Cyborg Soldiers - This Is Where We Go Wrong

in #technology5 years ago


The future is one of a merger. The merger of human beings and machine. There is no doubt about it in my mind. I am not saying this is the way it should be, but this is how it is going to be.

We have always tried to rise above our biological limitations and do things that we otherwise cannot do. We wanted to fly like the birds and invented the plane, we wanted to swim in deep oceans, and we made submarines.

It seems like natural evolution is not satisfying our fast-changing needs and desires and like always, we will take matters into our own hands and use technology to evolve ourselves into Human 2.0.

If sci-fi movies are anything to go by, it seems like a merger with the machine is the only way we know how to evolve ourselves further. This would give us a lot of control over the different aspects of our health and other physical attributions. But, it can also have a really dark side, especially if it is used for the offensive.

Cyborg Soldiers

Recently I read an article which stated how the US military wants to turn its soldiers into cyborgs by 2050. They wouldn't be like the ones we see in movies but they would be pretty darn enhanced.

It seems like their plan is to enhance all of their senses to a superhuman level and also to connect their brains to computers so that they can control machines and other weapons with their minds. This would give them an edge on the battlefield.

But if we do so as a race, we would be ensuring our own destruction. Somehow that seems to be a recurring theme in our history. If cyborgs are militarised, it will create even more tensions between countries and there will be even more killing. Plus, who is to say that these do not leak out to the public?

Today, we are all at the same level, biologically speaking. There are differences in attributes like strength, intelligence and others, but to a degree that is manageable. But what if becoming a cyborg actually becomes a thing? It will create even more inequality in the world and the 'normal humans' just wouldn't be able to survive.

The Department of Defence (DoD) also acknowledged this fact in the declassified reports about cyborg soldiers, stating that such a thing will "lead to imbalances, inequalities, and inequities in established legal, security, and ethical frameworks."


I'm sure you know, that everything developed in the military arena eventually finds its way to civilians, and so will this.

Then we will see discrimination between the "naturals" and enhanced humans. However, at some point, they will cease to be human at all...

I totally agree. Military tech finds its way into the mainstream and that will kickstart a huge reshuffling of the society.

Latest Dan Brown's novel deal with the same thing. But Yuval Nova Harare's analysis of ever emerging class called USELESS will be the next struggle of humanity. Cause nearly 80% wealth being held by 20% rendering the remainder slowly disappear when the true merge happens

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It will be interesting to see how humans develop and how society evolves further.

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