Have you tried the Windows 10 NIGHT LIGHT function to get the white light out of your eyes before you get offline for bed? It's great!

in #technology7 years ago (edited)

I hate Windows / MS a LOT... but this feature is great.

I always try and get offline by 10 pm EST at night.

I have always tried to get the general white light of a computer out of my face, right around that time.

That screenshot there is the slider and current more RED / soothing light on the eyes to start my eyes and brain "powering down" well before bed, which is clinically good for you.

I hope you can see the slider there, and the definite red tint to the screen........

Often I have a post drafted on the other computer and just have to walk over and click the submit button but that is it, no working usually after that for me, but the odd time.

I have been using this great feature for maybe 3 months or so.

Were you aware of this feature?

I hope you try to get the light out of your eyes too, 2 hrs before bed and knew that also.....if not, this post really may have helped you!



I run the Digital Detox series here, for over a year now, once a week.

Check that out too if you like!

Here is the last one from this past week.... episode #61!!!



Cool, i never noticed that setting and staying at your monitor until just before sleep is catastrophic to get asleep easy, thanks for this!

I also admitted, this post very cool, but Unfortunately, because I have not understand, but I will try it, thank you very much

I didn’t know about that function. It seems pretty useful and good for health.
Does Apple have this feature or not?

I've asked you before, how come you always upvote your own comments, and never anyone's posts???

That is very very bad behaviour here and others will find out and flag you.

It's very rude, to only vote for your comments and not the actual posts.

Plus I have seen bots UV your comments too.

It is all on the blockchain


You are pretty rude.

Glad you UV your comments to the top so everyone can see this and my comments to you.


This account is VERIFIED all day long UV their own comments, never the actual posts, and has been doing this for weeks and weeks since they joined.

I have asked them previously about this, with no response.

I would suggest some flags for this, which never ends on this account.

You are very rude. This is the first time you spoke to me. Up voting one’s own comment is not against steemit rules. I am unfollowing you now.

The votes on your comments are from one of the other 2-4 accounts I have seen in the past upvote your comments and glad that is on the blockchain now also.

Rude is not me.

Sick and tired of scammers, that is me.

Wow what a nice attitude of yours mate! well done, you just made yourself prominent of being a person with high nose. Keep it up and will make you a lot of fame in negative sence. Nice tactic to attract some attention though lol...

I have followed the scammy looking vote trails and comment trails with your account, the one here tonite in question also and a couple others seemingly connected to you guys, back at least 2 months.

For example, on YOUR account, all you seem to do is vote for and resteem the other aisha's work...


And it is pretty easy to connect both of your accounts here on this, all of a sudden commenting on and voting for each other here as well as every day.

That is scammy looking to me, and nothing has changed in the 2 mths since I looked into your accounts, on the blockchain.


Well thats what community means in real life! If I like someone and resteem them and uv them what's ur problem with it?

As well just checkout the word scammer and you will realise what scam really means and what you just pointed out is called favouritism not scam!

I think you should hold your horses mate and politely ask someone for response. You just blasted at that comment.

As well dnt waste ur valuable time in connecting both of us, as we are already well connected via marriage!

Sadly this is not abuse, just really poor etiquette and extremely annoying. It's common for small accounts to follow those they see as influencers and then try to get a free vote from them by making their comment more visible.

It wouldn't fall within the @steemcleaners scope unless the comments are the same message copy pasted over and over (that would be spam and for @spaminator).

would you like to comment on the etiquettes of the person who made the above aggressive comments on a genuine comment on his post ??? Shouldn’t his aggressive behavior be considered abusive on steemit platform????


It is rude to vote your own comments and not the post itself.

No, because you have been questioned about this before, asked to stop, refused to reply to people about it, and that is serial bad behaviour on here.

All my comments to you relate to good behaviour on here, and the proof is on the blockchain, as I said

I have worked hard on here for a year and a half, trying to build a community and people like you that are selfish, are ruining this platform.

I watch things a lot closer than some people realize.

When enough is enough, I say so and I always give reasons.

Why don't you vote for people's posts and instead just your own comments???

I would love to see your answer on that! You've been here long enough to know better.

First of all , you are telling lies, as you have never spoken to me before, this post. Otherwise I would have answered, because I always reply back.

Secondly, I cannot upvote every single post that I read on steemit. I always upvote the posts that are really worthy of upvote. There are some steemians who produce such high quality work on steemit, that I can’t resist up voting their posts. One example is @pressfortruth. I have upvoted every single post I have read from that account, and reason is high quality content.
I never wanted to say this, but you have provoked me to say that , Your post was just average, so that’s why I didn’t upvote it.

I upvote my comment as a favor to myself. And I know Upvoting one’s own post or comment is not against steemit rules. That’s why I don’t see anything wrong with upvoting my own comment.

Does not seem like you are answering him. or being truthful...


Dodging the truths, spinning things and flagging my comments, because you do not want to answer them for your bad behaviour so I will just repost my comments until you actually answer me and tell the truth....

No, because you have been questioned about this before, asked to stop, refused to reply to people about it, and that is serial bad behaviour on here.

All my comments to you relate to good behaviour on here, and the proof is on the blockchain, as I said

I have worked hard on here for a year and a half, trying to build a community and people like you that are selfish, are ruining this platform.

I watch things a lot closer than some people realize.

When enough is enough, I say so and I always give reasons.

