Technology-Trail Featured Authors and Posts 4-21-18


Featuring authors and posts daily that have been curated.

Featured Authors and Posts


Building A New Ryzen 2 Gaming / Streaming PC - Part 4 - Let The Testing & Filming Begin!


The AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Unboxing and installation, + AMD Wraith Spire cooler


Project 4 - "RUNNING LIGHTS" using 7493 IC Binary Counter and 74154 Demultiplexer IC - Electronics


The Internet is the first!


A Typecast on Quiet Empty Spaces and New Digital Gods


When posting your link in the #technology-trail channel on Discord, There are a few guidlines @technology-trail follows.


  • Content - We encourage you to post as much original content as possible! We do understand in this particular category, it's very easy to share content from other web-blogs; but, please try to create original content!

  • Citing Sources - To make sure there is zero plagiarism or copyright infringement, it is required to cite your sources on your blog. Doing this makes it easier for everyone to verify the content and finds the original author/creator.

  • Formatting - The post should have text and images to share your information as best as possible! We do not encourage posting an embedded video as your whole blog... Moreover, we recommend learning markdown to have a better-formatted post. We recommend you use this if you need help! Also, you must remember that writing and spelling should be in the correct form. Since this is an online international community, we do understand this area will not be perfect; but, we highly encourage you to be the most professional as you can in formatting your post!

  • Correct Tags - This is a must in order to help categorize Steemit blogs the best, the tags should be what the blog is generally about... Abuse of improper tags in the trail will result in many flags.


@Technology-Trail's goal is to have blogs organized in the correct categories and help find great tech content along with unrecognized users and their content to get noticed for more to enjoy!

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