The Importance of "Technology Breaks" to Keep a Healthy Mind and Spirit

Goodness knows we're more "connected" than ever. If we're not online with our computers, we're connected via our smartphones.

These days, it seems there's hardly a moment when we're not being pinged by some app, either reminding us that we "must" do something, or letting us know that someone else just did something.

Enjoy the Beauty around you!

Sometimes you have to wonder how we even managed to stay alive — as a species — before cell phones and the Internet!

Seriously, though, there's such a thing as Too Much Technology!

Being old enough to remember "Life Before the Web" does make it mildly easier to step away and actually look at what's all around us, in physical space. 

Graphic is our own; words via

After a couple of days of "late" winter, it is a beautiful day here. It's sunny and bright, and you can also sense that spring is about to arrive. It's a tad bit windy out there, but we have a sheltered spot on one of our decks where the sun has warmed the surrounding area and you can actually sit and look at the world.

Not the world "inside the technology," but the world "out there" that actually gave us life.

My challenge for you today is to put down the technology — even if just for ONE hour — and engage with the physical world around you: If you're an artist, create something. Or take your dog for a long walk. Or work on a hobby. Or cook a great meal from scratch. 

But whatever you choose, leave the phone and computer behind. No, don't just turn it to "vibrate;" leave it in another room!

Breathe in and out, and appreciate what's around you! Stop thinking about your social media, or your email, or whether your Steemit post is earning rewards. These things will all be there when you come back...

Bright Blessings!

WLE Logo
You are not alone!
(Graphic is our own)

The White Light Express Mission Statement:

The mission of the White Light Express is to offer healing and transformation through focused positive intention, meditation and prayer. Right Thought is the first step toward Right Action and consciousness. We believe that “holding the vibration” is a profound task and our divine destiny.  

We appreciate you following us and upvoting if you feel moved to do so — we also really appreciate comments and feedback! If you enjoyed this post and think others might enjoy reading it, please give it a re-steem! We love you already, because across all the myriad beliefs we hold, Love IS the answer! 

In addition to our blog here on Steemit, you can also find us on the White Light Express web site, on our Facebook Page and on our twitter feed.        



I remember those days well!! We spent most of our time outside during good weather and enjoyed the company of others not cell phones! I feel blessed to have experienced those days indeed!! Terrific post @whitelightxpress!!

Thanks! I know every generation thinks the subsequent generation is "deteriorating," but this time there seems to be something to it.

Bright Blessings!

Thank you so much for sharing this message!
It is so important for all of us to realize the hypnotizing power of technology.
I offer the same challenge to everyone to choose at least one day a week completely techno free.
This is the first time I read your blog and I'm very happy to find you. Your mission statement is on point with my vision and goals for sharing on Steemit!
Thank you for holding this vibration 🌹💙🌹
It is needed in this world!
Please check out what I have to share as well, I think you will find a lot of relation.
Peace & Love always,

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