Synergistic communities with NATIVE Platform

in #technology6 years ago (edited)


Difficulties to organize, participate, interact and decide in community

The dilemma of organizing around a common interest, getting resources to allocate them to that cause and democratically deciding how to take the best options for action and the optimal use of resources seems a challenge for all communities, groups and collectives that interact in our societies.

The first difficulty is recognizing that we have a special interest in wanting to solve a problem or satisfy some recurrent needs, that matters or affects many people, even with only having a special taste for certain goods or services that we would like to share with other people who have same affinities. Always organize and act collectively is complicated and the first challenge is to know, discover, know that there are many people who share the same idea, purpose or purpose. Many times we are overwhelmed in solitude, not being able to communicate easily with those who can understand us or share those same goals. Especially in large cities, we know little about our own neighbors and it is difficult to meet more people who want to achieve the same dreams.

Another problem arises after knowing and organizing ourselves, which is the difficulty to agree on how to find our common points, what unites us, and determine what we can do to achieve those ends. To reach agreement on a purpose, even if everyone has their expectations, and then to reach new agreements on how to advance in achieving those ends, that is, with what means we can achieve them.

Defined ends do not always make it clear to define the means to achieve them. In these aspects there are usually more debates and many options have to be reviewed, to determine advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and threats, strengths and weaknesses; until it converges into a community action plan.

Organized together

Once agreed on the action plan, it would be necessary to specify better the resources that will be necessary and the way to obtain them, either with the contributions of the members, according to their capacities and possibilities, as well as the way of procuring them for the help of third parties, who can make contributions to the common cause, such as sponsors or sponsors.

Carry all these material means, which will surely be of different nature, state of conservation or economic value in a common unit that can be valued as a token or community currency, constituted with the contributions of services, goods or material resources obtained. This diverse capital must be converted into a capital destined to achieve the common goal and could also be unified as chips of equivalent value assigned to each participation according to their possibilities of participation.

The possibility of having a material unit that serves to unify these contributions and that is easy to accumulate, drop by drop, requires deciding on a common monetary unit accessible to its participants; is to share the solution to the problem with a symbolic value that unifies more and join alliances.

Lastly, but which is required from the beginning of the process, the forms of collective decision making, the exercise of a direct, participatory and protagonist democracy of the members of the community, without the cumbersome meetings or without complicated bureaucratic representations that kidnap the power of decision of the majorities with decisions of the second degree. The means to make decisions collectively in real time and with transparency, not only at the end of a dilemma, but throughout the process, which serves to know the different visions of the problem or need to satisfy, that can provide new paradigms and evaluate all the possibilities, and allow easy to decide collectively creating consensus, devising positions of equality between the opposing options or, simply, voting by majority of the group, especially to decide the way in which the contributions and resources will be invested and satisfy to the full community.

These problems could easily be solved with the use of digital platforms specially designed for the management of communities created around a common goal, such as the advances of the Native Platform.

¿How to create, interact and maintain your own communities?

The current world advances in the use of technologies to facilitate the day-to-day processes and to be able to achieve greater achievements with fewer resources by working with groups; But creating, organizing, participating and maintaining the cohesion of groups and communities of interests also requires time, effort and resources. With the technological possibilities of today, it is very easy to create communities of people with the same interests, in which each one can participate with small contributions of time, effort and decision, which when added as a collective, give synergetic results greater than those that could be achieved with the simple sum of your actions.

This magic is produced by the use of technological platforms in which the unification of interests and objectives, the contribution of resources and the decision making for the best use of these resources is easily done through the virtual communities, but they are projected towards the Real world with high positive impact results.

Thanks to the vision of its founder, Jake Vartanian, pioneers in the creation of cryptocurrencies, founder of Cryptodex, the first company specialized in launching tokens or symbolic coins, he could devise the use of the same digital platforms with maximum security to facilitate the creation and the functioning of virtual communities that have activism in the real world, since the maximization of the individual contributions of each participant adds in a synergistic way the maximization of community action. Just as a great weight can be lifted by many people at a time without individually being insurmountable, the social activism shared in communities makes the small contributions of its participants become great achievements and in a whole force if they are well directed, collectively. That maximizes the total action and raises it to higher levels than the sum of the parts.

