3 AIs. Tell A Story To Me

in #tellastorytome5 years ago

This is my entry for @calluna’s Tell A Story To Me Big Brother's Got Your Back

Once upon a time, there were three small thefts that were thrown into a garbage bin when they were replaced by a higher version, more compact and elegant, capable of fulfilling by itself the 3 functions that their ancestors happily fulfilled separately.

In a futuristic society, where consumerism reigned, new technologies supplanted the older ones. So much so, that many times they only lasted a couple of weeks before becoming obsolete.

Left to their fate, we had more to do than wait for the inevitable fate of all those who went out of fashion: to become scrap metal.

But for these little ones, destiny had another kind of luck in store for them.

George was an old man who used to rummage between the scrap metal and the garbage containers, looking for one or another piece of technology that would allow him to repair some of the artifacts he used to sell in the markets, once his defects had been corrected.

It was late at night when he had already checked 3 containers, without much luck. He was about to give up his search when a small reflection caught his attention. He adjusted his lenses which slipped through the sweat of his nose.

Suddenly a big smile was drawn on his withered face, further wrinkling the skin of his face; making visible the lack of a few molars. Happy to have found three small artifacts, which in his opinion, could be in good condition. He took the hilt of his shirt and rubbed his nameplates; he could not contain a shout of joy at the revelation of a hidden treasure.

Two vowels appeared in front of him: AI. He looked everywhere, to confirm that no one had heard him. Just a few curses from the tenants who lived in the apartments three stories from where he was. He kept the three small devices in his backpack and jumped out of the container. Happy with his loot, he headed home.

There were indeed 3 devices with AI cores. Two of them had their power supply damaged. Nothing serious for the old man's expertise. He only had to change a couple of capacitors and they would be working again.

But no matter how hard he tried to turn them on, the devices didn't come to life. They didn't have any kind of switch that would allow him to turn them on or off. He decided to leave them connected to the power outlet so that they could charge their batteries.

He straightened his curved back, the product of his habit of bending over to work better on his inventions. The wall clock struck 2 in the morning, the old man had not realized how late it was. His stomach protested with a roar, warning him that he had not eaten either. He looked again and smiled at the booty on his table, tomorrow morning there would be time to continue examining them.

He went into the kitchen and made a sandwich with peanut butter and jelly. After devouring his aperitif he fell like a log on his bed; it had been a very long but fruitful day.

Anne, the granddaughter who lived with George; she had woken up early and, as usual, prepared a bowl of cereal with milk. She was going to turn on the television to watch her morning cartoons, but her attention was fixed on three small devices on grandfather's desk. They shone with the glow of a ray of sunlight that pierced the holes of a curtain rolled by moths and that barely covered the only window of the small house.

Her curiosity brought her closer to them. She still carried the half-finished bowl of cereal. Her childish imagination made her see how objects seemed to have life; suddenly she uttered a small scream


The 3 little robots turned on their CPUs. The warning beep indicating that they were in line, surprising the little girl, overflowing some of the cereal and milk on the floor.

She held a small scream when she saw that she had drained her breakfast on grandpa's chair. Which she forgot when one of the little robots answered her greeting.

"Good afternoon, little one. What's your name? My name is Edna. The words sounded in a melodious, feminine voice.

"I would say: Good morning," added the second with a rough voice

"Synchronize your watch with mine"

"Oh, that's right, forgive me, my little one. Good morning," corrected the first one.

"Let me introduce you to my good friend, TikTak, he is a clock with a quartz core, he always knows what time it is, what day it is and how long it has been running," Edna explained.

"Of course I do! It's been 63,072,000 seconds since I was made," the old watch proudly said.

A strong light narrowed the girl's eyes.

"Who's there," asked the third.

"Don't be so rude! Please turn off your light," Edna ordered.

"Don't panic, little girl, he's Sparky, he's a lamp whose light never goes out," Edna explained again.

"My light is eternal and never fails, my diodes can last more than 500 years of operation and I can emit beams of light of up to 16 million tonalities", said Sparky proudly.

"It actually uses solar cells," Edna whispered with a giggle.

