
Anything that attempts to normalise child abuse is something that needs to be challenged. I have listened to many victims of child abuse and it tends to ruin their entire life - it is not a 'fun pass time'.

I agree. Now the problem is that the right does exactly that, normalises child abuse by for example demonising pedophiles and lolicon. No, suffering pedophilia does not mean you will abuse children, in fact, most sexual child abusers are not pedophile (the numbers i have seen are 2 to 20% of sexual child abusers are pedophile, with the most credible sitting at 12%), most pedophiles will just go to a psychiatrist and request chemical castration. I dont know if traditionalists would just rape anyone they are attracted to (yeah they dont) or why they think suffering pedophilia has anything to do with sexual child abuse, but for the same reason that misoginist and rapist doesnt mean anything anymore, those terms are also losing their meaning thanks to the normalisation of child abuse by conservatives.

I have no idea what you are attempting to convey here. In most people's minds, a pedophile is someone who is sexually excited by children, specifically. Abuse against children can be non sexual, but sexual abuse against children is committed by pedophiles and no-one else.

You don't know why someone would think that pedophilia is connected to child abuse? Really?

"sexual abuse against children is committed by pedophiles and no-one else." Thats wrong. Pedophilia is a very specific diagnosis denoting exclusive or primary sexual attraction to children (a child being prepubescent) and is not required to sexualy abuse a child nor are pedophiles the primary perpetrators. There are many other reasons to do so(and no, nothing justifies that), such as unavailability of an adult partner, low selfcontrol, sadism, powergames,...,...,...
Neither do all pedophiles touch children nor are all people who do pedophiles.
And the idea that pedophiles are dangerous doesnt jive well with me unless you also say all heterosexual and homosexual people are dangerous becouse in either case with some people (or in the case of a pedophile, all people you would be attracted to) it would be rape. Now i dont know about you but i dont rape people im attracted to wether or not they want to have sex with me or not (and those wouldnt be children so the age of consent wouldnt be a concern there) and i never would have (which i should say becouse novadays, i dont think sex is worth my time or effort in the first place).

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