in #technology7 years ago

What did you see about technology?


To me, technology Now rules over every other thing as far as this century is concerned. I hardly see something without Technology involvement.

Every since Technology has taken all over the world, either you believe me or not, Tradition of what I call Olden System is not in existence anymore or to avoid much argument let me say the olden system had been modernized. I think the only thing we had in the past that still exist, is our local food and local languages. Languages are even to a reasonable extent.

Or, Don't you remember?

  • The olden days, it takes more than a week to send a letter from a rural area to mega cities.
  • In the olden days, we play the most games on the board.
  • In the olden days, we spent time looking for firewood, waste time on the lighting of wood and waste time furnace the wood.
  • Don't forget how scares computer is in the olden days and typewriters take the lead of making documents then without backup.
  • In the olden days, traveling may be majorly by bicycle.

But, Now.

  • With a text message, you can deliver any message to any part of the world with few minutes.


  • Now mobile device can play games

  • Stoves, Electronic Cooker and Gas Cooker now make cooking easier.


  • Computers are everywhere now, you hardly see type writes in any office, processing of information is now as easy as any easiest thing


  • Means of traveling easily now are as many as the hair on the body, talk of motorcycles, cars, ships, trains and even planes.


My Curiousness will be relieved with your reactions and contribute and I promise you'll hear from me soon.


God Bless Steemit Community

I still remain your boy @honourmaus


And to think that long distance relationship used to be stronger then without texting than now, smh

HUMMMM, funny!!! You still relate the effect of Technology with relationships...... This is interesting..... I think I can write something out of this

Things should be made as simple as possible, but not any simpler.

Can you relate that with technology?

Making Things Simple - The tasks should be broken down into series of simple steps without compromising any aspect of the task.

Making Simpler - The task is made deliberately easy to understand by ignoring the complicated pieces out of the equation.

I wonder how people's lives used to be in the past....
Life without internet

Na suffer head be that. 😂 we're now in jet age know longer stoneage. Tech has now made life easier.

Are you saying there is no adverse effects of Technology?

Then you mean, what you enjoy most in technology is internet?

And using mixer to bake instead of my hand

This is my first look at it thanks for sharing @honourmaus

We can not only see the benefit of technology without some adverse effect to health, ecosystem. Mcheww! It will take a big volume to write.

Hummmm! Bro you can write it, let's have your view sir

@honourmaus you beat me to this topic because I have actually started scribbling some points to nail technology in the head but nevertheless I will speak my mind concerning the issue of technology which is an offshoot of civilization. I have been in both worlds , by the virtue of having grown up in the village with my grandma and also having lived abroad for a few years and I make bold to say that in the long run we are not better off than when we started. Technology has come to us with attendant evils and no matter how we would want to explain it, Technology is basically what I call 'give a life and take a life'. It gives you one good and takes away a million . It gives you fertilisers to make your plants grow for self sufficiency and then in turn takes life by introducing toxins into our bodies. It gives you a semblance of comfort and in turn introduces more pain and discomfort. Show me the area of technology that has not adversely affected us and I will show you the superiority of nature's ways. Tell me what is the life expectancy of this present age, now that we have technologically engineered medical advancements compared to that of our fore fathers. All my grandparents died at over a hundred years still able to trek long distances without stress but here I am at less than half their ages and not able to walk some kilometres. Every thing that technology has brought us is killing us gradually. It has robbed us of innocence, of humanity, of our values..... Let me pause here because this is a very very exhaustive topic and moreover this is your post. Thank you for bringing out this topic. It's already a battle line drawn.

Hummmmm, If I am not wrong Ma, you despise what Technology has brought to us, quoting your word below

in the long run we are not better off than when we started

But what did you think is befitting us, the olden days technique of doing things or the modern Technology?

My dear technology has come with some benefits but they are far outweighed by the demerits. If I analysis them one after the other, you might see reasons with me . But let it be a topic for another day.

Technology is a blessing and a curse

Can you please give reasons?

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