Bye Bye to Wireless? Why I Went Back to a Wired Keyboard and MousesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #technology7 years ago


Good morning everyone, I'm excited to be typing on my new mechanical wired keyboard today! Why would I want to go back to wired from wireless? I'll explain my reasoning below.

While we are sitting in front of our computer and other wireless devices, we are constantly being bombarded with radio frequencies. Although the FCC does not recognize these devices as being cancerous, it is no secret that brain and other cancers have skyrocketed since their adoption. The amount of RF transmitted from a wireless mouse and keyboard may be small, but you are handling these devices more than any other piece of your computer, with your hands resting on them frequently.

My biggest problem with my wireless keyboard is that it would decide to lag behind or just freeze up while I was typing. I would be typing mid-sentence and it would just stop. It wasn't just occasionally, it was at least every few minutes. This would be enough for any writer to want to throw it out the window. I'm still debating on whether I should take it outside and use it for target practice. The mouse would lag out too occasionally which wasn't helping. Batteries aren't a huge issue as they last a long time in these devices, but it's something else you have to worry about.


I decided to go with a Logitech K840 mechanical keyboard. When I saw it in the store, I knew it was the one I wanted. It was a little out of my price range, but thankfully my wife @jamiekensell wanted to help with this investment. I believe this keyboard will last me for many years. It's nice to get that satisfying "click, click, click" while I type. It really sounds like I'm doing some work now! The construction seems great, it has all the keys I'll ever need, and it should be much easier to clean with these raised keys. It also comes with a one year warranty.

My mouse was also ready to be changed out, so I went with the Logitech M500 corded mouse. It has 5 buttons and a "hyperscroll" feature. The comfort of this mouse is great with a nice groove on the side for your thumb. I feel like I may have used a similar model to this in the past because it feels very familiar. It also uses a laser for tracking instead of optical methods which is great unless you're using it on a glass. The mouse comes with a limited 3-year warranty.

Are you using a wireless or wired keyboard? What's your preference and why? I'm interested to hear your experience with these devices.



Mechanical keyboards all the way. Heavy blue switches. Click click.

And there don't seem to be a lot of wireless options available, so...

I'm still lamenting my late Model M (original IBM) keyboard. Although I have to say I like the narrower "TenKeyLess" layout of my new Thermaltake, since I don't ever make much use of the number pad.

That Thermaltake is pretty nice looking! Also has a longer warranty than this Logitech. Nice find!

Agreed. I would rather use my slightly broken mouse that plugs into my computer than the wireless. I was never interested in a wireless keyboard. Makes no sense to me. It isn't a big deal to plug it in and who wants more EMF in the atmosphere!

I decided to try a budget wireless set when my last keyboard broke. I thought I would use it for gaming on the PS4 too, but don't play much these days. I didn't know much about EMF at the time, so now I'm really trying to make an effort to cut it out of our environment wherever I can.

There is so much that isn't revealed until the technologies have been fully integrated into society. Cell phones are a great example. Here's an article from an author on the Weston A. Price Foundation website: Link

I make sure to turn off my wireless router every evening and whenever I know I am not going to use the internet for several hours. I sleep better at night these days, since I stopped leaving the router on all the time.

Thanks for the post @rakkasan84!

Both corded. I hadn't thought about the unseen signals. Corded is more responsive, plus I'm at a desk, so it's not like the cords are interfering or restricting.

It was money well spent to know that it will last many years and that it makes you happy. Glad you like your new keyboard!

actually there's a wireless mouse from logitech that doesn't need to change batteries or charge charges automatically via wireless charging..

Cool, I have not heard of this kind yet. It probably means more EMF in the air however.

@rakkasan84 Thanks for sharing :-)
I am following
Best of Luck ! Resteemed.
Thanks for sharing. Like it. Resteemed

Amazing job! Followed...

I use a laptop so I guess you would say I am wired. I use a wireless mouse at the moment because all my wires were being chewed by various kittens and puppies, no matter how high and out of the way they were.

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