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RE: Prisoner 4378

in #tellastorytome6 years ago (edited)

oh this is a really really good answer to the prompt! The anecdotal tone works really well, and the plot itself is very catchy. The idea of it being a prison sentence, an unanswered mystery, works very good! I loved the details, the observations about the desk, the difference in behaviour, a very intriguing peek at the world on the other side!

Results and the next round are out! I really hope you find time to enter again <3 (edit and I know you declined prizes, but there were a lot of prizes, so you still got one ;) )


Thank you, one of the best and most encouraging comments I think I have received.

You took the time to tell me an enthralling story, the least I could do is tell you a few of the things I loved about it <3

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