"A Day in the Future": An artificial personal assistant… inside our head

in #technology7 years ago

"A day in the future” is a series of posts about fictional and "mundane" conversations people will have in the future. The goal for me here is to present futurists day to day interactions from a human point of view.

But first, I want to share with you some information about today's subject.


As probably we all know, Elon Musk is one of the most futuristic entrepreneurs in the whole planet, having famous companies like Tesla and SpaceX.

There is one company that is heavily backed by Musk and is not as well known as the other 2, it is called Neuralink and they are "developing ultra high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces to connect humans and computers." | Source

What are Brain-Computer interfaces?

Brain-computer interface (BCI) is a collaboration between a brain and a device that enables signals from the brain to direct some external activity, such as control of a cursor or a prosthetic limb | Source

A BCI is a computer-based system that acquires brain signals, analyzes them, and translates them into commands that are relayed to an output device to carry out a desired action. | Source

This means that each day we are getting closer and closer to achieve what we see in Hollywood’s movies. It is possible that there will be a day when the spies hack the devices that are inside our brains to send themselves the sound and the images that we see and hear with our own senses. On the other hand, it would be the best tool ever designed to diagnose mental and vision diseases, showing doctors exactly what our senses perceive.

Some of the goals for Neuralink:
  • Create new implants that can be surgically inserted into the human brain
  • Allow humans to mentally interact with the devices around them
  • Let humans amass data via the chip
  • Help out the medical field treat more injuries. | Source

This technology has its most obvious use in the medical field, even today there are examples of people being able to rudimentary manipulate a synthetic arm with their brain, similarly, people with disabilities (such as paraplegics) would be able to overcome their difficulties and gain some independence, but this has a lot of military and civil applications. Among them, one of the most interesting would be the power to dictate your thoughts to a computer that would "write" what you think, what I'm sure would increase by a lot the number people would devote themselves to literature, and even more incredible is that this technology could make a "telepathy" system come true, thanks also to wireless technology it would be possible to create a dialogue between two individuals just by thinking about it.

The way for this type of “telepathy” to work would be to “simply” transform our thoughts into words, and send this information using the internet like a regular audio for the other person to hear.

Another possible application of this technology would be the opportunity to visually design images like in Photoshop or Autocad, but in this case just by thinking without even touching a touchpad or a touchscreen. That is, computerized systems connected to our brains that will interpret our visual images that we think and transform them into digital images, which will undoubtedly greatly accelerate not only the development of these type of images, but also the visual communication between us humans. Sometimes an image speaks better than 1000 words, and this technology could eventually help us by providing us with new ways of communicating between each other.

Can you imagine a device the is able to project information directly in your retina, understand whatever you want to communicate just from your thoughts without you needing to speak, and besides is able to communicate with you directly using your auditory sense?

I present you here, a brief dialogue from the future between a man and his artificial personal assistant when going to a meeting

"A Day in the Future": An artificial personal assistant… inside our head

-Tom (thinking to himself): What a day this! I do not feel at all well and I have a metting with people who do not even tell me why we are going to meet, and to top it off we have to meet in person. What a day I am having ...

-Tom (thinking the words whenever he communicates with HAL): HAL, agenda of the day.

-HAL (at all times creating sounds directly to the brain and images to Tom's retina): Meeting with executives of Capitotal ‪at 8 o'clock‬ in the morning, in their corporate building. Do you want to arrange an Uber to pick us up at 7 in the morning?

-Tom: Yes please

-HAL: Uber scheduled, it will pick us up at our coordinates. Do I order the usual coffee for the trip?

-Tom: Yes, but this time with less sugar please.

Several minutes later…

-HAL: We should hurry a little bit, the Uber will arrive in 2 minutes with 23 seconds.

-Tom: All right HAL, please upload my presentation to your memory to review it on the way in my visual field.

-HAL: Presentation loaded. Starting sequence of arming the apartment’s security system.

-Tom: Thanks for opening the door Hal. Please schedule someone to clean the apartment while we are away.

-HAL: Scheduled. The cleaning unit will arrive in 18 minutes, and the temporary access codes have been sent and verified.

-Tom: Excellent, let's go to the meeting ...

Several minutes later…

-HAL: We are approaching Capitotal. Do you want to record the meeting?

-Tom: Yes please HAL. Video from eyes and surrounding audio. Start recording now.

-HAL: Recording started. I just contacted the Capitotal visitor system, our credentials have been successfully verified and they are waiting for us.

-Tom: Great work HAL, that’s perfect.

-Receptionist: Over here, please, Sir.

-Tom: Thank you.

-Hannah: Good morning Tom, we were waiting for you! and please forgive me for the fact that the meeting needs to be in person, you know how some of our bosses are, a little bit outdated ...

-Tom (communicating with HAL using his thoughts): HAL, who is she? I do not remember her very well?

-HAL (while showings the video on Tom’s retina of the last virtual meeting in Berlin’s offices 2 years ago): Hannah Kross, Marketing Manager. Age 45, extroverted, her social profiles indicate a passion for history, nature and astronomy. This is the sixth company in which she works in the marketing area. Her public photos indicate that she prefers to wear bright colors, in addition to indicating that she has at least 2 children and at least one grandchild, one of her children is a psychologist for AIs, and the other is an engineer working with the Space Elevator. Her parents died before the Singularity. Also, her life ...

-Tom (smiling to himself): Enough HAL, it's not that I want to marry this woman, I just wanted to remember who she is.

-Tom: Hello Hannah! I almost didn’t remember you from that time in Berlin ...

