Economics is Really About What’s Allowed to be Brought into the World

in #money6 years ago

In a previous post I wrote about why the main reason for why most of the world is poor has changed. Some people still think that the vote can make a significant change if just enough people can be educated about their “stupidity” in electing “insert politicians name here”. The vote has become a placebo to vent your rage, but nothing significant will change because politicians are controlled by the greatest force for control of all: money.

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We’ve been the victims of a massively successful industrial revolution. It used to be the case that scarcity was just a fact of life and that it’s just hard to survive in the world. The work ethic was necessary in previous millennia because otherwise you’d be exposed to the elements. There was just nothing else to pick you up out of the wilderness.

When I see the deer huddled out back on our 70 acre property, and realize that it’s almost 20 below zero, I wonder how they manage to survive every year and not freeze to death. These creatures are adapted to survive in what seems to me impossible for a human being. Somehow they’ve found a way to achieve economic balance.

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(picture of 3 ducks after a typical winter around here a long time ago)

The same is the case for the rabbits around here that find a snow drift with downed brush to huddle in. One came out at night when I turned the outside light on and just sat in the middle of the snow. The wind was blowing and it was -18F. What I realized was that the rabbit didn’t even feel cold. It wanted to be out there instead of being under the front porch (where they have a nest) which might have been about 10 degrees warmer.

Economics is about equipping yourself and the goal is to find balance. For government, economics is a means of control, to bring what their party wants into the world and stop what the opposing party wants to bring into the world. It seems they all say they don’t want terrorism, so they’ve implemented a policy known as CTF (Control of Terrorist Financing).

(credit - Andreas Antnonpoulos)

Does it work? Of course not. John McCain and Hillary Clinton wanted Assad out of the world. So they’re allowed to send USD to Syrian fighters opposed to Assad. What happened next? Well some of them took that money and became the core of what’s now known as ISIS. Yet, they will blame terrorist financing on “bitcoin” instead of looking in the mirror. This is why I say that terrorism is a byproduct of authority.

We now live in a world that can theoretically provide enough for everyone. However, since WWII, the growing realization is that we live in a giant space suit. If you’re a politician charged with managing the population (sort of like how farmers manage cattle), then you’re thinking about how many bails of hay need to be laid out, what happens when you let the bulls intermingle and so on.

Economics as the Military Wing of Politics

Politicians see scarcity as a tool for creating balance, or so it seems to those who look down from the top of their control pyramid. Money has become a “meritocracy”. The problem is that this kind of control is an illusion. At the level of government to government interaction, the world is still relatively decentralized although the problem of intermediation still exists.

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Money has become a tool for enforcement. To become part of this club, you have to successfully sell yourself into slavery (called getting a job). If you try to better yourself without the proper permits and do things yourself, by finding a vacant lot nobody appears to be using anywhere and using your own wits to survive, then the police or game warden will take you away. But the deer aren’t charged rent for doing almost the same thing. Why do you think that is? Because you are being farmed.

In the drive for control, government has created a massive population of unprepared dependents. It seeks to protect the population using regulation, but for reasons stated below, this never works.

(credit - Andreas Antnonpoulos)

The end result of this is that when the government does finally collapse, you’re left to fend for yourself having never been equipped to do so. This realization often leads to people supporting their own enslavement.

It’s important to realize that this kind of support of government is morally and ethically unsound. Unless people are given the freedom to opt out, forcing the vote on a population is just another form of dictatorship. Such forms of control always plant the seeds for violence.

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But on Jan 3, 2009, something truly revolutionary was born: bitcoin. It has within it the power to break the monopoly control of national fiat. When you can put your money outside of the system, that is the same as “opting out”. If enough people do this (about 5.5 billion people have no reason not to because they are already excluded from the club), then the paradigm of unlimited money for the few and limitations for everyone else will be broken.

In the future, when replicators can create anything even down to bio-molecular structures, bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will be worthless. This Star Trek kind of world where you can just go up and ask for whatever you want is probably at least hundreds of years away. It will be as if a genie granted you three wishes. Would you be able to choose wisely?

Donations (public bitcoin address):



Excellent write up. I would like to expand on this point:

"What I realized was that the rabbit didn’t even feel cold."

Unlike all animals, which are adapted to their environment and climate, humans can't survive amid the elements without protection, which seems to suggest that we're essentially out of place with nature.

It's almost as if we don't fit within nature's ecosystem, which seems to be why we've been destroying the planet since the birth of the industrial revolution. We are essentially fighting against nature's principles, no?

Love your work Bruv!
Highly rEsteemed!


The way you summed up that paragraph with “because you are being farmed,” well done.

great post, cannot agree more

To answer the last question. Yes!
I will choose:

  1. $1000 of Bitcoins.

  2. $1000 of Ethereum.

  3. $1000 of NEO. So that I will get GAS monthly on binance!

Cheers man. Such a superb post on socio-economic past, present and the future! I would love to see the day after 100 years. That might provide us peace. If not that, someone will do something interesting put there. Maybe computers will keep on the desks and watch a live video us of doing stupid things.

VR for them. They would call it Reality! Haha.

nice i like this

This post has received gratitude of 3.58 % from @appreciator thanks to: @zoidsoft.

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