When work is taken over by robots!

in #technology6 years ago

There is much research on doing standard work even easier. There is a robot called Sophia. She is developed in Asia, and she operates there. She was used from April 19, 2015.

There is much serious work and funny ways to perceive life by developing robots. The most famous robot in the world is Sophia. She has her own citizenship. She is a social humanoid robot developed by the Hong-Kong-based company Hanson Robotics. She can do a lot of things, and also speaking. She has more than 62 facial expressions.

Things are funny when work is done even better, more thoroughly and more correct by using robots. Sophia is an example by programming intelligence on a machine-operated creature. She can do a lot of human movements and human things, and she has primarily a rational side.

The famous consultancy firm McKinsey has estimated that around 40 % to 50 % av all works in the business life today, will be executed by using robots in the future! That is much! This is particularly the effect for works and work processes that are standard operated. Then there is much variation in thinking and doing, the robots have not the capacity today of doing all operations correctly and precisely. So what should humans do in business life in future? We have to focus on thinking and feeling about processes and outcomes, and how we can do things and results in the organizations even better and even more sharply.

There are good and far less good things with robot. The main advantage is that robots can do work more precisely than humans. And main disadvantage is that these mechanical instruments do not have an emotional life.

The word «robot» comes from the word robotnik, and means a slave. A robot functions like an automatization of working operations, and/or it is executing routine work.

We are today witness to that it is happening something dramatic in companies having an automatized production, for instance in making cars. The first thing we are doing if by raising questions by how the production is. The next step is to make a robot, and one needs high competence to do that. Thereafter, we are using robots in the production. Robots are especially useful for processes that can be done in the same way from time to time. This is one of our societies most elegant and most briefly history of time. It the work demands changes in operations from time to time, the robots cannot be used in productions. There are much more works and many more experiments in different countries to be done on this area!

Robots can be used to attain reduced costs and/or increased revenues in business life, and this is always desirable for a firm. It is held lectures in mechatronics in different colleges and universities the world around. And this means that future is created in an environment with one or more robots. But heretofore, we cannot replace the human brain! Robots need to be programmed more intelligent with a high intelligence level to replace humans in organizations in the future! We wish this development and research welcome. But we need simultaneously to find other and better work for the human beings.

Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway 

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