-Hannah: Yes, almost 2 years ago, and you have the same face that you put when you communicate with that intelligent assistant of yours when you do not remember something …

-Tom (blushing): Ha ha! You know how it is these days, and my memory has never served me right, just like my father's …

-Hannah: Do as I did and simply pay for a nano-neuronal treatment and resolve your issue of bad memory once and for all …

-Tom: Maybe one of these days, in the meantime HAL is doing very well ...

-Hannah: you named it HAL? What a geek! although that’s reason for this meeting today, our general manager has seen some your work online and he is very impressed with you, he thinks that you could be a good member for this company to improve our line of products for retro-geeks. That's why Daniel Faye himself wants to offer you a job, in person. That's why you're here today …

-HAL: Daniel Faye, General Manager and Founder of …

-Tom: Yes HAL, I know who he is, enter pause mode until further notice.

-HAL: Ok

Do you think we would one day have assistants like the one depicted on this dialogue?

Do you know what is HAL?

These are the previous "A day in the future" entries

"A day in the future": Using our body's kinetic energy to power a micro GPS

"A day in the future": Nanobots taking care of our health

"A day in the future": Being vegetarian without actually being vegetarian, thanks to tissue engineering






All images are from pixabay

Image Sources
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5

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final banner.JPG


Aren't we living in the future yet? ;)

Heyy man!

Well, when looking at gadgets like the iPhone X and it’s faceID, and hear about concepts like blockchain technology and steem... yep, these things clearly sound and probably are futuristic, yet they are our present.

Our future has crazy things for us. I have mentioned in past articles that I believe our long term goal as a species is to gather all the knowledge there is, to conquer our ultimate frontier, which is for now, the universe. Perhaps not enough ambitious? 😅

Yeah exactly in the present but 20 years ago, that is what I was dreaming of the future so basically this is the future now 20 years ago :D

That would be scary, and reminds me of some of the black mirror episodes =). I guess it would make life easier in certain aspects. But you would never be alone right? you would always have that personal assistant in your head

There would certainly be the option to deactivate it. A dangerous thing will be everything related to hacking. Perhaps one day we will have antivirus for our brain!.

About black mirror, yes indeed! There is one episode called The Entire History of You with a similar subject. In the last season there is also a new episode quite similar, in which the police was able to see people's memory to look for clues. Great series!

YES I remember that episode! Freaky stuff!! That would definitely be the danger of it

if you haven't read Aristoi you should.
or...read my books..that I'm posting on Steemit.
writes about that very thing...

I didn’t knew about Aristoi but the name seems familiar to me, I will be checking it out!

About your books I remember seeing them a few weeks ago, they look like a nice read indeed!

my books are WEIRD...i've been told that.
but they do address the issue of personal assistants in your head.
sometimes called 'alter-egos'

Weird is good!

I remember a movie called Her about a personal assistant in the form of a little device external to our bodies, I am sure you must have seen this movie.

What I didn’t expected is what those virtual assistants ended up doing after they realized they were too smart. Which was nothing bad for us by the way.

Honestly, I'm not a fan. As awesome as it seems, tampering with the human body is not a priority for me. And I'm someone who finds stuff like the deus ex and halo games really awesome. I honestly think an advance in consciousness is more important than advances in technology when it comes to humans. Maybe I will elaborate in a post how it could be equally revolutionary to some of the innovations in technology we are seeing.

Great article nonetheless, you really crank out quality my friend!

Hey bud!

Tampering with the human body

Well we are actually doing this from years ago. That's why things like this are possible:

I do believe advance in consciousness goes hand in hand with advances in technology, since technology brings us abundance, abundance brings us peace of mind, and peace of mind brings us a more advanced consciousness.

Looking forward to see more of your thoughts about this subject!


Way to slay me with that video haha, touche!
Great point, some advances in tech are absolutely amazing for quality of life. Abundance on the way! The reason I worry is because of the potential to manipulate tech.

I was reading some of @perceptualflaws articles about the maniuplation happening on a mass scale and it got me a smidge worried. We just have to make sure good wins over evil!

By the rate of how technology progresses right now, it is highly likely we will come to that future. :)

These days are closer than we think pal.

Personal assistant in the head? ha-ha... introvert dreams.

Don’t you think something like this will happen one day?

well, dreams do come true. being an introvert myself, this looks cool. although I'm not a fan of "cyborg" living unless it solves a problem, I don't see how having some personal assistant voice in our head solve any major problem except convenience, perhaps, you can enlighten me.

I also believe that there have to be some factors to consider before someone can successfully integrate an AI in your head. for instance we human already have a crowded mind with random thoughts everywhere. Can our mind successfully mimic this AI's voice and how will we know the difference.

I think one will have to possess a top-notch mental health to be able to infuse an AI into your head.

That depends what is major problems for you, because as a subjective concept it can vary from person to person. It would be as having a little know-all helper inside you, providing you with every information you need almost instantly.

Do you like to google things with your smartphone? Imagine a person from the 80s asking something like "why would I want a device that fits in my pocket from which I can access every information there is in the world?" . Its a very similar question to yours "Why would I want access using just my thoughts to every information there is in the world?".

About mental stability you are 100% right. New technologies need to be adopted carefully, the same happens for example with VR (imagine a child confusing a VR world with the real world, it could happen), but this doesn't mean people wouldn't able to use this type of technologies. Are there risks? Of course there are, but also benefits which are greater in my opinion. Either way, there is still a long way to go to be able to have interactions like that.

i just follow and upvote to your post ,, so kindly follow me back and upvote at given link ,, then i will upvote to your five more posts


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Already reported the guy :)