Get Ahold of Yourself

in #technology6 years ago (edited)

Public restrooms detect my arrival and turn the lights off for me when I leave. There’s a room full of motion sensors on the other side of those one-way doors designed to save energy which promotes a greener, healthier planet. Revenue is consequently generated for the company manufacturing the device which means they’re employing people, profits for the business owner increase by decreasing energy consumption, and the rest of us can relieve ourselves with little to no effort - It’s a win-win for everyone who has their hand in it:

Get Ahold Of Yourself

I pushed the door open to an otherwise darkened temperature-controlled room and before I could get both feet in the door every light fixture in there was illuminated. The public bathroom just knew I was there. I walked over to the sink and stuck my hands under the faucet, water poured out. I took them out of the sink and the water stopped. I put one hand under the soap dispenser and two shots of hand wash foamed in the palm of my hand. I rubbed my hands together and stuck them back under the faucet. Water poured onto them. I rinsed the soap off and took my hands out of the sink, the water stopped. I put my hands under the paperless dryer on the wall and a powerful stream of warm air dried them almost instantly. There isn’t a handle or button anywhere on the toilet so I turned to walk away and when I did it flushed itself.
Repeat steps 1-4:






Technology in a public bathroom, in the United States, is pretty sophisticated. Compared to an iPhone X, however, it’s just a room with a toilet. A public restroom and an iPhone is hardly a comparison. An iPhone can’t generate electricity and public urinals don’t come from the factory with Siri installed in the settings. They do, however, share some technological terminology: Micro Camera, Hands-Free, Battery Operated, Power Save Mode, Audio/Video, Factory Presets, Customer Service and Smart Lighting are a few of them but I’m sure that’s perfectly normal.


HomeKit by Apple: Motion sensors, Smart Lighting, Voice Activated Thermostats, Temperature Control, Outlet Metering - Everything necessary to make your house a Smart House.

All with the same award-winning patented technology.

Then there’s the other half of the world - Android users. The most recent Android release is the Samsung Galaxy S9:


I’m unfamiliar with Android cellular devices but I’m no stranger to Samsung - Their name is on our television and microwave and I’m sure that’s not all. Siri is an Apple feature whereas Samsung developed their own voice activated assistant called Bixby. iPhone X has facial recognition. Samsung Galaxy S9 has facial recognition and comes right out of the box with Iris Recognition. Iris Recognition?

Samsung’s development isn’t limited to phones and tablets, home theater, watches, video recorders, home security and navigation. They have a long list of home appliances as well, some of those include: Refrigerators, Washer/Dryer, Dish Washers and Ovens. A more recent development of Samsung is their interest in HVAC - heating and air conditioning, both commercial and residential.

All with the same award-winning patented technology.



I think about these things. Especially when I haven’t been drawing. You’ve probably developed theories of your own. The camera in the oven is the same kind of camera in the refrigerator and the bathroom light switch, right? Sure. But not the same camera that’s in a smart phone or a laptop. Ok. Smart televisions, back-up cameras, airport screening and occupancy sensors must have specific cameras, too. Smart lighting certainly means on and off depending whether or not the room is occupied, not smart as in artificial intelligence. And the motion-sensors are just a general, simple device that doesn’t activate unless it senses movement.

I doubt there’s anything to suggest these innovative giants would use the same technology in their smart kitchen and bath department as they do in their smart phones.


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Don’t forget to check out:

Heroinism - Saved By A Junky


"The camera in the oven is the same kind of camera in the refrigerator and the bathroom light switch, right?"

Are you using doublethink on me ?

That was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word "doublethink" involved the use of doublethink

and then you did it again here "I doubt there’s anything to suggest these innovative giants would use the same technology in their smart kitchen and bath department as they do in their smart phones."

Did I have to look up doublethink just now? “Guilty!”

Two contradictory ideas at the same time. That’s interesting. Yes’ir, I guess I did but in my defense, I hadn’t heard ‘doublethink’ til just now.

Earlier this week you used the wOrd resonate to describe what I wrote. Man that’s a really cool compliment. So when I wrote this one I was shooting for something that resonates again.. If even one person steps outside of their normal mode of existence the next time they use a public restroom practically efforless then it worked.

Happy hump day to the Privat’s!

You just want people to think of you when they take a dump? :P
That's actually the first time I hear that hump day expression, and I feel much better with my extra knowledge.

Well, for some reason I feel that this article might divide more than the one from yesterday, because so many embrace technology, especially on the block chain , we are already "avant-garde", so It's gonna be difficult to criticize the very same thing that feeds us all.
However , there's still a lot of people of this platform that are homesteaders, naturalists, and against transhumanism.

Because what you are describing, is the next step to "the internet of things", we will very soon have inside our skin technology that will allow us to interact with our environment, and then the next step will be for people to increase their performance by enhancing their brain with a micro ship, then the fracture, the gap between the people accepting this new technological world and the one rebutting it will increase each day, until eventually the one that embraced it replace all humans on earth to become human 2.0

“Next time they take a dump.” Laugh out loud, not necessarily! Just the next time their movement triggers all kinds of activity in a public setting.

“Might divide more.” Well I hope that’s a good thing!

“Homesteaders, naturalists.” Sure, I expect that But even they may have to go to an airport one of these days.

Thanks a lot for your continued support, @edprivat!

I'm confused... I do t know if I should wash my hands in the toilet or crap on my phone. Lately I feel like life is being flushed down the poceline sink hole and we dont even have to pull the chain...just stand there and watch it go clockwise down the drainpipe ( unless youre south of the equator or youre living on a flat planet). Film @ 11.

Just be cautious of the possibility of a selfie being captured during your confusion.

Hahaha… ‘crap on your phone’. Thanks for the morning laughs @carklevicci

A lot of people are starting to question these things at the same time. Remember in San Diego when we popped into that hip little breakfast joint after a night of yelawolf and beer? I went to the bathroom and came back telling you that the music was interrupted several times to tell me “please remain seated through the entire performance”, “please flush when completed”. It made me feel like I was under surveillance.

Our first amendments privacy act is quite a nice illusion. None of us live with any privacy. The island of people who attack those who try and get on their island, untouched by modern day society, they may have been right the entire time; the only people in the world with some variant of privacy.

Good, thought provoking post @dandays. Creating dialogue between people is the States enemy and therefore our best friend.

“Thought provoking.” Thank you! I appreciate that, especially coming from you. Whenever I can pull off something that interests you and your intelligence, I’m doing something right.

I’ll see you in some hours, thanks for commenting! Heart you.... All the time!

For a greener, healthier world, you have given us very good information about energy saving. I thank you so much for enlightening people in this regard. I offer my respects.😃

I’m glad you found this post useful @korkmaz!

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