How “Libertarian” Peter Thiel Is Helping Governments To Spy On You

in #technology8 years ago (edited)

Peter Thiels' company, Palantir Technologies, has been in the market of serving government agencies for quite some time, along with other corporations.

His company is said to have worked for many years already, in order to try and help the government boost their global dragnet spying capabilities that the NSA engages in.

The company itself is also alleged to have been co-created with the help of American spies, and it was founded back in 2004.

The CIA itself was even one of the early investors in the startup, via its capital venture branch In-Q-Tel.

The company has garnered hundreds of millions in government contracts, according to some estimates; we don't know how much specifically. The company has also been valued overall in the area of $20 billion.

Two of their main products are Palantir Gotham (which used to be called 'Palantir Government' and Palantir Metropolis. These programs are able to engage in quantitative analysis for hedge funds and banks, as well as helping to collect and sift through data for intelligence purposes.

Their program is flexible and has the power to be fluid, in accommodating a variety of requirements, rather than just being limited to carrying out one single action.

Co-founder Alex Karp, has previously taken a stand against government surveillance in the past. He's previously insinuated that he believes that we all need places which are protected away from the prying eye of government, where we can be unique and interesting; safe to be ourselves. Thiel himself has also previously asserted that his programs aim to protect civil liberties while still helping to reduce terrorism in the world, it even says so on the website. Heck, the company even formed a Council of Advisors on Privacy and Civil Liberties a few years back.

But Their Actions Tell A Different Story...

Thiel claims that he wants to protect civil liberties, but his actions show him putting in a lot of effort into helping the government increase their spying capabilities. And these spying programs by the NSA have repeatedly been deemed illegal by various courts and legal experts etc.

We know that Thiel himself values privacy, and he has demonstrated that by engaging with some of the most powerful leaders in the world, in secret, on the top of a mountain at a Bilderberg meeting etc.

Thiel clearly values his privacy, yet he pours effort into seemingly eroding privacy for the rest of us. But we shouldn't be worried, because the website for the company promises that they support both privacy and civil liberties. But for now, those are just words, and their actions are telling a different story, when Palantir is alleged to have helped the NSA expand and accelerate their unconstitutional phising expedition.

This relationship between Thiel's company and government spy agencies is said to have been going on for several years. Documents have also revealed that at least 3 nations in the Five Eyes collective, have employed the use of Palantir in order to gather or process data.

Crony Capitalism At Its Finest

Palantir is allegedly what enables governments to understand and be able to make sense of all the data that they collect, it helps them to sort through it. It's hard to imagine anyone who truly values civil liberties and privacy for all, to ever be assisting and helping these agencies in any way.

Thiel's company looks to have been funded by the CIA/spies, built in collaboration with spies, and is being praised by spy agencies/governments who use it. And how can one promote civil liberties on the one hand, while supporting and promoting privacy-breaching software on the other?

There isn't much in detail that is known about the company and their clients, because it's clear that while they are allegedly hard at work helping various agencies conduct their spying, that they themselves truly value their own privacy. However, it has been previously alleged that their clients include agencies like: CIA, FBI, DHS, NSA, and more. It also isn't just spy agencies working with them either, some of their other clients are or have been companies like Home Depot, Coca-Cola, and American Express.

If you would like to know more about the program and how it works/what it does, the history of it etc, please see the links below.




This was not pleasant to read!!!!

Good job on this one. Wow.

thanks barry!:)

I was troubled by this but not surprised, this is still on my mind, it is bugging me .

I guess we should not be surprised, seeing as how he was a founding partner of #Fascistbook.

Where is John McAfee when we need him. He is off mining huge amounts of BTC beside a waterfall on one of his properties in his server farm, LOL

actions speak louder than words. Haha mcafee is livin the dream!

LOL, he would be cool to have dinner with. No doubt.

" I promise you that"

  • John McAfee -- TM phrase lol!!!!

I'm an Intelligence Officer with the Navy. Palantir. Does. A. LOT.

? tell me more?

Both Konkin and several other libertarian thinkers warned of such behaviour. Cooperative Agorism helps with libertarian consistency. Put your mind to work where you mouth is.


A think we need to discuss the why. Why is it wrong for the government to spy on their people for the "greater good?" Because if it is justifiable for the government to spy on their own people, then Peter Thiels is doing the right thing.
However, if the government is grievously impeding human liberties, then we need to work to stop them.
So which is it? And why do you believe what you believe? (I think people have a right to privacy personally, but I'm interested in your opinion.)

Because at the very least they need to have legal cause, that is the premise of due process.. the cornerstone of the rule of law. Every single human being deserves to be innocent until proven guilty, and if officers want to infringe upon their privacy they need to follow the proper procedures and obtain a warrant accordingly. Of course over the years there has been a deterioration of civil liberties and introduction of kangaroo courts, contributing to an erosion of justice. The government, in principle, works for the people and not the other way around. They have no justification to violate the rights of billions of people because of some "greater good".. in fact much of the violence and death that they inflict upon the world is done under such a premise and it's nothing but a farce.

Well said.

I actually came back to this post because this has really been bugging me, since I saw this last nite, like, A LOT.

I want to giver' an LOL here, but really, this is nothing to laugh at.

#BillC51 in #Canadastan

I have fought that thing tooth and nail and shared it a million times the last 3-4 yrs online, done a lot on this and people are just sleep as hell and not paying any attention at all, the theft of #CivilLiberties these days amazes me.

Really was such a shame to watch!

Nesting/ -- Yes I had friends from there, they were at a bible college I was at --- I nearly had time in BC when I was there to skip across south to Seattle and visit but not quite.

I cannot remember, are you here too?? Whereabouts?? If you do not mind me asking

I agree completely, well said sir.

and who owns VOAT? Peter Thiel

In Los Angeles, where Palantir has been employed, "the smart policing that Palantir enables is all about results. After a year of more frequent patrols and Chronic Offender Bulletins in Newton, 70 percent of the identified chronic offenders had been arrested at least once, violent crime had fallen by about 15 percent, and homicides had dropped 59 percent, he says. “This was the biggest decline citywide. To have that kind of impact was a real strong message about how you can use data and make a difference.”

A 59% reduction in reducing crime is a phenomenal result; not to mention the child rape Palantir is helping to prevent before it happens.

Note to author, Don't believe anything the intercept says because Glenn GreenWald and Sam Biddle have a hate fueled biased opinion of Thiel for taking down Gawker; which Biddle used to work for. Source is at;

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