The Future Of Cybernetic Augmentation

in #technology6 years ago


We are aware that the human body is limited in abilities and capabilities. But there has been an earnest desire of mankind to circumvent these limitations, and moves have been made in the right direction. In this survey, we will be looking at the process of human augmentation through cybernetic technologies; and of course, the attendant consequences of such augmentations.

[Image Source: Pixabay. CC0 licensed]

Overview of "cybernetics"

The word "cybernetics" has been used often in this era of advanced technological revolution to indicate the interaction and communication between humans and machines. Though bleakly correct, but there are more things to it than just human-machine interaction.

According to Andrey Nikolaevich Kolmogorov (Russian mathematician and Scientist):

Cybernetics is the scientific study of any system that is capable of receiving, processing, and storing information that would  be used for control. - A.N. Kolmogorov. Source. [Paraphrased by me]

In the light of the above definition, you can infer that any technology that actually gives a push (no matter how little) beyond the biological limitations of the human biological body is considered "cybernetics". And yes! Any human with cybernetic augmentations can be called a cybernetic organism (otherwise called cyborg).

Now we have had an insight on what cybernetics is, we will be looking at what the future holds for it and also the effect of this on the human nature.

Human to cyborg

People have always wondered what the next few years would actually look like; based on the waves of technological advancements that have greeted this era. However, predictions have been underway, and most of them are pointing towards singularity (which has been seen as the final destination of human evolution).

There is also no doubt to the fact that some people have some reservations about the term "cybernetics", and some often link it to some fictional tales. But I'd love to state here that if you; by reason of therapeutical necessity or cosmetic reasons; have any bionic implant or augmentations (like bionic limb), then the term "cybernetic organism" could suffice for your description.

[Image Source: Maxpixel. CC0 licensed]

Most fascinating is the fact that these augmentations are not limited to the physical body alone. The mind and the brain power is now getting augmented. Taking a look at the technology of BCI (brain-computer interface), this has created a link between the human brain and computational devices and has given humans the ability to control mechanical devices with their thoughts.

Permit me to make this inference: A point is coming in which the absolute computational power of all devices and computers in the world would be linked to; and compared to; the entire brain power of the whole humankind race (this would be the dawn of singularity). There would be a stronger bond between humans and machines, or rather; humans would be one with their devices.

"How close is humankind in the achievement of this?" Someone could ask. Believe me, the trail has already been blazed. The first attempt that humans made to augment the human biological body was what set the path towards the achievement of singularity. Some predictions have been made by some futurists; the likes of Professor Jurgen Schmidhuber (AI expert and founder of NNAISENSE AI).

Here's one of his predications:

Humans are less than 30 years away from singularity. - Jurgen. Source

He also went further to explain that the world would also witness advanced mechanical devices which would equate the human brain power; maybe better.

Ok, now, let's take a look at the prediction of Ray Kurzweil (Google chief engineer and futurist)

AI will attain human-level of intelligence by the year 2029 - Ray kurzweil. Video Source

This is actually culled from a live interview of Ray Kurzweil as streamed on facebook (the link to the video is provided above).

Putting Ray's prediction in apposition with Jurgen's prediction, you would infer that these human-cybernetics augmentations are only leading humans to the dawn of singularity; and in this point, the line dividing biology and technology must have been completely erased; as humans would be one with their devices.

Some people, however, have argued that "singularity" only exists as theory. But permit me to reiterate this: "That something is theorized does not make it fictional". That being reiterated; with all these emerging technologies at hand; you can't rule off the possibility of singularity arriving someday. Little wonder; some have said that the future of humankind would favour "technology" over "biology" (in simple terms; there would be fewer un-augmented organic humans in the future).

[Image Source: Pixabay. CC0 licensed]

Effects of these augmentations

No doubt, these augmentations come at a price. First of all, the glaring consequence would be the loss of humanity (dehumanization). As these technologies are already altering the key aspects of our human existence; that is our humanity, the future could present itself with a scenario in which humankind would be controlled by these techs.

Also, the battle for supremacy and superiority could spring out of this. This would not just be a human-machine conflict, but could be tilted towards the partial fulfilment of a prediction made by Elon Musk.

World war III would be triggered by the battle for AI superiority. - Elon Musk (CEO Spacex, Tesla, and Neuralinks)

And the truth is, the battle may have already begun. Maybe, as the days go by, the term "human" would only be seen as a platform upon which cybernetic augmentations can be made.

What then would humans be left with? Maybe the will power to dictate the trend and pattern of this technological evolution. Just like my friend once told me a very long time ago:

You may not be able to stop the wind, but you can direct your sail aright.

Maybe we all should keep an open mind and brace up for what the future holds.

Thanks for reading

References for further reading: Ref1, Ref2, Ref3, Ref4, Ref5
All images are CC0 licensed and are linked to their sources

gif by @foundation


It's an honour

Cyborg i remember him from justice league. The guy who talks to computers from his head.

Lol. Communicating with computers is no longer fictional. All thanks to advances in BCI

The tech world is really moving too fast. One has to be so updated with all these things else you can find yourself in the 19th century again. 😂

Or 9th century BC. Lol

Hehehe.. One go see Jesus and not believe science anymore. 😂😂

lol,you really did

as much as i would like to see a cyborg, i dont think i want to be one.
Yet, i am optimistic about the solutions this technology would bring to the table. (at least i can relate from the comic movies lol)

your posts; always a good read!

Lol. Some people do not willingly subscribe to cybernetic augmentation, but maybe by reason of therapeutic necessity.
Hope you won't become a cyborg one day? I'm kidding.
Thanks for dropping by

Once again you have written an awesome post. I have to ask: are you an advocate on transhumanism (humans extending their abilities with machines)

Actually, I'm a proponent of emerging technology. Well, talking about transhumanism, who wouldn't want to live above the limitations of the biological body? Believe me, H+ (posthumans) are arising.

Thanks for the comment

You are welcome, just keep the posts coming

The idea of being a cybernetic organism is quite thrilling but the idea of a portion of my humanity is actually heartbreaking. Your posts just kept taking me back to the terminator series. A very nice post btw

Lol. Terminator; Samminator... Are you getting an insight already? :p

Ahh that’s nice man. I just got the drill :)

I hope one day you will not end up being a cyborg...and your name will change to cymminator..wonderful post brother

Lol. Baba nawaa u oo. Na so u wan change my name? Haba naa. :D

great write up, the term cyborg reminds me of Van Dam old movie titled Cyborg. I always love this part of technology but what people fail to realize or the question we are not asking ourselves is, can we contain these machines if they misbehave? Watch terminator movie series and you'll understand what I am talking about. Nice write up and I would love to research more on the BCI you mentioned earlier and if I find something worth sharing with the community, I'll do so with your permission.

Why not? Feel free bro. That's actually the idea.
Thanks for stopping by

I am personally more interested in the application of cybernetics to the mind, I don't think I'll mind being a cyborg for that singular reason, the thought of having machines do the things my mind can conceive, that will be lovely.

Now, this is interesting. You wanna be a cyborg? We can arrange for that :D

emmmm... Abeg Mr saminator, you dey sell robot.. I dey find robot wey go dey help me shit

Kuku kee me naa.. Shey na robot wey go help u shit? No be die be dat? :p

@samminator resteem this post vote and following u

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