RE: 2040: 90% Of Traditional Jobs Eliminated
Great post! I've been fascinated by this subject for years. AI, 3D Printing, Cloud computing and the blockchain are really what is causing a major shift. On one hand, there's technological progress and a higher standard of living, but on the other, there is job loss and a decreased standard of living.
The example that hits closest to home for me is day to day banking. Here in the UK I've witnessed the tellers disappear, almost overnight. Not sure if it's overall a good or a bad thing yet, but here is a graphic that might interest you:
According to this, all human jobs will be replaced with full automation in a little over 120 years. I would say even sooner.
Here is a documentary your post reminded me of as well, you might have seen it:
Will Work For Free is a documentary by Sam Vallely on the subject of technological unemployment.