Worlds Beside Ours [my entry to Tell A Story To Me]

in #tellastorytome5 years ago


This is my entry to @calluna and @bananafish writing contest Tell A Story To Me.

George was looking on through the window warily holding curtain opened just enough to see what happens outside. When he was convicted there's no anyone suspicious on the street, he turned to Mike who was sitting in the armchair. He watched Mike for a while. Mike's gaze was the gaze of a man who can go insane with fear.

"So," George said. "You irrefutably claim you were there."

"Yes," Mike confirmed. "How many times I have to say."

"Any proof to confirm?"

"Of course! I secretly carried a smartphone there and taken photos." Mike put his hand in the pocket and took out a little bundle. "All evidence is here, on the SD card."

"Are you sure that it's the only piece of evidence?" George took the SD card, but he was a little bit suspicious. "You know, any action you take by smartphone is recorded on spying cloud apps."

"Don't worry. As it's easy for the clouds to spy on you, it's easy for you to avoid them. The only consequence you take is to stay without warranty."

"I like your way of doing," George smiled.

"You know, you have to keep the evidence like an eye in your head. And don't talk much around. If you decide to publish, you have to do it very carefully. They're on my trail, much closer at every moment. And you can be in danger, too."

"Risk is my middle name. I've done this kind of things many times before. There's no worry. Just tell me how did you get in there."

"It happened three years ago," Mike took a deep breath. "I met Jawaharlal in Kolkata. I was interested to increase my esoteric level. Jawaharlal was the right person to promote me, he was a faquir. He decided to take me to the secret sanctum where can't be accessed by anyone.

He took me into his boat and we sailed the Bay of Bengal according to Andaman islands. He said we were going to North Sentinel Island."

"North Sentinel?!" George was surprised. "Are you sure? It is the most dangerous place in the world. I've heard of that island. Any approaching to the is prohibited by the Indian government. Even try to do it can take you to jail."

"Yes," Mike confirmed. "But Jawaharlal knew how to avoid naval patrols and stay unnoticed by guards. Obviously, he was a usual visitor of the island. As you've been informed, the Sentinels didn't reach even stone age. They're using sharpened pikes and arrows. They don't know how to use fire! And they kill any stranger who steps to their island. But not Jawaharlal. I was afraid that they would kill us, but they saluted Jawaharlal and allowed us to land. One of them, probably the chief took us to the forest while others stashed our boat in the thick forest."

George listened to the story stunned.

"After we went deeper to the island I realized why they are such aggressive," Mike continued. "They're not ordinary savages as many people use to think. They are guardians of the entrance to the Hollow Earth."

"What?!" George yelled. "Hollow Earth?"

"Yes," Mike said. "You heard it well. Hollow Earth."

"I've heard of that before, but I was sure it's nonsense. Pulp story that only fools can believe."

"It's a reality," Mike said.

George carefully observed Mike during his talk. He looked for traits in Mike's behaviour that wasn't natural to him. But he didn't find any move that Mike made unconsciously.

"Continue, please," George said.

"As you probably know, the Earth consists of five concentric circles. These are five worlds existing at the same time.

The first world calls Agharti. That's the world of the wise. Everything is perfect there. Buildings of perfect proportions and such harmony that can not be reached in our world. Pagodas in Myanmar are miserable in comparison to Agharti buildings. Creatures are similar to these in our world, just with one difference. They don't eat and drink. All of the feeds by photosynthesis. The wise of Agharti have an influence on other worlds. The greatest sage of all is king of the world."

"Very interesting," George said. "Many people try to get to Agharti, but unsuccessfully. Also, many people place entrance to Agharti at sanctums like Tibet or inaccessible places like peaks of Andes or jungles of Amazonia. But they're wrong."

"And there's one more thing," Mike emphasized. "Not everyone can get into Agharti. Only those who have exceptional esoteric knowledge."

"What's the second circle, or the world?"

"The second circle is Nibiru, the world of reptiles. Anunnaki. You have heard of Anunnaki from Nibiru, the wanderer planet? Surely you didn't believe in the story of the planet that rambles through the outer space. No one reasonably believes that any kind of life can exist such the planet. It's impossible. But Nibiru isn't a planet. It's a component of the Earth. Nibiru is directly opposed to Agharti and Anunnaki strives to decrease its influence. They are not Earth-like reptiles, they are some strange symbiosis of humans and Jurassic era dinosaurs. They want to rule all the other worlds. At this time our world is under strong Anunnaki influence. They are using all human frailties to make them obedient. Some humans take all wealth thinking that they get power and influence. But they just implement the will of Anunnaki. Looks like that Anunnaki will take full domination over our world. But they'll not. Cause there is the third world strongly opposed to Nibiru, Shambala.

