How To Keep Your PC Protected From Viruses And Your Software Updated - Part II

in #technology6 years ago (edited)

Let's pickup where I left on my last post. You can check it here: Part I

Keep your software updated


So many people keep downloading and using software for years and they do not have any idea that many times they could save from headaches just by keeping their software updated. Updating your software will help your PC to keep working as smooth as possible and to prevent many crashes, freezing and resets of your computer.

My recommendation here is Ninite

Ninite is a package management system that will allow you to install multiple applications at once, automatically with almost no user intervention. Just go to the website pick the application that you are interested on and download the package, then double click over that package and the magic begins.

The best part of all is that when you need to update your software just execute again the installer your previously downloaded and the Ninite app will check if they need to be updated so if that is the case, it will automatically download the update.

Clean the temporary files and junk from your PC

Some times you will note that your PC is running slow and maybe some applications are not working as usual especially in the case of web browse you will note that certain websites take so much time to load or they do not load at all. This is could be solved deleting or cleaning the temporary files. Programs store temporary files in a temporary folder, cleaning these files will help your computer to recover some disk space and also lighten up the "heaviness" you have been experiencing.

My recommended applications to clean these files are:

Windows Disk Cleanup:


On windows you can launch Disk Cleanup from the Start menu-just search for "Disk Cleanup". It will immediately scan for files it can delete and display a list to you.


Just click over OK and the program will do its thing.


You can get it here CCleaner


CCleaner, is a utility program used to clean potentially unwanted files and invalid Windows Registry entries from a computer. It offers free version and two paid options. You could perfectly stick to the free version. This application is highly popular and is vastly used. This one is my choice to go. It offers beside the cleaning temporary files, an integrated uninstaller to remove any program from your PC in a safe way.

ccleaner 3.png

I hoped this could be useful to you. If you have any questions I gladly will answer you.


Nice little series. I gave an upvote and follow. Now if you can somehow stop my parents from paying for scam Anti Virus pop ups!!

Let's help each other grow! @mcdform

My Newest Post

I will write about it next time: web ad-blockers, you will get rid of those annoyances popping out of nowhere.

I just recovered my account. Sorry to all for the inconveniences and thanks for your help and compression. Fierito´s back.

Fishing alert! @fierito account has been hacked, this link points to ș instead of, the ș is not an s, it's a fishing site, if you enter your password there it will stole your account, it's what happened to @fierito.

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