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RE: 10 favourite comedians, but one is a lie!

in #ten7 years ago

Please tell me it's Eddie Izzard. Just cause I've been unable to enjoy or watch any of his shows.

I know so many stand-up comedian. It's ridiculous but there's so many more than one person can know. I didn't knew Dylan Moran, John Cleese and Victoria Wood. I'll check them out.

Louis CK is the best. Pryor is suppose to be the all time best but I didn't enjoyed him much either he might be too old school for me.

Seinfeld, Carlin and Atkinson are pure genius.


Eddie Izzard might be my favourite. Sheer brilliance! The answer was Jerry Seinfeld, by the way. (See reply to hanshotfirst for why)

I might have to give Eddie another try. Everyone loves him so much. For some reasons I had missed the answer. Thank you for pointing it out.

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