Shambala is the world in direct energetic connection to Agharti. There are no human-like creatures. Its creatures are the most similar to bugs, small animals and ferns. And all of them are intelligent like humans are.

The fourth world is Atlantis, a high developt civilisation that uses wireless electricity. There are no fossil fuels like in our world. No oil, no gas, no anything that can pollute the living environment. Their aeroplanes are magnetically driven. They've been seen in our world, we know them as flying saucers."

"Flying saucers?" George was openmouthed.

"Yes," Mike confirmed. "We used to think they are extraterrestrials, but they're not. Atlantians visit us from time to time. Do you know footage of Rosvel autopsy? We thought it was a fake extraterrestrial, but it was an Atlantian."

"But how do they come here?" Goerge was interested.

"Did hear the news about Azerbaijan government intention to build runaway for flying saucers? They intended to do it because flying saucers constantly landed into Kaspian lake. On the bottom of Kaspian lake is the passage to Atlantis. Maybe you did, but you thought it was a joke and ignored."

"Your story is very interesting," George said. "But I don't understand why you have to keep it secret."

"There are interests," Mike said. "People who rule the world, the rulers from the shadow, are in connection to Anunnaki. They have to bound any influence of Agharti. On the other side, if people in our world would know that wireless energy is possible, like in Atlantis, they would start to use it. Potentates would have no profit anymore. Anunnaki didn't obey Atlantis, so they want to obey our world to obey Atlantis over it."

"I understand," George nodded. "But how did you came back?"

"There is another pass from Atlantis to our world, Blue Eye lake. That's the lake without a bottom. Many explorers tried to measure the depth of the lake but didn't succeed. They thought that high pressure of subterranean waters disables measuring. But the lake has no bottom."

"Hmm... Interesting," George said.

"Excuse me now," Mike stood up. "I have to go. I stayed here for a long time. I can make you endanger."

"If you wish," George was a little bit disappointed. "Thanks for the SD card. I'll do everything in my power to let mankind know."

Mike went out quickly and George was standing in the room for a long time asking himself did he talked to a madman.


Hi vasigo,

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I can imagine George listening to Mike, giving him all the time he needed to tell his story and thinking that he might need some professional help :) We judge so quickly and form our opinions at the beginning of stories without really listening to what the others have to say. What if there are really those worlds? What if all these things are possible? :)

I have enjoyed your story :) It's unbelievably believable :)

Thank you for sharing and have a lovely day!

You know in fact, I really wished to participate in this contest and have already drafted few stuffs in mind, but after going through your story | dropped that idea. For me this is an excellent piece of story that really connected to the topic. You should really try in writing such stories or even Novels seriously as you have a real flow in presenting the myths and fiction and connect it with present.

You must had been to India once, or you might read about India a lot, otherwise there is no chance of you mentioning an Indian city which have the Bay of Bengal on its side and an Indian who taking the main charctor along with him to the other world.

I had gone through somewhere which mentioned about the sentinel island and people, but the story thread have a good beginning with this context.

The other 5 worlds, their names, incorporating flying saucers which everyone in this world is aware about and finally the open lake with the access back to the earth is simply awesome.

It seems the story had ended without a convincing conclusion if we think about quality of the story you written, May be it is enough for the contest.

Looks like you have the outline of an epic tell. Each of those worlds could build a novel. I liked the way you told story through dialogue. Nicely done.

I think George definitely talked to a madman!

Your story made me laugh.

Interesting interrogation to get all the facts across. I like that you pulled on folklore and created your own circles and layers of the earth.

A surprising story from an other view.

Posted using Partiko Android

What a site for the entrance! No wonder no one stumbles across it. You have thought this out so well, and tied in so many conspiracy theories, it is brilliant!

This is just such a fun entry… was he a madman? Or did he really go there? I guess we will never know! Unless George decides to take the risk and upload the pictures somewhere and find out…

Although… this is so believable… maybe… just maybe… he already has told his tale ;)

The research and grounding in this bring so much to the tale, and telling it through dialogue make it a lot more immersive, bringing the reader into wondering if Mike was mad or not. The flying saucer element! Such a great touch! A very enjoyable entry, thank you very much! So happy to have you <3

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