With his experience, Jake was able to create six communities that served as a pilot experience and that now multiply many more around the world. From environmental groups fighting for environmental justice (Earth Guardian), a community of promoters and viewers of the conscious cinema (Imaginal Films), a technological community focused on pursuing the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations Organization (SDG Futures), communities to spread world peace with the use of emerging technologies (Peace Acceeltators), a community decentralized by an open, agile and rewarding educational system (DOLO), to a community of fans of a series of cartoons (The Rick & Morty Crew ); they all emerged and grow more and more with the Native Platform.

¿How to build communities for common purposes?

The Native platform is built by Ethereum, which makes it easier to create your own symbolic coins, unique to each community, with the same support, transparency and seriousness of the main cryptocurrencies of the world, which facilitates confidence, security and collective participation in the taking of decisions, which in turn translate into new alliances that generate new resources and possibilities. This form allows the actions of the collective to be strengthened more and join more and more participants, which increases the strength of the group and reduces the workload seen individually.

In all the basic problems of organizations, from how to get to know each other, how to inform and sensitize others to join in a common cause, how to make material contributions and investments to obtain resources and how to make the decisions to execute the prioritized actions are collectively now an issue solved with the use of the Native Platform, in whose results each participant wins to the extent that more contributions are made to achieve the common action. With this platform the action of the collective is greatly facilitated, because with the adoption of a single symbolic currency that is translated into contributions by its members, as well as in the contributions of sponsors and sponsors, action options are generated for the use of resources that are proposed and, with this, facilitate their decision for the achievement of that coveted common goal.

The purpose of Native is to enable virtual communities to create and launch their own unique community currencies, with the same functional, quality and security standards, which include membership certification, the possibilities of multiple transactions within and outside the community. , as agreed, and the decision power of its members, by using the vote for each action. It is almost a temptation that a form of government of this nature is only achievable by communities, when in many parts of the world there are no democratic exercises for the transcendental decision-making of peoples, much less transparent exercises in the use of public resources, at the sight and decision of all.

For the management of the community just define: a) Unique Community Token: Virtual Currency or Community File is issued, which grants the symbolism of its membership, allows to create the resources of the community and use them as a means of exchange. b) Polls: Surveys that allow the exercise of the vote, members have the ability to vote on polls to contribute their feedback to the community and to contribute with their decisions, observations and comments to the achievement of the purposes of the community. This make easy the comunity,s works and chores. c) The Projects: Members have voice in how the pool os resources must bu used, they can decide on the projects the community pursues, since in the search of those ends a plan of action must be generated, this platform allows to unify the ideas to make them concrete in projects, which can be monitored and assigned in their execution the resources contributed or received. d)Tasks: Members can complete important tasks, that enable other members to make material or labor contributions in exchange for the equivalent in the symbolic currency or community record. In this way, the Native Platform allows people with similar interests the possibility and facility to create a community economy and unify their mental and financial resources to seek the achievement of those ends. Curators are created to create and maintain the community, who are the administrators of each community; the members themselves, who come together to share their common interests, values and objectives, which decide on the use of community capital and how they should be invested in the action plan, and which in turn can be a simultaneous part of other communities; and the container with the accumulated amount, visible at all times, indicating the capital available and the forms of participation for its revaluation or maximization in the action plan. Already many people of the world would like and even within the developed countries themselves to have a community government that is as democratic, transparent and effective as the communities created by the Native platform.

First Communities

Native Launched with 6 Pilot Communities:

  • Earth Guardians is a Boulder, Colorado based non-profit that engages young people in programs to empower and amplify their voice, specifically around environmental justice.
  • Imaginal Films is a community of conscious film enthusiasts: filmmakers, viewers, and funders convened in one digital ecosystem to collectively develop, produce and distribute conscious films.
  • SDG Futures is a decentralized and distributed communities and technology stack for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Peace Accelerators is a New-York-based non-profit that is committed to accelerating the spread of global peace by using a community-driven, tech-centric, and future-forward perspective to devise solutions that leverage emergent technologies for the betterment of humanity.
  • DOLO is a decentralized open learning organization working to iterate towards a future of smart education that is more open, agile, and rewarding for all stakeholders.
  • The Rick & Morty Crew is a collective of fans committed to embracing all things wubalubadubdub!

¿Want to earn extra NTV tokens?

CateredContent is running a Native writing event for Medium and Reddit. Feel free to participate their as well to earn NTV tokens! The prize pool is 1,500 NTV (~500USD) on



Take a look at Native 's project

The founder of Native

Know the Master Mind of Native, Jake Vartanian is the founder of native and Cryptodex. If you want to know more about Jake Vartanian Click Jake vartanian.


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