10 Days of Reflection Photos (mirrors, water, etc) DAY 7 ~ Where do Reflections Exist ?

CHALLENGE BY @ilovedietcoke


When an image or light is reflected, it usually appears to have "depth". For instance, when you look at the ceiling lights being reflected in the glass the "reflections" appear to be outside the window and maybe even out amongst the tree branches. But in "reality" they are being reflected on the window surface and it's an optical illusion. In an even more real "reality" the images are 1st perceived by your eyes and then reflected to your brain to tell you what you are seeing. So in essence, everything you see, everything you perceive is in "reality" a reflection.

I enjoy "reflecting" on these types of thoughts and thinking about the "reality of Illusion", how we perceive and filter things , and who is the one really perceiving and who is transmitting these reflections to me and why ?



10 Days of Reflection Photos (mirrors, water, etc)
Tag your post with #tendaysofreflection
Title your post "10 Days of Reflection"
Nominate a friend if you wish
Have fun and be creative!


These are beautifully captured

Nature obeying the properties of light😀

thanks Charles !

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