Tell your story contest - The story of a flower

in #tellyourstory7 years ago (edited)

Hello! My name is Alejandra Bolívar. I’m a student of bachelor’s degree in Biology.

Hey! My friends calls me Aleli (like the name of various flowers)

My life, before Steemit, was full of my studies so I was really busy all the time. I even scared a guy who asked me out like 4-5 times in two months, because I never was available. I used to hang out with mi college friends and watch the enigmatic nature together. But, equally we do it when we can. The rest of my life was pretty much as it is now, trying to cope the crisis in my country, while I’m:

  • Searching for economic food and medicines
  • Attempting not to get caught on sadness
  • Meeting new people and bonding (me) with them
  • Expanding my intellectual horizons with informative talks, forums and videos. Before, I could also do it with field trips, which I loved, and laboratory practices.

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This is me, searching for butterflies. The teacher is in the background - Source

How I got introduced in Steemit?

One day, I was totally crushed because I felt that the situation was going to drown me along with my parents. And suddenly a beautiful friend @jmromero, came like a superhero and start to calm me down and talk about this platform. He was new but knew that was a nice community with a lot of potential and a tool for bring real value to great content. Also he claimed that the pay was real, and this really shocked me. I couldn’t believe it, so I wanted to give it a try.


What I want to publish about? And a little of my interests

I’m still new here and I only commented some entrances because there is too much material to see. But in a future I want to share some histories based on my life and experiences. As well as some photos and relevant information of the birds near to my house and university. Maybe I will use this as my escape to drain my emotions; everyone in this country needs that.

As you may appreciate, I like to read and write (or draw) stuff, when inspiration knocks my door. I like to walk in parks fully surrounded by nature while observing birds and/or the sunset. As well as reunite me with friends and watch a movie at night eating cake.
Young Spectacled Thrush (Turdus nudigenis) at a mango tree

Pinky sunset at my house

When I want to surprise with presents to my family, I do origami figures, like this flower:
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Better and worse experiences

The worst experience I had was when the little image of my last post didn’t load and was blank space for 15min at least. But I solved it by putting another photo at the beginning. Anyway that’s not so harsh, I’m more afraid of a misinterpreting something and getting into a mess with somebody because I'm not fluent in English yet. This is not my mother tongue, but I hope mastering it soon.

In other hand, the best experience has been when I got my first pay out; @jmromero had to help me because my account on the trade page had a problem. But when I recibed the money it felt incredible, I never had that amount in my bank account. Anyway just served to pay some debts, buy food with my mom and make some minor reparations. But actually the top of the nicest things that happened to me here is that the people upvote mi work. This makes me feel that I don’t write too badly. I had never published my stories. Finally, I hope that life after steemit don’t be an apocalypse or something like it. Rather a more grateful life for all the support giving up here.



Hi aleli. Welcome to steem community! Great post, I will follow you. Please follow me too at @gaman

HEEEEEEY, estoy confundido, en tu cédula vi Aleli :c

Jaja esa es la confusión que tienen todos después de conocerme como Aleli. Pero viste mal, mi cédula dice Alejandra Li :)

Cierto, olvídalo, sí vi bien, recordé mal JAJAJAJA.

Nice to see ; ). Thanks for your entry

Welcome to Steemit @aleli. You have a beautiful name. Hope everything works out for you and your family :)
A lot :D

Heeheehee ☺ you are very welcome my dear 😊
I really like the pinky sunset picture... i forgot to mention it before. I love staring at the skies and the clouds... gives me peace 😊

Also... very nice origami... I've tried and failed at it... lol. I'm too clumsy. It's a wonder how I can paint bottles... lol 😂

Haha who knows? Maybe your hands are made for it.
Origami sometimes it's easy. I just know a little bit and I need repeat the instructions hundreds of times, but in the end, I can achieve it :D

Haha... maybe.
Well that's nice. You are determined :)

Hi @aleli!
I wish you good luck and success!

Thanks :)

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