How WORK will change in the future : the New Economy

in #technology7 years ago

Are the ROBOTS a danger for our future ?


We are in the age of technology , already knew that . We enjoy the convenience , the comfort , help in various activities , games, cars , TVs , phones ( here a recent MUST READ post , very interesting , about Nomophobia : ) , etc ...

It seems we have found the technological slaves ... or we have become the slaves of technology ??

Here is the problem , the experts say that the robots can take our jobs in the near future !


In a previous post I talked about Sophia Robot , a really human creation ( here the very interesting post - ) !

We're amazed for the moment , but I think soon we'll be really scared of what we have created .

The development of automation enabled by technologies ( like robotics and A.I. - artificial intelligence ) brings the promise of higher productivity (and so economic growth ) safety, convenience , efficiency .
So , the Automation , digital platforms & other innovations are changing the fundamental nature of work .

But how will be the impact of automation on jobs and the nature of work itself ?

... so they will replace us !

A survey conducted by McKinsey Global Institute predicts -> half of the work activities ( performed by humans today ) -> will be automated in 40 years .


central driver x many of these transformations , and it is technology

Here is a very interesting VIDEO about the robot revolution :

In a few words, I can say that personally I'm afraid for the future of my children ; that's because they will not have a childhood like ours , they will no longer know what nature is , being swallowed up by the growing technology wave .

Let's hope everything will be fine !

with love ,





PS : If you like my work , please FOLLOW @braveheart22 and you'll have the best articles & news , @braveheart22 promises !


                                      THANK YOU !

@ thank you ! See you on my next posts :)

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