"I just heard what you said," Sparky replied.

The girl laughed excitedly at the new toys on Grandpa's table. She ran out to tell Grandpa. Forgetting the grain streak she had left behind.

"I think you scared her, Edna," added confused Sparky.

"Grandpa! Grandpa!" entered the grandfather's room, the girl shouting for joy.

Grandfather woke up frightened and confused by the girl's fuss. He was still wearing last night's clothes, including his shoes.

"Those toys are for me? Right," said the girl with a wide pair of eyes waiting for an affirmative answer.

Grandfather wiped his face with both hands and gave a big yawn as he instinctively looked for his glasses on the bedside table. It took some time for him to understand what his little granddaughter meant.

"Toys, you say?" he asked, still confused.

"Yes! The three little robots on the table," she replied full of joy again.

"One is called Edna and the other two are TikTak and Sparky," added the little girl.

It was then that he remembered the objects he had brought the night before. He was not sure that he had repaired them completely, he remembered that he had not been able to make them turn on. He looked back at a pair of glassy eyes, full of emotion, waiting for the long-awaited answer.

The old man thought how important it was to sell those devices, he was sure to get a good cut from the merchants. A good amount, which would allow them to eat more than just sandwiches, which was usually what they ate every day. A good steak or perhaps turkey. They had a quite time they didn't eat turkey.

He was still absorbed in his thoughts, ruminating on how tasty a beef roast would be when the girl interrupted him again.

"They're for me, aren't they?"

The old man sighed, resigned to hand over his little loot. He couldn't break the little girl's, little heart.

"But of course they're for you."

The girl jumped up and put her skinny little arms around the old man's wrinkled neck. Then she ran to the table to continue chatting with the little robots.

A friendship began to grow between the 3 androids and the little one. Wherever she went, she carried them with her.

Ana introduced her three devices to Jonah, the neighborhood baker. She used to pick up bread and milk every two days. And as is the custom of an AI, TikTak always warned in advance when she should look for groceries.

It also reminded her of the time to pick up her grandfather's medicines, which she always looked for at the beginning of each month.

Grumpy sounds were always emitted by TikTak every morning along with a "Wake Up! Wake Up"

Once she decided to take them to school, to show them to her classmates. But they laughed at how old-fashioned her gadgets were.

They boasted of having the latest technology and soon got bored with Ana's comments.

Anne decided not to take them to school anymore. But not because she was ashamed of them, but because she didn't want other children to take away or harm her lovely toys.

Edna used to play songs from the radio stations she picked up. Ana liked that she always knew which songs made her happy.

At night, Sparky used her light to drive Ana to the bathroom, when she forgot to turn on the lights.

George was glad he found a way to keep her distracted and safe while he worked.

The years flew by ...

One afternoon, a 15-year-old Ana was combing her hair in front of the mirror.

"You haven't noticed anything strange about our little girl's behavior," Edna said.

"She's been doing the same operation for about 1700 seconds," replied TikTak.

"She's put lipstick on herself," Sparky added, pointing a red dot at the lipstick on her nightstand.

"Our little girl is in love," Edna burst with a "Tada!" sound.

The girl jumped out of her seat when she heard Edna's phrase. She had heard the whispering of her android friends but was engrossed in the feelings caused by a furtive kiss that had dared to steal from her lips a boy she liked.

"What? How do you know?"

"A little school security camera told me," Edna replied with a giggle.

"Oh my God!", Anna pronounced blushing.

"Don't worry, my dear, it confirmed to me that its DVR friend deleted the video at my request," said Edna, relieving Ana.

"I don't know what I would do without you," replied Ana taking the little android in her hands and kissing her on her small screen.

With the help and perseverance of her fellow androids, Ana got very good grades in her studies. So much so that she obtained a scholarship to study at a university.

The weight of the years had made George older, however, he was glad that her granddaughter had obtained the possibility of studying at a university and could have in the future the life that he could not offer her as a child.

Anne loved her grandfather and her little androids. The day came when she had to move to begin her higher education.

