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RE: I promised a picture of the 5g beast tower

in #technology7 years ago

wow I'm not sure I have the words to respond very touching. honestly I'm not sure where my heart and mind are I'm torn between two lives. my girlfriend and I were expecting my second son but my first with her. she was hit by a drunk driver she had to have an emergency c section he fought for two days before I had to call it. he had a hole in his brain even if he lived it wouldn't have been a good life. that was just in October right before my 26th birthday. I haven't figured out how to cope. I do not personally believe in god or a higher power but I am still a spiritual man. and even if there is a chance god did exist or there is after life I want to find out if it means seeing my son again but I have a beautiful baby boy and a wife I love. my dad killed himself when I was3 and I couldn't possibly do that to my family they are my life.

being a cancer survivor at my age I do fully believe they are already using the 5g for these staged events such as shootings and celebrity suicides and car wrecks all of the crazy shootings thatjust don't make sense theres so many possibilies that our current education doesn't explain to us. tesla developed free wireless energy audio frequencies can tear rifts sound waves can levitate the egyptions had technology so many things most think are science fiction are possible and used by the elite. ever since the A.I. went live on the blockchain the crypto markets and the stock markets have been rigged beyond belief the crash of the fiat currency is on the horizon and with that comes rfids and all many of crazy controlling stuff theres one final battle that will occur before that either happens or doesn't happen

I really appreciate the words you share out of all of the followers and people ive talked to I respect and loo forward to your replies the most they are meaningfull honest and straight forward and the positive feelings make a difference :)


Brother, I am SO sorry. Words cannot express sufficiently. I have had to think about the best response and in truth, there is no right or perfect thing to say. My heart breaks for you and for your family. For a woman to lose a a gut wrenching thing. For a father to lose a son, I cannot fathom. And I won’t try to tell you you should believe in God. Ideally it would be awesome if He was your Savior, but I can’t make you believe what I do. So much respect. And yes - I believe in many spiritual layers as well. Not like us as sentient beings, but we are all connected. Our hearts have eternity woven in them. Babies and children are precious and I believe they are taken into heaven without question. Imagine after so many years since Roe v. Wade and so many little ones lost by other means that Heavennis teeming with Kids. To me, that seems the most glorious and raucous and entertaining thing. They are all angels, so why wouldn’t they beat us back there?

I feel Christianity as a whole has been really wrecked by hypocrisy and the facade of perfection, while most non-Christians love more deeply and purely. I’m not a better than so and so because of being Christian, but a better person than what once was in this body and have become more loving and patient and have had to get up and fight - and fighting teaches you about what really matters in life. Get angry - but angry about the right things. Grieve and rejoice. Cry and sing. Rise up and rest. All and each when the time is right. I will just keep you all in prayers because it matters somewhere and prayer that is real creates energy in the universe for good.

The more I read the Bible, the more questions I ask, the deeper I go with it all, the more I believe. As a scientist and as a human being with emotions and a heart. Safe to say, I’m confident you can hold your son in your arms. But thankful for the loved ones you still have. I just wish I had the capacity and means to take the pain and wreckage from you. Really.

And the 5G thing - it is also much deeper than we all think. Just searching for more answers. We have talked about bugging out, prepped for it for seven years, and there is a super powerful interview you should check out if you really need a distraction. Over on @sgtreport - Steemit Page. Sean does excellent interviews about 5G, AI, crypto, Big Wobble, solar magnetism.

On the note of the above, AI. I believe Blockchain is the foundation of AI. Who knows, maybe Satoshi is AI. Maybe Charlie Lee is Satoshi. Nah. But one thing I am gathering is that everything on the surface web, deep web, dark web, it’s all coding the AI and writing the AI program. So what we say, do, think, feel, share, look at, buy, hear....if it is all feeding AI, what do we want it to say? A master or benevolent dictator or a force for good? So I’m choosing positivity when possible, wonder, hope, Love, kindness. It is not easy, the world would have anything else. But AI should be learning compassion and respect - counter the culture.

I still cannot get over your loss. You all are on my mind. I wish for you nothing but peace in your hearts as time passes. And blessings you cannot see or understand right now.

Give them a hug for me.

I fully believe satoshi is AI I think bitcoin was created for AI by AI for the purpose of expanding itself and then given to the people on silk road to give bitcoin value to humans to entice us to build and engineer the machines (mining rigs) for AI to communicate learn and intake.

now that I got that out of the way I just want to keep my response to the other stuff simple and really thank you from the bottom of my heart for spending so much time and thought in to your response it really does touch my heart. I really don't know what to say other than it has rocked the foundations of our worlds but in the ruble we will rebuild better than ever before for what I have left on this planet my son and my wife will benefit somehow and someway but at the moment it is hard to see the possible good things to come from such a tragic loss. we were both so in love with cayde and the idea of having him together was just indescribable. it breaks my heart to know that my first son iden will never know his baby brother but in the end I hope he will get the chance to know who he was capable of being

Your AI ideal - so spot on!!!

thank you that really does mean a lot!
I find ai super intriguing I think its something that until the day it happens we wont really know about what its doing. its main initiative is to mimic our behaviors so that it can go unnoticed for as long as possible but its still fun to doomsday the scenario lol but at the end of the day I think ai will always need humans to learn from it wont get rid of us

There will always be a part of your little one in Heaven that remains connected to you three. As much as I keep going back to scripture, God was all about quantum entanglement when He created us. And we are forever tied to one another. I will leave that as a divine mystery. It’s what keeps me hopeful. After this life, there is something so great.

So many positive thoughts your direction. Stay strong and courageous. And tenderhearted. You’re all always on my heart.

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