Why don't you vote for people's posts and instead just your own comments???

I would love to see your answer on that! You've been here long enough to know better.

I have replied to you before and I am replying to you here again, here is my reply, it's similar to the reply, I gave to your previous exact same comment:

First of all , you are telling lies, as you have never spoken to me before, this post. Otherwise I would have answered, because I always reply back.

Secondly, I cannot upvote every single post that I read on steemit. I always upvote the posts that are really worthy of upvote. There are some steemians who produce such high quality work on steemit, that I can’t resist up voting their posts. One example is @pressfortruth. I have upvoted every single post I have read from that account, and reason is high quality content.
I never wanted to say this, but you have provoked me to say that , Your post was just average, so that’s why I didn’t upvote it.

Thirdly, I upvote my comment as a favor to myself. And I know Upvoting one’s own post or comment is not against steemit rules. That’s why I don’t see anything wrong with upvoting my own comment.

Forth point is that, why do YOU always upvote your own post and not upvote other posts or other people’s comments on your posts ????
According to your own previous allegations this is a very very bad behavior, and very rude and selfish.

So from Your own previous remarks, you are very rude and selfish person with very very bad behavior.

Fifth and the last point is that, Your comments on steemit, are enough, to know that you are a person of ill behavior. Look at your choice of harsh words, and false allegations, that you showered on someone, who wrote a genuine and polite comment on your post.

I have unfollowed you and am reporting you.


I came in here off a mention as an impartial party. I don't know you and I don't know him. From reading your comment, one would assume that you were commenting for the above stated reasons and I'm betting this is why he's upset. If you had said "hey I read your post but I thought it wasn't worth upvoting, but I'm still putting in my 2 cents" then he probably would've gotten pretty pissed off but your stance would've been clear.

Either way, none of this has anything to do with what @steemcleaners or @spaminator address under our scope. Actually, we just published a post about commenting which can be found here.

Why would you assume that ??? I wrote a genuine original comment that was in response to the topic of the post. It was not a generic or promotional comment. Still if you make such assumptions about me then it indicates your biased attitude.

You are saying, that, instead of writing a comment in response to the topic of the post, I should have commented, “the post is not good enough that is why I am not giving it 2 cents, nevertheless I am giving 2 cents to my comment”.

First of all it’s not 2cents , it’s actually 8cents that I can see on my steemit comment.

Secondly you are apparently forgetting that steemit is a “ Social Media Platform “ , it’s not a “Begging Media Platform “.

If we start writing petty and cheap comments, about cents and micro-cents that we give and take on the steemit, instead of discussing the actual topic (which I did) then steemit will be known as a “ Begging Media Platform “ full of cheap and desperate people only discussing cents and micro-cents.

We surely don’t want Steemit to have such a cheap reputation. That’s why it is better to comment on the topic , rather than commenting about the cents and micro-cents we give or take on the posts and comments.

Imagine Who discusses cents and micro-cents in real life social gatherings, or on social media ???
Don’t you think it would sound cheap and low class ???


Thanks for everything....

I am certain this whole issue of commenting but not voting is somewhere in either official or somewhat official etiquette/rules, because I have read it in such things on here lately.....

Not that this type of behaviour really needs a book, nor does it bother me if people do it once in awhile.

They flagged me so far for 2 of my replies so I UV it with low power to unhide them.

Flat out lies, they have been addressed lots here and like I said, you can see their behaviour/activity on the blockchain.

These are the only reasons I ever ever contact any of you, is after research, or comments to the parties, but usually always BOTH.

I am not here to CAUSE issues, but fix them, build community and have always done my part.

very good post, please support me follow back @muhaimin

Since I got here via the @steemcleaners mention I figure I should write a response to the actual post as well, particularly as in-depth commenting is a thing of the past.

Not a fan on Windows 10 or this type of features. In all honesty they irritate the hell out of me. I've got the F.Lux version of it which worked pretty well on the laptop but once set up on a dual-monitor desktop it became a problem. For starters, each monitor dims at its own rate and the colors look off. Makes everything harder to see.

I figure it'd be the same with the Windows 10 version. That aside, I'm on the computer to work, but I see your point (no pun intended). For the laptop in bed, hey that's great, particularly when the lights are off. Not for the desktop in a lit room.

Thanks for the reply on the WIN night light. It was not necessary but I smiled when I saw your comment and it is appreciated LOL.

I have seen mentions in this comment section on the f.lux as well as when I was looking up something for my post on it, so that was neat, lots of people seem to think it is a good thing.

Great input on your end too as to the issues with it, you are likely a lot more tech savvy than myself.

Thanks again for putting a smile on my face @guiltyparties and for the other input here.

Say hi to Patrice for me, I actually sent her a SBD last week just to say thanks again for her work on here.

No, I never knew about this. It sounds like a good way to protect the eyes. Thanks. Upvoted.

very good post, please support me follow back @muhaimin




There's also an app called f.lux that can do this automatically and with custom "temperatures." I'm not affiliated with them or anything, I just like the tool:


I know about this feature but I just realize right now when I see your post that this can benefit us clinically hehe, awesome Sir! @barrydutton. I tried to turn it on it really feels like it is already late in the afternoon, I think this will help improve my ability to sleep right away. Followed you @barrydutton, I love technology post, and I also write about them. I am glad I saw one of your post.

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