New Media Psychology Digest #20180115

in #technology7 years ago (edited)

Greetings Steemers,
here you find a curation of my feedback on the posts I found this week.
You find the title of the original post with the link, the author, and the feedback I left in the article. 

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Philosophy x Psychology: Is It Really Bad that Millennials Are the Me Generation? By @thegiamarcos

It's a nice question I always face when I work with parents and teachers. 

Many adults think millennials and teenagers are egocentric and narcissists: they take selfies all day long, they look at the likes of their Facebook and Instagram, they spend hours when choosing the filter for their pictures. 

Actually, it's a short view. 

We have to contextualize the behaviour with the age and the times we are living. 

When we link the behaviour to the age, we see teenagehood and most of the times the years next to teenagehood are the years when boys and girls build their own Identity. 

It starts much earlier, yet the teenagehood is the great rush. 

So taking a selfie is not a stand-alone action, but it fits a more complex behaviour: the teen take the selfie, look at the picture, maybe he/she comment on the picture with his/her friends, tests many filters looking for the right one, and only when the teen has the approval of the friends publishes the selfie. 

Then he/she waits for the reactions of the online friends and takes feedback from them. 

The feedback shapes the future behaviours, and so on. 

It's a loop: the selfie is part of the test about the Identity, social feedback shapes this Identity, and so on. 

When we link the behaviour to the times we are living, we see the whole loop is the same as choosing a dress. 

Simply put, it's the same behaviour acted with modern means such as a smartphone and a social network. 

By taking selfies they build their body image too. 

The only issue I see when I work with teenagers and sometimes with millennials is the generation gap that is a two-way gap: adults think teenagers are too strange to understand, teenagers often are so autonomous with their decisions that forget they are still teenagers. 

Artificial Intelligence = Our Own Complex Human Intelligence? By @thegiamarcos 

Consciousness is a huge debate among AI experts, as social robots and emotional AIs are emerging in the Market. 

How do we say something has consciousness? 

If we think of consciousness as awareness of the environment, then few sensors are enough. 

If we think of consciousness as self-awareness, awareness of the environment, awareness of the internal process, but and most of all also awareness of the self-awareness, then things get much more complicated. 

I attend many AI events, and in most of them as speaker, and I see that most of the technicians solve the problem focusing on the perception of the users. 

So the more the AI or the robot are able to mimic human behaviours and interactions, the more they appear as self-conscious. 

It's a good workaround if we think of AIs and robots as products, tools that serve a purpose. 

New Media Psychology Digest #20180113

@nowonline asks: 

“How far we are from classifying a person by his profile picture? Are we making this yet?" 

Yes we are going toward the quantified Self theory, a Self we extract from our data such as our smartwatches data, but not only. 

Everything about ourselves has a quantity and a measure nowadays, so do our feelings and emotions. 

And as the research goes on, we are able to extract more and more inner data from our expressions, gestures, etc. 

Algorithms extract our data from our social streams too. 

The result? 

A new algorithm aiming to extract our personality from our face and match it with job offers, so that recruiters can focus only on the selected people. 

Some Companies analyse our social streams to extract our personality and match it with their job offers. 

Both of these technologies are already running. 

You find the previous posts here:

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