The Growing Trend Of Live Streaming Funerals

Access to WiFi might not be a concern for everyone when they go to a funeral home, but it is for many. And as a consequence, a growing number of funeral homes have been opting for WiFi and live-streaming services.

They've also been trying to employ other competitive marketing tactics as well, in order to try and set themselves apart from the competition. Funeral homes and services have certainly come a long way.

One funeral home in South Carolina wanted to put a Starbucks right inside their venue. Another one, looking to make the experience a bit more interactive for the guests, invites loved ones to participate directly in the cremation process of the deceased.

Live streaming of funerals has been growing in popularity and now more funeral homes are looking to start providing these services.

A recent survey by Royal London found that at least a third of Millennials would be open to watching the live streaming funeral service of a loved one. And it isn't just a popular option in the UK either, the trend is growing in many countries around the world.

I could see the live streaming option being a benefit for those who live far away. For many in this circumstance it is often very costly to travel to the funeral event. This would give them an alternative option so they wouldn't have to miss the celebration of life for their loved one.

Some funeral venues also might not be large enough to seat every guest who wants to attend the funeral service (I've witnessed this first hand), and again the live-streaming option would help them here also so they could watch it at home or perhaps hold a secondary service in an alternative location for the overflow of guests.

It's become so popular that a number of funeral organizers are taking it upon themselves to offer etiquette tips when it comes to incorporating their social media use in with the event.

Not everyone is fond of the whole idea of live-streaming the funeral, some say that it caters to laziness. What do you think? Would you want your funeral live streamed? Or would you opt for watching one that was, rather than attending?

Surveys have found that with people aged over 35, they are less likely to find that option appealing. It's mostly the younger crowd that is showing enthusiasm for the option.

A few years ago it was estimated that almost half of the funeral homes in the U.S. were offering livestreaming services (roughly 20 to 30 percent), so it certainly is growing to become the norm not only in the U.S. but also around the world.

Tara Jacoby via Vocativ
Practical Etiquette


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so, yeah, that's creepy af

My older brother recently passed away at the young age of 35 unexpectedly and due to doctor error. This happened right around Christmas so many people were unable to come. We live-streamed his service on "FaceBook Live" so family and friends from far away could watch. It has close to 8,000 views. It was a beautiful way for people who couldn't physically be there still pay their respects and "be there" for the service. I understand to some this may seem "creepy" but it was special to us, and important that everyone who wanted to view it had the opportunity to do so. I know my brother Ian would be amazed at the outpouring of support and love that was made possible by streaming the service. Thanks for sharing this article.

thank you for sharing your story, sorry for your loss 🌷

nice info....thanks

Maybe I'm just "too old," but I'm shaking my head here.

I see this as just another extension of society's shrinking span of attention... as a result of which everything-- from food, to news to now (evidently) funerals-- has to be turned into "entertainment." They are no longer acceptable simply as the "things" they naturally are... somehow we have been trained that we should be "entertained" at all times. Without "going political," even things like major political offices are less and less "serious business" and more and more like a "reality TV show."

I actually feel slightly sad at the thought... because it almost feels like we are collectively being weaned off having an entire range of emotions that used to be part of the normal spectrum of human experience.

I'm 45 and I think it's an awesome idea. To be frank I don't really care what happens after I am dead. It was the relationships I formed while alive that will carry my memory. I would hate anyone to use resources they don't have to "duty sit" at a somewhat dull funeral. If I die I would love to have an Oprah moment....a car for you!....and you....and you...! A big yes for technology. AKA don't waste your money, I am dead and probably staying that way!

I have been saying for years, that when I die... I want a VIKING funeral. You know, when they put the body in a boat all alone and cast it away to sea. Then just before the boat gets out of sight, someone shoots a flaming arrow to set the boat on FIRE!

Putting this growing trend to work there would probably work well too.

Sounds cool! Just before I die I will confess to being a closet Viking!

Well, life sometimes need to keep up with technology. For friends and relatives who happen to be overseas, this is a good option.

This weirds me out, but personally, I'd like to be cremated into a firework and launched off... so if anyone would like to live stream that- be my guest.

I remember a while back a funeral home near where I lived offered drive thru viewings of the caskets where visitors drove up to a viewing window with their loved one placed nicely in the window. People weren't happy about that either. lol. I guess live streaming is understandable if someone lives far enough away. It's very impersonal though.

Please no. Just no

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