10 Days of Reflection Day 1

10 Days of Reflection day 1 Bahbahra


I was nominated by @sunscape to take part in the 10 days of reflections and as I love reflections I thought why not

The rules of the challenge are simple:
10 Days of Reflection Photos (mirrors, water, etc)
Tag your post with #tendaysofreflection
Title your post "10 Days of Reflection"
Nominate a friend if you wish
Have fun and be creative!

I am going to put my own little spin on this to challenge myself to Not only post a photo with a reflection in it, but to also do some reflecting on a part of my life or steemit each day of the challenge/

And I will nominate anyone who wants to participate. Come on and join! You know you want to.

This post was originated by @ilovedietcoke and her original post on it can be found here 10 Day Reflection Challenge

Many of you may know of Bahbahra my little fridge magnet from New Zealand, well this is one of the first shots I took of her back in 2008.

Now some may ask why I took a photo of a fridge magnet or have taken so many since this first one, it all started with this first shot, Bahbahra was on the wall in my office and I had just got a new camera, a Fuji Finepix bridge camera, which was my first step into getting back into photography more seriously,

It was a grey day outside and I wanted to try some test shots with the camera so I grabbed Bahbahra off the wall and went down in the elevator to take some photos, out on the street and got this first shot in the elevator,, which had a cool reflection and I thought would be a good starting point for the 10 day reflection challenge, since it was from this starting back into photography back then that has started my path in photography that led me eventually here to Steemit and to see this challenge.

That day I took a few shots in Tudor City including a few with Bahbahra and thus started both my digital photographic journey but also my saga of Bahbahra photos.

Since then I have taken thousands well tens of thousands probably photos on various cameras, and at least a few hundred of Bahbahra

Now that's a bit of history of the start of my photography Journey, and an Introduction to the start of Bahbahra's* journey, but my reflection to go along with this post is more related to .....

What's next with Bahbahra? - Please read and give your thoughts

This is what I am reflecting on and pondering at the moment, as 2017 was coming to an end I was hosting a weekly **Bahbahra's Buddy Contest ** where i would post a couple of photos of Bahbahra with a little story and invite people to respond with an entry in response with a photo or drawing of a toy and a little story related to Bahbahra's tale for the week.

here is an example of what I am talking about for those who have not seen the contest posts Bahbahra Buddies contest week 6 post

Now I really enjoyed hosting the contest and reading the few responses I got which were all so well done and such fun, however

I am not sure if it was with the holidays approaching or not but the contest was stalling a little at the end so I took a break over the holidays and New Year

I am not sure how or in what format to Bring Bahbahra so I am going to ask you for some thoughts if you have any they would be appreciated

Should I

A. Continue the contest in a similar format as I was before

B. Change the format of the contest _ This I am leaning towards but haven't had any ideas that excite me as yet

#3 C. just drop the contest or challenge and do random posts with **Bahbahra ** from time to time

Any help thoughts, Suggestions would be truly appreciated

Ohh yes I almost forgot #thealliance - @saffisara ... Tag, you're it!!

All photos on this blog are taken by myself, mostly with a Sony Mirrorless camera

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Your quality post caught my attention and I hope you benefit from my resteem. My followers have a refined appreciation for quality art. You might also enjoy my curated collection. To see the quality posts I have curated via resteem, see my blog @pixresteemer. If you want to know more about me and my mission, please check my introduction.

Very interesting 👍
And I dig the different spin

Thanks ISH

When you make the same comment on 100 posts that is spam and not a comment, that is probably what your rating is so low at 9

Im sorry... im a bad follower today... lol upvoted and resteemed

it’s been a bad day for me as well so don’t worry

Psvesteem iscwirking for me again now

Much love!!!! Sweet dreams!!!

Reflecting back is important.

Unfortunately, I had never got the opportunity to participate in the Bahbahra Buddies contest and it would be difficult for me to make improvement suggestions.

Keep steem'in hard XD

Thanks for reading and totally understandable not knowing the Bahbahra thing you can’t suggest anything
Have a great evening

Interesting challenge!

ITs somehting a little different and I took my own spin on it

I have definately never seen this challenge. I think it looks like fun and would participate. I would keep it the exact same! I will keep an eye out for the next one in post-promotion in gamma! I will play either way you choose to go with it!

Thanks I thinknit is a cool challenge my next one will be tomorrow and feel free to join the challenge

Thanks for sharing how did you decide to get into photography in the first place?

I was into photography back in film days through an Uncle back in the late 60’s and 70’s but only got back into it about 8 years ago

Awesome what do you do as a day job?

I now manage telecom and it networks ie I shuffle papers and attend meetings

Awesome haha shuffling papers i know the feeling you're hilarious. attend meetings. i tell people i get paid for pressing buttons in a very specific order.

This is great! Thanks for sharing in #tendaysofreflection

Thanks I hope it’s ok I spun it a little

Yeah! It's a challenge, not a contest....as such, you are free to do with it what you wish.

Cool thanks
I do love reflections and have many photos with reflections so the rest of the shots gorbthe challenge will be shots I haven’t edited or used before

Cool! I can't wait to see them!

Thanks I managed to find time to edit two tonight so have day two and three ready to go

A! totally loving the idea of "Bahbahra buddies" contest. I'm sure it'll pick up again. watching this space! :)

Thanks for your feedback I may well startbit again next week

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