New Survey Finds Majority Of Americans Don't Want Drones Flying Close To Home

The global drone market is expected to surpass $11 billion by 2020.

And the drone market in China alone is estimated that it will reach around $9 billion by the same time; growing every year by roughly 40 percent or more.

Researchers, entrepreneurs, and consumers around the world, are turning to use drones for a variety of reasons. We can see them heavily used in the military, being used by the Coast Guard, police, medical teams and hospitals, private hobbyists, and many others.

They've been used to help clean-up after crash sites, deliver packages and medical equipment, fight forest fires, survey farmland, and yet there's still lots of room for growth.

It's impressive to already see the many ways that we now use drones in the market today, despite the restrictive regulations that are in place in a myriad of places that seemingly intend to suppress and make advancement in this area more difficult for private individuals.

For small drones, it's alleged that law enforcement and security are the biggest pushers for this segment, which is then followed by delivery services and agriculture needs.

And though there are many firms out there today who might be pushing to introduce this new technology into a variety of industry spaces, a great deal of people are still skeptical about just how full they want the skies to be; drones buzzing around for various purposes.

According to a recent survey by Pew Research Center, it's estimated that roughly 1 in 10 Americans would be angry or scared if they saw a drone flying close to their home.

However, a great deal of people also responded to the survey in saying that they would be both curious and interested if they saw a drone near their home. In comparison, those who responded saying they'd be curious were about 58 percent, and those scared was 11 percent, angry 12 percent. Also, the respondents of that survey were allowed to select more than one of the options so they might have selected both curious and scared for example.

They found that more men than woman would opt to own a drone and it's most likely younger consumers as well who would get involved with this technology the survey suggests. They would be those between the age of 18-49, which the survey showed had an ownership rate of about 12 percent.

More than half of the respondents said that they don't think that drones should be allowed to be used flying in close proximity to where other people live--54 percent.

About 53 percent also said that private citizens shouldn't have the freedom to fly their drones near any crime scene or accident. And roughly 45 percent thought public events should also be included as an area where they should be prohibited.

It's estimated that more than 800,000 drones were sold in the US alone last year, and the sales in this area continue to surge. And for 2017 it's already alleged that drone sales have more than doubled compared to numbers from last year. Through the years a greater variety of drones have come to market and you can now find a drone anywhere from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars; the majority of drones that are sold are those that are under $300.

PEW Research Center


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I feel that we are losing more and more of our privacy here in the city especially , everyday ! on top of the drones theres cameras everwhere then of course the internet ! I will be glad to move out to my country property next summer an hour from town wheres theres at least a little more Freedom and Privacy Plus no more Rent to pay ! haha super bonus !! Great post @doitvoluntarily ! thanks for keeping us informed my friend ! Upped and resteeemed !!💕😀👍😀👍😀👍😀👍

I feel like technogoly invades the right to privacy but the question is to prefer right to safety or privacy

they don't have to be mutually exclusive :)

I can see how this is a problem for homeowners. Considering the fact that they have no idea who exactly is using the drone can be uneasy. Sometimes we are concerned whether hackers can see through our laptop cameras and so for drones circulating around your home can be uncomfortable.

Yes, good point. I'd be afraid of hackers as well.

Very interesting the infromaquerido friend @doitvoluntarily, is incredible as in a short time these devices have had great success in the public, that growth every year is great.
As for whether I like or do not like this flying over my roof, it would depend on which agency is using it, if it is for the safety and well-being of people, they will always be welcome.
I take the opportunity to wish you a wonderful Christmas, that the arrival of the child Jesus brings peace, happiness and prosperity to your home.
Merry Christmas Eve

I, myself, have been curious when I've seen a drone by my house. However, I've always been able to speak with the owner as they are neighbors and nice people. Although, I could see if you were not on good terms with the person, or didn't know who was flying out how they could be bothersome for people. People don't like to have their privacy breached.

Hi @doitvolitarily , if you had a drone and you wouldn't have to care about any rules, Laws, limits and regulations, what would you like your drone to do for you.

Today I would have loved a drone that brings my Christmas presents to all the corners of the planet. This would have actually been really useful like a superhero dog.

I do believe we need a new term for small service drones. When i think about drones I quickly think about military drones, Aircraft without a pilot. But I seriously think little service drones would be an amazing thing in the future . And maybe the future is not very far away, I hope.


yes i would say doing my deliveries for me would be nice haha :)

@doitvolunarily - maybe also pick up your dry cleaning?
Can a drone walk a dog? This would be horrible.

I understand why people are so paranoid. We already have mass survallance of the population through social media, among other things. Imagine having government owned drones doing the rounds as well, or peeping drones whose sole existence is to catch u doing the nasty for the pleasure of some paid customer :P.

IMO its only a matter of time. Just w.r.t law "enforcement" its just more cost effective. For example why pay a cop to drive around and find illegal car parkers when a smart drone can cover a larger area for a lower cost.... In australia we already have "traffic enforcement" cars mounted with cameras that automatically detect if you are parking illegally and issue you a ticket in real time.... Drones are the next logicial step.

In short its all just a matter of when. Im not against drone use, in fact I freaken love drones. But as with anything else if you let any one resource be centralised theres always a tendency for those that control it to abuse that power.

Great post, and a merry xmas to all :)

thanks for your comment! happy holidays :)

The drone is welcome to fly over my roof lemme see how it looks like in reality, and i would gladly fly with thoa great drone that is used for so many things as long is for the betterment of the people.... Keep the good job going bro.
Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family.

thank you, to you as well :) cheers

Gee I wonder if it has to do with their privacy or safety! LOL Happy Christmas @doitvoluntarily. May you enjoy the gift of Christmas and its blessings as you unwrap the joy of the Christ child.

Americans going to shoot the drones

i think some folks already have? lol

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