George had checked all the android circuits and took the opportunity to entrust them with the mission of taking care of his granddaughter. He knew that because of his condition, he would not be able to see her graduated from the mechanical engineering degree she had decided to study in honor of him.

The three androids were happy to look after Anne's safety.

The news came to Edna, three years later. It was a Tuesday afternoon, the rain was pouring outside as if the heavens knew what had happened and were weeping at his departure.

Anne had just arrived in her room, her roommate was not there. She threw away her backpack and as usual saluted her 3 android friends, who were already like family to her.

"Ana, we need to talk to you," said TikTak in her harsh voice.

Ana had a feeling that something was wrong. Edna hadn't been able to say anything yet.

"You'd better sit down," Sparky said.

Ana sat down and hesitated for a moment. She took a deep breath and lowered her gaze.

"What's wrong?"

She dared to ask without wanting to hear the answer.

"We regret to inform you that your grandfather has passed away, my dear," Edna finally replied.

Anne fell to her knees in front of them and covered her eyes with her hands. Tears escaped from her hands running down her cheeks, all the memories of her grandfather pass through her mind. Her heart filled with sadness. Sparky's light illuminated her face. Suddenly she heard her grandfather's voice.

"My little one, don't be sad if you're listening to this message it means that I've already left this world. I want you to know that you have made me the happiest grandfather in the world. Don't be sad. It's part of life; when the time comes we must leave. Always be happy. And remember that you are not alone. Edna, TikTak and Sparky will always be with you."

A sound of melodious bagpipes was added at the end of the message. Rhythms that were grandfather's favorites and that Edna had chosen.

The next day she took the 3 androids with her to the city where she used to live when she was little, where she witnessed the burial of her beloved grandfather.

Anne finished her studies, during which time she met Erick, whom she decided to marry after the 3 androids had fully found out about his life and given their approval.

Years later a little George, played with Edna, sucking her case.

"Don't do that little thing, excuse my dear Edna, everything goes into his mouth"

"Don't worry, my dear" replied an old friend.

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Is that original art @jadams2k18 - you have personified them so well, its just so cute! It has to be, it captures your characters so perfectly <3

To say you have me instantly in love with your story would be an understatement, you have approached this from the other side and in a world where tech moves so quickly, the story of the left behind is one easy to relate to.

This story is peppered with amazing bits of description that roll off the tongue and give this story a whole other level of beauty.

Suddenly a big smile was drawn on his withered face, further wrinkling the skin of his face; making visible the lack of a few molars

This really is just one example of how very well you paint the scenes, language that is a pleasure to read. The way you space the story, telling this over the passage of years adds so much to this, it feels very much like a natural progression.

I really enjoy the way Anna keeps the AI to herself, and as you point out, not through shame, but through love, they become her treasured friends, and a link to her grandfather. The way they are part of her life, becoming like people, observing small changes in her, they may know what she gets up to, check in with the other smart tech she passes in her day to day life, yet they strike a wonderful balance between protective and giving her her own freedom. I love that they vet her husband, and then how you end this, they aren't teach, they are her friends, part of her life, and now, part of her child's life.

This is a beautiful story, and although it is happy and sweet on the surface, it casts a shadow of a world where AI comparable to people are thrown in the bin, where the other kids are only interested in the latest tech. In a way, given how her grandfather scavenges in bins, how excited she is about getting toys and her grandfathers inability not to let her have them, and her parent's not being around, Anna should seem like she is living in poverty, but she doesn't at all, not does she evoke pity. She may not have the latest tech the other kids have, but she values what she has for what it is, not paying attention to what its not, and gets so much more back from it. She in an inspiring character instead of one I felt sorry for.

This feels like an oasis of personal connection in a world of advancement and consumption, a story it is impossible not to love.

~ Calluna <3

PS - Voting is open! Head over to the round up post and let me know which entry was your favourite for an extra chance to win!

Oh My!!!

I really appreciate you reading my story in detail.

I wanted to detail more the personalities of each AI but I didn't want to make the story longer: I wanted to show how stubborn and grumpy TikTak (the clock) was, how meddlesome Sparky was and how sweet Edna was.

But thank God you got it.

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