Binge Watch Worthy: Freaks and Geeks

in #television7 years ago

      Freaks and Geeks was an amazing show... I'm disappointed in myself that it took me this long to watch it. If actors like James Franco, Seth Rogan, and Jason Segel were already this talented at such a young age it's no wonder that their careers blew up the way they did. It's just tragic that this show didn't gain a following until many years after it's cancellation, because it definitely deserved a second season. Nearly every character Every character is a compelling three dimensional person, who's motivation behind doing everything they do is very clear. From the comedic foils like Jeff the school counselor to the more serious straight laced folk like Millie (who let's be honest is just another comedic character in her own right, seriously this show is hilarious).

      I DON'T GIVE A DAMN 'BOUT MY REPUTATION... The intro to the show is so fitting, as the entire season is about these two groups of people, the freaks, and the geeks, coming to terms with what other people think of them and breaking the preconceived notions that they have. Although spoiler alert, they do care about their reputations. Especially the geek group. This is a highschool comedy which everyone can relate to, as people of every age creed and color struggle with the conflict of their own self perception, versus that of everyone around them. It manages to not come off as dated. Which is a huge accomplishment for a show made in 1999, taking place in the 80s, and starring much younger versions of some of the biggest names in Hollywood today. Yet this show pulls it all off flawlessly, I'm officially starting a campaign for a season 2.

      Everyone grew up, Nick's a hippie stoner drumming his way across the country still struggling to make it. Daniels a  perpetual slacker moving in and out of prison despite being a good person at heart. Ken's a bisexual stripper touring the country with his entourage (No idea where that one came from). Lindsay and Sam are a brother and sister duo running the biggest sports goods chain in the state of Michigan.... MAKE IT HAPPEN HOLLYWOOD.

Binge Worthy Rating: 4/5.

One more thing, why does Jason Segel look like he recorded this only a few years ago???

Seriously, the guys ageless.

I knew a guy once who watched Freaks and Geeks, ya know what happened to him? HUH? He had a damn good laugh!


Lmao i love your reviews. I've already seen it but i'm adding it to my list on netflix again (;

Imma make season 2 happen, just watch

Very well written post. I haven't actually seen that show, but it definitely seems like one I would watch. Thank you @swism, for sharing your interests with us. I will definitely be looking for that show and for more posts from you. Keep on Steemin'!

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