Imagining a Future when Money is Obsolete, but Zoning is Ubiquitous

in #technology7 years ago

There’s a paradox in the nature of money in that for it to be a good store of value, it must have scarcity. At the same time, that scarcity is at the core of the nature of poverty. Scarcity used to be a part of the natural order of things in terms of our human values. Now it’s becoming more artificially enforced through policies of economic exclusion. There’s actually a good reason for this and it probably isn’t just your first impression of what’s wrong.

We’ve been the victims of a fabulously successful industrial revolution. Machines are able to create automobiles given the resources with relatively little human effort. Why is it that so many people are homeless, foodless, autoless, etc? Because these benefits are held by authority with stipulation that you have to jump through a certain number of hoops in order to be worthy of these benefits. They have become intertwined with status, and ultimately ego.

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I don’t mean to be so critical of authority. They also have a terrible problem. They’ve been farming humans and the herd is growing out of control. It’s a natural disaster waiting to happen. They also really aren’t fully in control. Too many attribute god like powers to the politicians and CEO’s of the organizations that run the world. They individually have partial but minimal control in contrast to the 9 to 5 employee that has no control.

This is why decentralization technology is so important and a necessary step in human survival. The byproduct of authority, which is a natural extension of attempts at control, is terrorism. Terrorism is a weak means of attempt at political control. Only when such control is rendered useless through decentralization using game theoretical incentives to dissuade bad actors can it be rendered obsolete.

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Ultimately financial control is really about what is allowed to exist in the world. This is why those with the most money have an agenda to try to control what exists because for everything that exists, something else must not exist. Anaximander once said…

The place whence things come to be, there must they pass away by necessity, for they must pay penalty and do recompense, according to the ordering of time.

Andreas Antonopoulos explains how this system is about to be disrupted…

credit - Andreas Antonopoulos

The next question is what happens when everyone has everything they want? If everyone is a millionaire or better, what happens to the ecosystem? This essentially will be what happens when replicators can create anything that you want. Again the question then becomes what should exist here in this moment? In the past, authority gave you an allowance, but not enough to do real damage.


When replicators make this a reality, then the question will become should it exist? It’s like the genie who grants you three wishes. The end result is that typically it does a great deal of damage. Beware what you wish for. Assuming that this technology is successful, the issue will be one of zoning (what is allowed to exist where). We currently have that in city governments that for instance say that homes should not have business signs without licensing, that chemical processing planets should not be built next to hospitals, etc…

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I so enjoy your posts. Crypto is on my mind more than it's ever been, but your posts typically force me to think about crypto and decentralization on a deeper level, which is fun for me. It often leads to in-depth conversations with Patrick about these very issues!

We were actually just talking yesterday about what will happen to animals when we are able to clone them in the same replicator you speak of. We are more or less keeping these species alive solely for consumption at the moment, So what happens when we don't need them for that anymore? The world is headed for change in so many crazy ways. It will be interesting to see what the future holds!

Wah saya sangat menyukai posts ini.
Dunia semakin canggih teknologi semakin berkembang. bicoin, uang , politik semakin maju.
Terimakasih atas postingan ini. Mohon bantuannya dalam bimbingan dari anda

how come over the last 30 years we have seen an amazing technological revolution, yet our standard of living is worse than that of our parents?

We are massively being ripped off. But it is coming to an end now. But not everything will be available en masse. There is a hard cap on the amount of land and on resources. How will we solve that and not slide into a tyranny of the landowners? Any ideas on this topic are very welcome.

I'm new in crypto (like a month and a half) and I can say that Andreas is the best guy in crypto.

His explanations are so good, even I can understand most of it, and I'm a newb in this field.

"The next question is what happens when everyone has everything they want? If everyone is a millionaire or better, what happens to the ecosystem?"

I actually thought about that.

What if BTC goes to 100k dollars, and altcoins follow it.

So many people would become millioners.

I think that the governments wouldn't let us have all of it or something like that.

There's got to be a catch somewhere.

People have been beaten down for so long that they attribute godlike powers to the parasites who run things. They are actually very mediocre. Government systems are incredibly fragile compared to systems of nature. Nature has existed like this for millions of years. Governments fall every few decades or hundreds of years.

Bottom line is that nobody has complete control. There are powerful players, but they are at each others throats. Decentralization will change the game theoretical dynamics of politics. I predict that it will also expose terrorism for what it really is (a byproduct of authority).

This post has received gratitude of 6.30 % from @appreciator thanks to: @zoidsoft.

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