


Hahaha..congrat. to the winner👏👏👏



關於第五點…我覺得可以寫一篇會得到很多upvotes的故事… 😏


真人真事改篇… 😂




多謝 @aaronli , 其實我都系估估下架咋,開頭系想估numebr 4or number 9? haha , thank you ~ 😊😊



可以透露第5 你做了什麼嗎?哈哈😄






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