
I like to see cleaned GPUs and CPUs, sort of ocd lol..

You know I pulled the dust filters on my Silverstone FT 02 case the other day, it has 3 big intake fans at the bottom and they get very dusty. After, my temps went down a good 5 degrees C.
I suppose we notice more in summer heat.

Yup. The PC was running in the 65 to 70 degrees when I built it when AMD Ryzen went out :)

Now it's 70-75C. Much better than the 85C. Now in the night it should go down a little bit more.

Wow, I can see a huge difference! What is your part list and when did you build it? Do you have any tips on building PCs, because I am about to build one in 3 days!

I built it when AMD Ryzen 7 1700 came out.

You can take a look at this post where I show the PC and its parts:

You can increase the speed fan, and if you dont care you can work without the side cover, this take off me 10 degrees, and the cleaner take off almost 4-5 degrees! Consider buying another case ;)

I always have my fans running at 100%. Taking off the side cover doesn't improve the temperatures. It makes them worse. Also having the front fan as intake doesn't work. Having it as outtake really makes a difference.

I will try to get another case but for the moment this works.

I do not agree with you, maybe because I live in Venezuela, and the heat here is strong, but my pc is on a high desk, and the window is quite close, so maybe it makes a difference in my circumstance

Well, I'm also using the stock cooler, but it is really good as far as the reviews go. I definitely need a better case as a lot have recommended me that option. Here in Puerto Rico, the heat is really strong as well. I tried having different fan combinations and the one that really worked for me is having the side fan as intake and both the front and back fan as outtake.

Every PC is different. For some, some options work. For others, it's the opposite ;)

Not to mention, I myself have overclocked the CPU to 3.6Ghz out of the stock 3.0Ghz it is supposed to run :)

Aquello no va Moi :(

Captura de pantalla 2017-06-19 a las 22.55.00.png

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