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RE: WalkWithMe Dump Treasure Revealed - Two Working Computers! - plus Unexpected Surprise!

in #technology6 years ago

This reminds me of my dear old E-machine. I found it piled beside our apartment dumpster, so full of dust bunnies. I cleaned it out but it was obvious over heating had fried it's capacitors. So I went and bought a mobo, cpu and some new ram. Eventually I added a graphics card so had to upgrade the psu, switched the main hard drive for an ssd... Basically the only original piece is the case, there's a philosophical argument for whether it is still the computer I found🤔 Luckily it doesn't have to be pretty, it sits in an attic crawl space behind the TV image.jpeg

Love this tale of scrap hunting, used to love walks through scrap yards to find mystery prizes.


That's so cool! What operating system did you install on it?

I was able to get a free copy of Windows 7 off a buddy who worked at a computer repair place, and have subsequently been able to upgrade to 8, then 10 for free. I've tried to dual boot it with varying Linux builds, or running a virtual machine environment, but still find I like Windows more, even after a few years of macs. It fucks up regularly, especially when it updates the Windows before the graphics card, giving me a black screen, but I can stream my xbox up to my other TV, and wake on lan from my phone/use my phone to control it. I'm not code literate, so keeping it Windows simple works for me.

Funny coincidence - I just tried out windows on the dump beast. I was able to get a copy off a torrent site and then activate it, no problem, with the activation key on the sticker on the case! Not even illegal!

Added a graphics card and an SSD, and it's a decent gaming machine. Subject of tomorrow's post...

Now with two working towers I don't have to choose between Windows and Linux.

Macs turned me off when I discovered they don't maintain their OS after a few years - you've got to pay for something new or chuck your hardware. And their laptops are the only computers that physically die even when you don't abuse them. You need special tools to work on them and they are so shoddy and cheap inside.

I have a Raspberry pi 3 running Linux just in case I get bored, but I've yet to find a use other then for my son to learn coding eventually.

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